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    Bloomberg – Everytown for Gun Safety

    Michael Bloomberg plans to spend 50 million dollars this year through a new group he has created called Everytown for Gun Safety. The group plans to target primarily pro-gun states and focus a lot of their efforts on women. Bloomberg stated, “You've got to work at it piece by piece, one mom and...
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    License Holders & Gun Violence

    Ok, Georgia just relaxed some of the restrictions on where a person with a Georgia Weapons License can carry a gun. While the changes are what I consider positive they really aren't a major change from what currently exists. However, many folks posting on some local sites are acting as if every...
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    Knife in a Gun Fight

    I generally carry a knife in or clipped to my right front pocket. Yesterday a friend told me I should carry my knife on the opposite side of my body from my handgun. His reasoning being that if someone attempts to grab your handgun you would instinctively grab their arm with your right hand. If...
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    Ruger Mark II - Loose Front Site

    Ok, probably over thinking this, but I don’t think it hurts to ask for advice. I was shooting my Ruger Mark II Government Target model and noticed the front site was loose. I assume all that’s needed is to tighten the one screw and accuracy should be about the same as before. So, should I...
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    Ruger Redhawk Discontinued?

    I was reviewing some product offerings on the Ruger Web site with a friend over the weekend and noticed they no longer list the standard Redhawk for sale. Does anyone know if this is a temporary thing or have they discontinued these models in favor of the Super Redhawk?
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    Michael Bloomberg & Georgia Senate Race

    Georgia senator Saxby Chambliss is retiring and the race is on to replace him. Today Michael Bloomberg announced his support for Michelle Nunn with a contribution of $5200 which is the maximum allowed. However, he can contribute larger amounts to her PAC and run ads of his own supporting...
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    American Rifleman Now in Top 25

    The Huffington Post is running a story on a report by the Alliance for Audited Media detailing magazine circulation numbers for 2013. One of the largest increases in circulation was for the American Rifleman published by the NRA. The magazine experienced a 29.3% increase in circulation over the...
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    Georgia: Safe Carry Protection Act

    For those in Georgia House Bill HB 875 the Safe Carry Protection Act has been filed. I’ve included a link to a summary at the Georgia WEB site and they’ll have a link to the formal bill when it becomes available. The bill includes most everything that has been proposed in the past...
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    Home Defense Gun for Inexperienced Folks

    A friend just called me and asked if I would help him select a handgun for home defense. The guy has very little experience with firearms and as a matter of fact said he’s only fired a handgun one time. So, I told him I would give it a little thought and let him know of some good options. So...
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    Atlanta Gun Buyback

    Atlanta just conducted a gun buyback event spending over $40,000 in a few hours. I suspect these events involve such a small number of guns that they have no real impact on the overall crime rate in a given community, but never seen any real data either way. It looks to me like it’s simply folks...
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    Executive Action: Background Checks

    The President has released information on proposed Executive Actions to make it easier to indentify and report individuals who have mental health issues which should prevent them from owning a gun. The release states, “Some states have reported that certain barriers under current law make it...
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    Arrested, Cleared, But Gun Not Returned

    It is often pointed out that if involved in a shooting you will have your weapon confiscated and it may be difficult to get it back even if cleared in the shooting. Here is an example of a suburban Atlanta businessman who was improperly arrested and even after the Judge dismissed the case can’t...
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    Mother Banned Because of Weapons Permit

    Georgia Army Veteran Tanya Mount like a lot of people received a carry permit and decided to post about it on her Facebook page along with pictures of kids Trick or Treating and pork loin recipes. Afterwards while visiting her daughter’s school she was approached by School Police Officers and...
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    Jesse Jackson Challenges GA’s Stand Your Ground Law

    Jesse Jackson and his Rainbow PUSH Coalition have filed a law suit challenging Georgia’s Stand Your Ground law as being too vague and unconstitutional. They state that, “People are being killed and or punished arbitrarily” and that the law is not clearly defined. While I support the concept of...
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    Guns in Cars and Mandatory Reporting

    The Wall street journal ran an article dealing with employees keeping guns in their cars on company property where allowed by law. The article covers some of the same arguments dealing with property rights v. Second Amendment rights, but did touch on one new trend that I find troubling...
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    Virginia: More Guns Does Not Mean More Crime

    The Richmond Times-Dispatch is reporting that in 2012 there was a 16 percent increase in gun sales while violent gun crime decreased by 5 percent in the same period. Obviously we’ve discussed in the past the difficulty and even danger of trying to draw a direct correlation between the two...
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    Child Shot as Father Intervenes in Robbery

    A person Police are calling a Good Samaritan intervened to stop a mugging in front of a Chase Bank in suburban Atlanta. During the confrontation the robber pulled a gun and fired into the Good Samaritan’s car striking his two year old son. The son was transported to Children’s Healthcare where...
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    Stray Bullets From Range Hit Home

    The Caldwell family of Carrollton, GA was awarded a judgment against Advanced Bullets Gun Range after claiming that over a ten year period 27 stray bullets hit their home. Apparently the Jury agreed awarding the family $175,000 the Judge also ordered the range closed until the NRA can conduct a...
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    Gun Manufacturer Leaving Connecticut

    PTR Industries is moving their operations from Connecticut to South Carolina in response to the vindictive gun laws implemented by Connecticut officials. There will be an official announcement at the ribbon cutting featuring Governor Nikki Haley in Myrtle Beach next week...
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    Ice-T & Ted Nugent Gun Rights Movie

    Director Kris Koenig has produced a movie titled, “Assaulted: Civil Rights under Fire” which approaches the current gun control debate from a historical and civil rights perspective. The film is narrated by rapper/actor Ice-T and features Nugent, Brady Campaign Rep. and UCLA Professor Adam...