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  1. K

    Veterans Day - Pics of Your U.S. Military Guns

    I'm not really a military arms collector but thought I would post this to salute veterans today. Share yours. My M1-Garand and Anniversary Colt reproduction of 1918 M1911:
  2. K

    Utah Sup.Ct- Right to defend one's self an exception to employment at-will doctrine?

    The Utah Supreme Court held oral argument September 3, 2014 on whether an employee's right to defend one's self constitutes an exception to that state's employment-at-will doctrine. The case is Ray, et al. v. Wal-mart, No. 20130940. As most are probably aware, the employment-at-will doctrine...
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    The FBI has NOT committed to 9mm

    Excuse the breach of protocol on commenting on a different thread but I thought it necessary under the circumstances. There's another thread going on about the FBI moving to 9mm. While that is a possibility, there has been no commitment to do so as far as I can tell. I posted the link in that...
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    President orders funds to study gun violence

    Since the 1990s Congress has barred federal funding to the CDC to study gun violence because of that agency's agenda on gun control. NPR reports that President Obama signed an executive order last year authorizing funding for the CDC to study gun violence. The CDC is offering more than $7...
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    Seventh Circuit says ArmsList not liable for listing a gun used in homicide

    The Seventh Circuit has held ArmsList had no civil liability to a murder victim who was killed by a gun unlawfully obtained after viewing an ad on ArmsList. The buyer was a Canadian who saw an ad on ArmsList listing a gun for sale in Washington state. After he purchased the gun, the buyer...
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    Don't routinely lube a pistol for defense? Try this.

    I have more than one handgun I carry (at different times) and more than one pistol I keep loaded at home. I found that I don't always lubricate them as often as I should. So, I decided to experiment with my Dan Wesson CCO which is one of my favorite carry pistols. Last November I cleaned and...
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    Bloomberg writer - a call for incrementalism

    "Why Liberal Attacks on Gun Nuts Will Lose a Culture War" -- I was excited about the headline, especially since it came from Bloomberg Business Week --- until I read the article. After predictably trashing Ted Nugent and Larry Pratt, and agreeing with what "liberal activists" think of them...
  8. K

    Man pulls gun out of ---- and shoots at police

    Yep, the guy arrested on drug charges pulled a handgun from the "crack of his buttocks" and fired two shots at police while he was handcuffed. Fortunately, the gun "jammed." Just like the news media, they don't say if it was a failure to eject, to extract, a stovepipe, or whatever. We do know...
  9. K

    Rights You Thought Were Protected by the Constitution But Are Not

    Rights You Thought Were Protected by the Constitution But Are Not I thought it would be interesting to list some “rights” a lot of folks think they have but which are not protected by the U.S. Constitution. In some cases, there may be a federal statutory right or court rule that provides...
  10. K

    Supreme Court - Castleman - Domestic Violence Conviction

    The Supreme Court has held that a misdemeanor battery conviction qualifies as a domestic violence conviction for purposes of disqualifying the offender from purchasing/possessing firearms under federal law even if the state crime does not include a statutory element that it was against a...
  11. K

    Breakfree Collector

    I didn't want to hijack another thread where this was mentioned. Has anybody had experience with Breakfree Collector Oil (not the CLP)? It is supposed to protect guns for up to five years and doesn't have to be cleaned off to shoot. I have some guns I rarely shoot and this seems like a good...
  12. K

    Washington Times - Top Ten Handguns

    The Washington Times has created a little photo display of the top ten (most prolific) handguns made in the U.S. in 2011 according to the ATF. Naturally that caught my eye. Obviously, whoever put it together knew nothing...
  13. K

    The Smart Gun is Here

    The long awaited (by the gun grabbers) "smart gun" is here. A complete handgun is sold in one store for $1,800. There are also a...
  14. K

    Do some restrictions on purchasing firearms violate ADA?

    The American Bar Association Journal (online) has a story where the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice is going after the Louisiana Supreme Court for its treatment of those with mental illnesses in their application to practice law, saying it violates the American with...
  15. K

    Anybody carry in a coat pocket?

    With all the winter we've had, I've thought about carry a j-frame in my outer coat pocket (in a pocket holster). Lots of days, I've got layers on (t-shirt, shirt, sweater, coat) and getting to a gun fast is not going to happen. Anybody carry in an outer coat pocket? Pros - cons?
  16. K

    Was this request unusual?

    We just bought a new bed from a national manufacturer which retails their own merchandise via local showrooms. The automated call setting our delivery window said to remove any guns from the bedroom. Now, I would do this anyway but I was curious if this is becoming common or not. I'm not sure if...
  17. K

    New Study -- Correlation Between More Restrictive Gun Laws and Higher Gun Crime

    Perhaps I missed it here, but a fairly recent study in Applied Economics Letters reaffirms a previous study in 1997: BTW, Gius made a similar finding regarding stricter "assault weapons" laws. He is careful to note that additional...
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    Korth Video

    I can't understand a single word, but that doesn't matter. The video says it all at Korth's website:
  19. K

    Surprise! Hollywood Producer Targets NRA

    Emily Miller of the Washington Times reports about an interview Howard Stern did with movie producer Harvey Weinstein. Weinstein, a big Obama supporter, says he is taking on the NRA in a movie he is making with Meryl Streep, "And they’re going to wish they weren’t alive after I’m done with...
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    State Legislator Fires First Shot of the Session

    Yep, we are gun friendly here in Kentucky. Just a few days after the legislature began a new session, a state legislator's handgun "accidentally" discharged today in her office in the state capitol annex. Rep. Leslie Combs was with another state legislator at the time. Both are Democrats. Thus...