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  1. C

    So where did we leave off.......oh yeah .45 vs 9mm what's better???

    Just kidding. :eek: Here is a little handgun por.....ahh art to make up for my little joke. Teutonic Wunder Pistols Couple O' SIGs MMMMMMMP7M8AHHHHHHHH And the moral of this's all good. :)
  2. C

    Anybody Looking For Boondock Saints....

    It is at Best Buy for 9 dollars on DVD. Heck I'd spend more than that in late fees. I had to buy it. Just a little FYI. Chris
  3. C

    What's Under Your Tree This Year.

    I arose with a start and what did my wonderous eyes see under the tree......why ammo of course. Merry Christmas Everybody. Cslinger and Sheslinger:D
  4. C

    How do non-resident Concealed Carry Laws Work?

    I mean do you just write them a letter, drop them your prints and cash and badda bing you have a non resident carry license for X state that allows this? If you live in a state that has legal carry but you get a non-resident carry license in another state do most states recognize this. I...
  5. C

    Revolver vs. Semi Malfunctions....

    Everybody who has shot both a revolver and a Semi-Auto, let us know if you have ever had a malfunction with either such as a Jam, binding etc. Don't count light strikes unless they were consistent and found to be the problem of the gun and not the ammo. I am of the school of thought that a...
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    Question about pre-ban magazines?

    How come pre-ban magazines exist for guns such as the Walther P99. There are a couple other firearms that are reasonably new production that have pre-bans available also. Why is this? Thanks Chris
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    Post Your Beauty Shots

    Ok, I am at work and rather bored. I won't call it gun porn but how about posting some of your pictures that you have taken for the express purpose of useing as computer backgrounds or some other esthetic reason. Not the for sale pictures but the cool ones. I will start with this one...
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    The Addiction

    Some of us buy a gun or two for defense, hunting or whatever specific purpose. That is it. Many of us buy guns because we like them and I think we have the collection instinct. I mean I like to shoot and I like to shoot all differnt types of guns. I can go to the range with four differnt...
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    C&R Rifles.....Why Is It?

    How come the M1 Carbine is not a C&R rifle. Hasn't it been 50 years since they were designed? How about a Garand. Not a rifle question but don't want to start another thread, how about the fact that both East German and Russian Makarovs are C&R elligible but not the Bulgarian....huh? Shakes...
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    Tennessee C&R Holders

    I am thinking about applying for my cash removal license better known as the BATF C&R license. I just wanted to make sure I have this right. I fill out the application, Form 5310 and I also fill out the Certification of Citizenship form. My question is who is considered the Chief Law...
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    Online Seller Feedback: Robert Johnson

    I recently ordered 4 Walther P99 full capacity magazines from Robert Johnson because of an ad he placed in the classifieds here. I just wanted to say that I received everything as promised, very quickly and it has been a pleasure doing business with him. If anybody is looking at buying...
  12. C

    Moonclip Tools

    Can anybody suggest some decent tools to both put rounds onto a moon clip and to take them off of the moon clip. Thanks Chris
  13. C

    Bored at work...just a thought.

    We always here, especially from other countries that Americans are obsessed with guns. Well I was thinking about that today and came to some observations. I am obsessed with guns but no more so than cars or computers or any other hobby one might have. In reality I only need one or two for...
  14. C

    Those with Walther P99s who want full capacity magazines.

    I just ordered a few full capacity 9mm factory magazines for my Walther P99 from Robert Johnson. He posts in the buy and sell forums from time to time. I spoke to his Mom on the phone and she was absolutely wonderful to deal with. Friendly, knowledgeable, and very helpful. The price was...
  15. C

    Finally Gonna Do It.

    I am going to go rent "The Boondock Saints" tonight. I have had so many people tell me I have to see this movie. I have been told it is a great gun movie, and I have been told it is a great dialogue movie in the Pulp Fiction, Resevoir Dogs vain. Well I like guns, I liked Pulp Fiction, I like...
  16. C

    Delta Force Black Hawk Down Game

    I just downloaded the demo for this and I have to say it rocks. I have played all of the Delta Force games both single player and multi-player with a group of buddies and this one is the best and it is only a beta demo. You really get the feel of the movie. Red dot sights on the M4 are cool...
  17. C

    So who is going to celebrate with a new gun?

    I know we all look for new ways to justify the next purchase. These reasons range from real defensive needs to protection from hoards of undead, ninja, grizzley bears to it is for my wife or girlfriend.....really it is. That being said who is going to celebrate the Republican victory with some...
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    Democratic Underground

    I just went over their to read some threads and you know what.........they are the exact same threads I have been reading for the past years from us. Yeah they have different views and a few might just be mentally retarded but cut them some slack. They took a beating like we have been taking...
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    Congrats! Maryland

    I cannot believe KKT lost. I didn't see that coming I tell ya. Good job Maryland folks. I can't stand KKT. Chris(The displaced MD Boy)
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    I've done my civic duty. How bout' you?

    Well, I went out in the cold rain and did my civic duty as an American and voted. We all need to do this. Kind of like exercising our rights to keep and bear arms, we all need to vote. I was a good democrat, I voted and voted often.:D Just kidding. Anyway like others have said, go out...