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    AJC - Gun Control on the Radar

    Hey folks. For anyone interested the Atlanta Journal is running an online article dealing with gun control in general and specifically background checks. They basically have two gun owners offering commentary one who supports increased regulation and one who does not. They allow people to...
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    Jogging/Walking & Self-Defense

    A California woman was attacked and killed by pit bulls while jogging. Another woman tried to scare the dogs away by blowing her horn as she called 911. When deputies arrived they chased the dogs away, but regrettably the woman died in route to the hospital. What I do can barely be called...
  3. B Prohibited From Carry at Convention

    The advocacy group had made plans to hold their annual conference at Calloway Gardens located in Pine Mountain, GA. During the planning stages Calloway representatives assured them firearms would be permitted and even allowed the agreement to be modified to indicate it...
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    Executive Powers & Mental Health

    After recent failures of restrictive gun legislation Mr. Obama is now moving to use executive powers to restrict access to guns for mental health reasons. Currently individuals who meet certain criteria related to mental health are supposed to be reported to the NICS and currently 17 states do...
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    Empty Holsters and Campus Stabbing

    Sort of ironic that a college student decided to stab 14 fellow classmates the same week that the organization Students for Concealed Carry was conducting an Empty Holster Protest. Once again a violent individual committed to doing harm to others has picked a gun free zone for their attack. I...
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    Threat Reported Before Colorado Shooting

    The Psychiatrist treating the Colorado movie theater shooter apparently identified him as a danger to himself and others reporting him more than a month before the shooting. She reported him to Police and University Officials as required by law. Apparently the Police took no action as they...
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    HiViz Leaving Colorado

    It appears that Colorado is losing another firearms related manufacturer in HiViz Shooting Systems who have announced they are leaving the State. They announced that the corporate headquarters would mover first and then the manufacturing operations would move over an extended period to minimize...
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    Determining Collection Value for Insurance

    I just received a letter from my Insurance Company asking me to review my Homeowners Policy and see if the coverage is a still adequate. The thing that came to mind is the possibility of adding additional coverage for my firearms collection or as the Media would say, my arsenal. It seems there...
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    Obama Seeking to Shame 2A Supporters

    As before Mr. Obama is marshalling support for his gun control initiatives by using emotion and seeking to shame supporters of the Second Amendment into submission. While surrounded by Mothers of crime victims he commented on recent high profile school shootings stating, "Less than 100 days ago...
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    Juan Williams - Race and the Gun Debate

    Political Commentator Juan Williams has written an opinion piece for the WSJ titled – Race and the Gun Debate. Mr. Williams believes that the issue of race has been missing from the current debate. He points out some important statistics including the fact that murders with guns is the number...
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    US Senate Committee Approves AWB & Mag. Limits

    Ok, not really a big surprise the US Senate Judiciary Committee approved Sen. Feinstein’s assault weapons ban and magazine capacity limitation bill today along party lines 10-8. The Bill now progresses through the process and probably goes before the full Senate in April. While I suspect the...
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    S.649: Reid's Base Gun Control Bill

    The US Senate Judiciary Committee approved a bill implementing universal background checks 10 to 8 along party lines. If you remember the legislative process from college or maybe School House Rock the bill still has a ways to go, but regrettably it is still progressing. The sad thing is even...
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    GA Congressman Changes Position

    US Representative Phil Gingrey of Georgia has changed his position on potential magazine limits and now says he no longer supports limiting capacity. He said, “I have come to the conclusion that [limiting clip capacity] clearly would be a mistake — that it would not solve the problem”. The...
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    New Taxes & Fees

    In the past we have discussed the possibility of increases in Federal and State taxes and/or fees as a form of stealth gun control. Not only would these fees serve to limit the activities of current gun owners, but they would go a long way in discouraging new individuals from exploring the...
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    Are Pink Guns Less Safe ??

    In the 3/7/2013 edition of the WSJ Rhett Power has written a piece for the Opinion Page. Mr. Power is a toy manufacture in South Carolina who is concerned about the growth of firearms that he says look like toys. He makes the point that toy manufactures must follow certain regulations when...
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    Senators to Dine with President

    The AJC is reporting that Mr. Obama is hosting a dinner tonight for several Republican Senators hoping to gain their support for his agenda including gun control. The group includes Senators Chambliss, Graham, Ayotte, McCain, Toomey, Corker and Johnson. These Senators have shown willingness to...
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    CURE Videos: Gun Control & Race

    Attached below are a couple of links to videos from a group called the Center for Urban Renewal and Education or CURE. They have a couple of videos related to gun control and its roots in the persecution of African Americans. One of the videos is pretty in your face, but also probably an...
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    Good News from GA Sen. Isakson

    I finally got a response back from Senator Johnny Isakson to a letter I sent in January. Overall it sounds pretty good and he seems to feel Sen. Feinstein’s bill will not pass “Congress”. So, not sure if this means he thinks it could pass the Senate, but not the House or if I’m just reading too...
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    DOJ Sponsored Paper Contradicts Obama?

    The National Institute for Justice, a research agency of the Department of Justice, has released a White paper contradicting many of Mr. Obama’s statements and proposed polices. They point out that most of the current proposals would not really reduce gun violence. However, one concerning...
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    WSJ: Why Our Gun Debate is Off Target

    The Weekend WSJ carried an article by Dan Baum titled, “Why Our Gun Debate is Off Target”. Mr. Baum has written a book based on his travels around the country meeting with average gun owners. The book titled, “Gun Guys: A Road Trip” is due out in March. He makes the point of being a liberal...