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    LaRue Tactical New Sales Policy

    LaRue Tactical has announced a new policy of applying each State’s firearms policies to all sales within that State including State/Local LEOs. So, in other words if a State restricts certain items from sale to the civilian market LaRue will no longer sale the item to any State or local agency...
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    International Use of the .40 S&W

    I was reading a Tom Clancy book earlier and it referenced Russian Spetsnaz units utilizing handguns chambered in the .40 S&W caliber. Specifically they were said to be using the Varjag MP-445 as their sidearm. A brief check on Google does seem to indicate that it is possible that they would use...
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    What is a Private Sale?

    I had a friend tell me today that he believes there is indeed a Gun Show Loophole that needs to be closed. He basically said that a private individual can rent a booth at a gun show to buy, sell and trade with other private individuals and no background check is required. He claims to have...
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    Anti-Gun Protest at GLOCK

    A group of protestor marched to the Smyrna, GA headquarters of GLOCK demanding to see an “executive” of the company. They were led by serial protestors Rev. Markel Hutchins and Rev. Timothy McDonald two individuals that never miss an opportunity to promote themselves. Company security turned...
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    LaPierre Before Senate

    NRA VP Wayne LaPierre will be testifying before a Senate hearing on gun violence Wednesday at 10:00AM. I assume this will be carried by CSPAN and possibly other news outlets. The NRA is also requesting that supporters of the Second Amendment show up by 8:00AM to pack the hearing room. So, if...
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    Own Any Guns You Have Never Shot??

    I was speaking with a neighbor this morning and he mentioned that he owned 16 handguns, so I jokingly asked how he decided which to shoot. He told me that he has only shot about half the guns he owns even though he has owned some since the 1980s. Basically he said he buys a gun because he likes...
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    Rep. Giffords Anti-Gun Initiative

    Today former Representative Gabrielle Giffords announced a new gun control initiative she is sponsoring that plans to, “raise funds necessary to balance the influence of the gun lobby". Funny, since the anti-gun folks have the full power of the Presidency and are funded by our tax money who...
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    Gun Control a National Security Issue

    Peter Bergen a National security Analyst for CNN is making the case that gun violence is a national security issue and thus gun control is needed. He spends a lot of time in the article attacking semi-auto handguns and rifles. Bergen uses some very “impartial” sources like Mother Jones Magazine...
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    NRA Statement

    The NRA has released a brief statement related to the recent events. They have stated that they intend to have a meaningful role in the discussion about gun safety and have scheduled a news conference for Friday.
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    The Gun Show Loophole

    Ok, I have two questions about the infamous “Gun Show Loophole”. 1) So, my understanding is that this has nothing to do with gun shows, but is simply a private sale between two individuals which could happen anywhere. Am I correct or is there more to it? 2) Do you see this as a Second...
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    American Guns Cancelled After Recent Events

    The Discovery channel has cancelled the hit show American Guns in apparent response to complaints after recent violent incidents. I realize the show was not really popular with most of us on this site, but should it have been canceled because of recent events. The show was apparently fairly...
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    Veterans’ Gun Rights

    Currently if a disabled Veteran is deemed incompetent to the point that someone else must manage their affairs the VA enters their name into the criminal background database and the person is prohibited from buying a firearm. Some Senators lead by Tom Coburn want to end this automatic process...
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    Ruger Mark II Grips

    I have a Ruger Mark II Government Target model with a 6 7/8 inch bull barrel. The gun is a lot of fun to shoot and is getting more and more use. So, I was thinking about upgrading the stock factory grips to something else and have noted a few options from the Volquartsen target grips to more...
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    Restrictions Gun Owners Want?

    Daniel W. Webster a professor and director of the Center for Gun Policy and Research at Johns Hopkins has written an article for CNN detailing what he believes are the new restrictions that firearms enthusiast support. He makes the case for closing various “loopholes” and requiring background...
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    SIG Adaptive Carbine Platform

    Ok, not sure who all received the email from SIG about the Adaptive Carbine Platform (ACP) they are now offering, but I thought I would post a link here to their video. The ACP accepts any railed semi-auto not just SIGs and allows the user to attach various rail based accessories. My...
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    Cook County Violence Tax

    Cook County politicians are considering adding a “Violence tax” to the sale of guns and ammunition to help reduce gun violence and offset the cost. These costs include medical cost of the uninsured shooting victim and the cost of incarceration of criminals. I fear we could see more of this as...
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    Military Suicides and Private Weapons

    There is an interesting article in the NY Times related to efforts underway to separate potentially suicidal soldiers from their personal firearms. Basically the push is on to allow the military to talk to the soldiers and their families and encourage them to remove weapons from their homes...
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    Selecting a Gunsmith

    Ok, I suppose this is just one of those word of mouth kinds of things, but I need assistance in finding a good gunsmith. I know a lot of local shops that have Gunsmiths on site, but I’ve heard more complaints than compliments. Currently I am just considering having some night sites installed on...
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    GLOCK 26 OWB Holster

    I would like to try carrying my GLOCK 26 in an OWB holster. Since I still want the gun to remain as concealed as possible I would like a holster that rides tight to the body. So, does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks
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    Gun Ranges & Alcoholic Beverages

    I attached a link to a story about a new gun range under construction in suburban Atlanta. The range looks to be pretty nice as you can see from the link to their WEB site. The range plans to have a lounge which will serve food and alcoholic beverages. The local city has just approved their...