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  1. C

    Thinking about a J Frame Sized Revolver......

    I am thinking about picking up a revolver possible for carry duty. I really like the Smith Airlites and to go in the compete opposite direction I like the Ruger SP101. I want something with a hammer that will allow traditional double/single action and prefer .357, simply because I like having...
  2. C

    Coming Out Of The Closet........

    Ok, not really but......are there any other guys out there that think the S&W Ladysmith line are damn comfortable pistols? I guess I just have small hands or something but the grips on the Ladysmiths are very comfortable to me. Is is possible to get those grips put on an Airweight .357? Yes...
  3. C

    Couple O' Gun Questions

    A friend of mine is considering a Steyr M40 .40 caliber pistol. I know nothing about this except how to break it down, it feels good and it has cool stock sights. That is the extent of my knowledge. What can you guys tell me. Does it suck, is it a jewel, is ok. Second question, anybody...
  4. C

    Las Vegas Full Auto

    I have a buddy heading out to Vegas for a convention. Any ranges nearby that rent full auto?
  5. C

    Any Nashville Shooters?

    and if their are does anybody want to get together for a little shoot somewhere? Just curious. I am on a break from working and I really have the itch to do some shooting...........ahh that would be at paper targets not my fellow employees, so don't send a crisis intervention team or anything...
  6. C

    Talk To Me About Enfields

    My local shop has a Number 1 Enfield in .303 British and although the finish is a little rough here and there, which I see as character anyway, the bore is pristine. I mean the barrel looks as good as some of my new guns. The asking price is 130.00 OTD, and they will throw in some ammo...
  7. C

    Magnum Pi

    Ok, so I know that your average gun nut grew up watching Magnum PI, Miami Vice, The A-Team etc. and so forth. I am looking to find Magnum PI episodes on tape and hunting around on the net only shows like 6 episodes for sale. Does anybody know if the whole series is available for sale anywhere...
  8. C

    Newb Question About Storage

    I have a Remington 870 Marine Magnum 12 gauge pump. When the forearm is pumped or pulled to the rear the weapon is both chambered, cocked and locked. The only two ways to unlock the forearm pump is to use the unlock lever or pull the trigger. When I am storing the shotgun is it ok to leave...
  9. C

    CZ Kadet .22 Question

    Does the Kadet conversion only work on the standard CZ75/85 frame or do they make one to work on the compact or PCR frame. I know very little about the Kadet kit and have never actually seen one. Thanks for any replies.
  10. C

    Serious Social Shotgun

    Ok I am looking to buy an 18" barrel 12 gauge for home defense. I am up in the air between the Remington 870 Marine Magnum and the Benelli Nova Special Purpose. Any suggestions, horror stories etc. I have gone through the archives but found very little on the specific models. From a purely...
  11. C

    Help Me Decide

    Long time lurker, new poster. Hi everybody and thanks for all the good info you have unknowingly given me in the past. I am getting married soon and my wife to be asked me what I want for a wedding present. Well I can't decide being a certified, card carrying, gun nut just like everybody else...