Search results

  1. K

    Colt .357 Magnum -- first year production!

    I picked up a Colt .357 Magnum today from LGS. The serial number is three digits which puts it in the first year of production for the gun, 1954. From research I've done on the web, only about 15,000 of this model were produced before they were discontinued in 1961. They were Colt's top of the...
  2. K

    What does the Scalia versus Posner fight mean to the 2A?

    There's a decidedly uncivil discourse going on between Supreme Court Justice Scalia and 7th Circuit Court Judge Richard Posner. Both jurists can broadly be considered "conservative" though that means different things to different people. The problem escalated when Scalia co-authored a treatise...
  3. K

    Evil LGS Guy Strikes

    Yep, I've been reading too many of Aarondhgraham's posts. :D I had an errand to run that took me right by my favorite LGS. I was going to pass it up but thought I would pop in for a minute. Mistake # 1. As I was perusing the used revolver display, I saw what I knew to be a Colt revolver on the...
  4. K

    Army Awards New Contract for Beretta M9s

    The U.S. Army has awarded a new contract for up to 100,000 Beretta M9s. See story at According to that story, the Army issued a press release last week. I had not seen anything but maybe I missed it. Anyway, an...
  5. K

    Gold Cup Trophy -- First Range Trip

    I recently purchased a Colt Gold Cup Trophy. I own other 1911s but always wanted a Gold Cup and this scratched the itch. This is my second Colt 1911 on Colt's CNC machinery and the GCT looks nice. Slide to frame fit is much tighter than my "older" Colts, bushing was finger tight, and seems to...
  6. K

    Story about BATF having new forfeiture authority

    I haven't seen it here but have seen reference on another forum I frequent (and many other sites) about the BATF getting new authority to administratively forfeit property (including guns) of any substance abusers. All the hoopla was apparently generated by a story in the Washington Times --...
  7. K

    Anyone own a 9mm CZ Shadow SAO?

    Just wondering if anyone has one and what your thoughts on it are for a range and potential full-size carry gun.
  8. K

    A Bad Day With The Guns

    Nope, it was not a bad shooting day. In fact, I didn't get to the range today and, as the saying goes, even a bad day at the range is better than a good day at the office. I took some time to do periodic maintenance (applying lube and rust preventive) on some of my handguns today. I took the...
  9. K

    Questions on EAA Match 9mm

    I've seen posts, including one recently, praising the accuracy of the EAA 9mm Match. I am interested but have a question about grip size. My hands are rather small so not all double-stacks work for me (the SW M&P with smaller grip insert is fine). I checked the online sites of my local gun...
  10. K

    Had to buy a bear gun.

    I live in an urban area but there was a black bear attack on a hiker not more than 60 or 70 miles away a couple of years ago. I decided I needed a bear pistol in case a herd of thundering black bears rumbled into town. A .45 acp or .357 magnum was not enough. I needed a 1911 in 10mm. At least...
  11. K

    Don't trust a 1911 for carry? Try this.

    I like 1911s. That's what I mostly carry in cool weather when clothing permits. As big a fan as I am of the 1911, I know there are some shooters who don't want to spend top dollar and take a chance of getting a bad one. That happens sometimes With all the various manufacturers making the guns...
  12. K

    Court orders guns returned to blind man

    Four years ago, a blind gun owner in New Jersey managed to shoot himself (it also happens with sighted individuals). Police acted to protect him from himself by seizing six of his guns. After after a four year court battle, a court ruled he still had the 2A right to own firearms even if blind...
  13. K

    10mm Round for Defense

    I'm in the process of getting a 1911 in 10mm and, if I like it, to use it for defense. A number of commercial loads out there basically mimic the .40 S&W but I'm looking for something loaded a little warmer for possible defensive use. I've been looking at either the Winchester 175 gr. Silvertip...
  14. K

    Accidental Gun Dischage Through Mattress

    There's a story of a five year old girl who apparently jumped on a bed, causing a gun stored under the mattress to discharge. According to the story she was wounded in the ankle. Nothing to indicate it was life threatening...
  15. K

    Help me justify . . .

    the new 10mm pistol I just put in layaway. It's a new old-stock Dan Wesson Pointman 10 w/ adjustable sights (tan cerakote with black small parts). DW makes great 1911s and I got the gun at the old-stock price. I don't hunt with handguns. I already carry a .45 acp 1911, clothing permitting. I...
  16. K

    New CCO

    I picked up a Dan Wesson CCO a couple of days ago and took it for a short session at the range today. For those not familiar with them, they come in .45 acp and have an aluminum alloy frame that is officer length (one round less) and a forged slide that is commander sized (4.25 inches). I have...
  17. K

    Obama's Anti-Gun Budget Bill

    Obama's proposed budget bill contains a number of anti-gun provisions buried within in it. One provision would allow money to be spent on further "gun walking" by the ATF. That's being discussed in the Project Gunrunner monster thread. However, there were several other provisions Obama's budget...
  18. K

    The Magic Bullet?

    It seems like Sandia Labs may have developed the magic bullet, a bullet that doesn't miss! The bullet being developed is .50 caliber and is actually like a tiny guided missile. The bullet doesn't spin, it yaws back and forth...
  19. K

    DEA Agent who shoots self loses appeal

    Everyone has probably seen the video on YouTube of the DEA agent who shot himself during a lecture to school children about gun safety. He sued the DEA claiming they illegally released personal information. His suite was tossed in federal district court and the D.C. Circuit has now rejected the...
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    Another Dog Shoots Owner Story

    It's not the first time I've read stories like this, but I always find it interesting when a dog shoots his owner. According to the story, the man was duck hunting with his dog. He got out of the boat to set or collect decoys and...