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  1. C

    Why Would Anybody Want A .45ACP Revolver? Because It Is A Match Made In Heaven....

    ...That's why!!! I have to say that I have always been perplexed by the use of auto pistol calibers in revolvers. It just seemed so cumbersome and wrong to me. Moonclips, tools, etc. Well I am here to say the benefits far outweigh the negatives in my opinion. I recently picked up a Smith...
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    Range Report: S&W Model 17/K22 "Classic, Senseless, Wanton Fun"

    Well gentle readers it is that time again for another boring range report. Today's range report is brought to you by the letters S and W. Before I begin I want to say a few things about shooting. People shoot for all kinds of reasons. Some people practice, some people shoot professionally...
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    A Touch Of Class Comes Home To the Collection, Finally A K22.

    I have a goal with my collection to have an example of just about every action type in both full caliber and .22 Long Rifle. I have attained that goal to a large extent. I have, however, been lacking a good .22LR double action revolver. Well I had decided some time ago that I wanted a little...
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    SIG 556 Range Report PART III - For A Few SIGs More

    The following is the third in a series of range reports that center around my build up of a SIG 556 rifle. This report will center on the addition of back up iron sights as well as the first shots with some better quality ammunition. The previous range reports can be found here...
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    Extra Socks..Check, Underwear..Check, Shaving Kit..Check, Travel Gun..Check.

    So does anybody else have a travel gun kit so to speak. Whenever legal, when traveling home or wherever I can I bring a gun kit so to speak. Here is my current setup. So how about you?
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    RANGE REPORT - CZ452 Full Stock

    File this one under why did I not just do this in the first place. So as spelled out in this thread I bought I Savage Mako that turned out to be a lemon to say the least. So my dealer ordered me a CZ 452 Full Stock. I have owned for some...
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    Anybody Else Have Fun With Their Guns????

    No tactical this, no HD that. No blue helmets, zombies, goblins or home invaders. So who here has fun with their guns? I for one do. Show me your "toys", not your uber tactical implements of precision destruction. Sometimes I just want to play cowboy. :D Marlin 39A Golden and a Ruger...
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    1st Gun Of The New Year CZ452FS

    If anybody read my previous post regarding a Savage Mako .22 that I picked up you will know that I got a lemon. As dissapointed as I was with the firearm my local shop took the gun back without hesitation and immediately ordered me a CZ 45FS from the factory. The previous Savage thread can be...
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    RANGE REPORT: Savage Mako .22LR

    <Art's Grammaw had to clean up a really low-rent comment.> I have been very fortunite in my firearms purchases over the years in that even the ones that had minor problems or slight flaws were really not all that bad. I have never really gotten a lemon so to speak, well until now. I picked...
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    What is it with all the crazy shooting/killing sprees?

    Maybe I just don't get it. Maybe I am actually more sane than I thought but what the hell drives somebody to suddenly go on a killing spree. I mean what makes you suddenly say you know what I am going to get up tomorrow, take my wife and kids out, maybe take a few co-workers out and then put a...
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    So When Man Goes To The Stars, What Weapons Will He Bring With Him??

    Now I am not talking shear science fiction here. When man finally takes the next step towards the stars do you think he (or she) will bring firearms with him and if so what? Personally I belive that once we take our first baby steps towards deep space exploration or colonizations the...
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    What to do with gun junk acquired for projects that never got done.....I'll tell you.

    You gather it up and make a project out of something you already have. I cleaned up my gun junk today and came across a bunch of stuff I was going to use for various projects that never came to fruition. Leupold Scope, Rings, AR mount, Harris Bi-Pod etc. Mmmm me thinks why don't I just slap...
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    Range Report - Springfield Armory XD45 Compact "Ho Ho Ho, Now I Have An XD"

    Well here I am with other range report for the perusal of all of you gentle readers. Today we have the Springfield Armory XD45 Compact. That 45 stands for .45 God Bless America ACP. As some of you may know my last foray into the realm of tactical tupperwear didn't turn out so well with the...
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    My Little Suburban Rifle Range

    I just came in from a little plinking and thought I would share my suburban rifle range setup. I have really come to enjoy airguns not simply as low power practice for real guns but for their own merits. I bought my first adult airgun several years ago because I wanted the ability to practice...
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    So What Is One To Do When One Cannot Get To The Range? I'll Tell You What.

    One pulls out the trusty air rifle and happily plinks away, that's what. :D I really wanted to get to the outdoor range today but with scattered storms threatening and a weather radar picture that didn't look promising it just didn't look worth the trip. So what was I to do? So I pulled one...
  16. C

    I just cannot get enough of these J-Frames...Or I Got A 442.

    Well I decided I was going to get rid of two guns today, I know, I know never get rid of guns but I digress. At any rate I had .22 Magnum Marlin 882SS that I could never get to hold zero with a scope, even good scopes and an old 20 gauge Winchester 140 semi auto shotgun. Both of these guns...
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    Where Did All This Come From....or Reorganizing The Rifles 2006

    So I am out of work for a week due to recovery from surgery and decided that I would reorganize the rifles. So being bored and not being able to shoot I shot some pictures instead. So here is my rifle collection. My firearm collection goal is to have at least one firearm of each major action...
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    Possible Issue With Ruger SP101 .22 Long Rifle (Help/Advise Appreciated)

    Ruger SP101 .22 Long Rifle Annoyance (Help/Advise Please) I have a Ruger SP101 in .22 Long Rifle that is exhibeting some strange behaviour. After about 40 rounds or so it starts to occasionally spit, almost like being out of time, yet it doesn't happen with every shot. I have eyeballed the...
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    Quick Range Report of Smith Performance Center 681

    Ok so I might be a geek but shooting this today was a zen like experience. All that came to mind was the following. "This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or as random as a blaster. An elegant weapon for a more civilized time." Geeky, hell yes, but that is how I can describe my...
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    JLD PTR-91KP Range Report

    I don't post over hear much anymore but browse quite frequently. I know there has been a lot of interest in the JLD rifles and I seem to recall Wild Alaska trying to get a group buy together or somesuch. Anyway I figured I would post my range report in case anybody was on the fence regarding...