Search results

  1. K

    Rights hanging on the edge

    From time to time, I've seen criticism of NRA for not having litigated gun rights as ardently as some would have liked over the past 40 years or so. Heller was propelled forward, not by the NRA principally, but by the Second Amendment Foundation. Since then, however, most federal courts have...
  2. K

    New Kentucky law to expunge some felonies and vacate convictions

    Kentucky has passed a law which goes into effect July 15th which allows some felonies to be vacated, the charges to be dismissed with prejudice, and the record of the felony expunged. House Bill 40 allows expungement of 61 specific Class D felonies (of more than 300 existing Class Ds). These are...
  3. K

    New shoes -- excuse for some gratuitous gun photos

    I acquired a Nighthawk Falcon awhile back. I’ve only put about 300 rounds of FMJ through it but love it so far. It’s becoming a favorite. Anyway, I thought I would share some gratuitous photos. The first photo is the first target I shot (rapid fire) from ten yards. The last is the obligatory...
  4. K

    District Court enjoins D.C.'s "good reason" requirement for CCL

    District Judge Richard Leon has temporarily enjoined D.C.'s requirement that an applicant show "good reason" for issuance of a concealed carry license. There is a story in the Washington Post. The story notes an earlier decision by a visiting judge (Scullin) which found the D.C.'s complete ban...
  5. K

    Ninth Circuit reinstates suit over zoning law restricting gun stores

    A panel of the Ninth Circuit has voted 2 to 1 to reinstate a lawsuit in Teixeira v. County of Alameda (No. 13-17132) where the plaintiffs alleged the county had improperly adopted zoning laws which prevented new gun stores from opening. I haven't read the full opinion yet but the court rejected...
  6. K

    Korth is here . . .

    Nighthawk and Korth team up and enter the American revolver market -- Models include the Mongoose which appears to be the same as the National Standard, the Sky Hawk which appears to be the Sky Marshal and the Super Sport which appears to be the same as ...
  7. K

    New CZ 1911A1

    I acquired a new CZ 1911A1. I haven’t shot it yet but field stripped it, cleaned out the excess oil, and then re-oiled. This pistol was nicer looking than I had expected. CZ did the right thing when they shrunk the billboard sized rollmarks they had on the prototype. The gun has nice, clean...
  8. K

    Obama seeks to extend background checks without Congressional authority

    The AP reports that the Obama White House is "finalizing a proposal that would expand background checks on gun sales without congressional approval." No direct word on what this will mean but there is a hint later in the story: "White House officials have said they're exploring closing the...
  9. K

    SCOTUS accepts case on Lautenberg Amendment

    Friday the Supreme Court agreed to review the merits of two cases (one joint petition) involving the Lautenberg Amendment. That law is the one which disqualifies someone convicted of misdemeanor "domestic violence" from owning firearms for a lifetime. Scotus Blog describes the issue as follows...
  10. K

    Ride of the Valkyrie

    This review is a bit long, so I've posted it into two parts. The first is about the Dan Wesson Valkyrie in general. The last is about the specific pistol I recently acquired. PART 1 In Norse mythology, the Valkyries were beautiful but fierce shield maidens who rode to the battlefield and chose...
  11. K

    City pays "protection" money -- homicides and firearms assaults go down

    The city of Richmond, California has been paying what some term "protection money" to young men most likely to be involved in violent crime. Essentially, they go through a mentoring program and, if they cause no problems for six months, get $1,000 per month; maximum is for nine months ($9,000)...
  12. K

    SCOTUS will not review preliminary injunction issue in Jackson v. San Francisco

    The Supreme Court today denied review of Jackson v. San Francisco, 746 F. 3d 953 (9th Cir. 2014) available at The 9th Circuit had refused to overturn the district court's denial of a...
  13. K

    SCOTUS says okay for convicted felon to designate someone to transfer guns

    In Henderson v. U.S. today the Supreme Court said it was within the district court's equitable powers to allow a convicted felon who lawfully surrendered his guns before conviction to designate a specific person to hold or sell the guns. However, the felon can have absolutely no control once in...
  14. K

    Colt seeks to restructure debt or possibly file Chpt 11 bankruptcy

    From Colt's website: Colt hopes this will save some interest payments, extend the maturity date on some of its notes, and enable it to better...
  15. K

    Blog article about visiting Buds Gunshop

    I was catching up on some reading and found a blog entry from a couple of weeks ago from The Firearms Blog about Bud's Gunshop. I thought some of you all might be interested in the physical facilities here in Lexington, Ky. Please note that I am not affiliated with Buds and I am not friends with...
  16. K

    What's your least favorite over-done thread?

    As the title said, which one of these threads do you like the least? I've participated in each and everyone of these types of threads. My least favorite? Hmm, probably the best caliber thread.
  17. K

    Colt 1991 (not a typo): POA vs. POI

    Maybe not for every shooter under every situation but the "standard" load for a 1911 is 230 gr FMJ traveling at about 830 fps. Distance would most likely be 25 yards. I'm not sure what a specific target has to do with it unless you simply referring to the size of the target. The Colt Manual for...
  18. K

    Shot Show - CZ confirms CZ branded 1911s made by Dan Wesson

    Just a bit of further confirmation (publicly) that Dan Wesson is making the CZ branded 1911s. In this video with the CZ rep at the Shot Show, there is discussion of the CZ 1911 beginning at the 3:40 mark and then the question is asked about the relationship with DW at the 4:40 mark. The rep...
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    CCL holder tackled in Walmart - Tackler arrested

    The Tampa Bay Times reports that a CCL holder was tackled inside a Walmart by a fellow who evidently thought the CCL holder was a criminal. The tackler saw the license holder place his handgun under his shirt out in the parking lot. The video shows the CCL holder was tackled from behind and...
  20. K

    Norc 1911

    I picked up a Chinese Norinco 1911 today from out of layaway at a LGS. I had always heard pretty good things about the Chinese Norinco, not to be confused with the lesser quality Turkish Norinco. Anyway, I saw it and liked the way it felt and liked how the trigger broke. It breaks cleanly at...