Search results

  1. R

    Value of 50 BMG wooden shipping box

    An older gentleman called me wanting information on the value of a wooden box used for shipping (2) 50 cal BMG's during WWII. He said the box was used to return his personal belongings from the Pacific to his parents after the war. Printing on the box referred to "Douglas Aircraft Co" and an...
  2. R

    Liquid/media in Vibratory Case Cleaner...??

    I have both a Dillon cv2001 case cleaner and a RCBS Sidewinder tumbler. Recently went to ceramic porcelain media in the RCBS. Instructions say to use it with water....and it works great, very impressive results. I see a number of manufacturers void the warranty if a liquid/media is used in...
  3. R

    Why I haven't been buying online....

    Availability..... Lately I've been hoofing it to different stores to get components, online suppliers seem to be out of so many items. Below is the result of stopping in at (2) Cabela's, (3) Scheels, and (2) Gander Mountain locations in the last two days. Interesting note is Scheels had the...
  4. R

    Ordering $50,000 a week....

    Stopped into the local gun store today to see what's on the shelf. Salesman said they are ordering $50,000 a week in ammo and components....unfortunately they're only getting about $9000 of the order delivered each week.....and that's usually gone in a day or two. Customers are scooping up ammo...
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    Show us your lowest $ price tags.

    Going through some reorganization and found these that....well, takes you back a few years. Pound of powder for $2.75......Got any old price tags to share?
  6. R

    Sportsman Warehouse Filed Chap 11 Yesterday

    When people don't pay their bills, companies have a hard time expanding the business to meet demand and prices will be raised to offset the losses. Federal got stiffed 6.4 million and Winchester Olin 2.4 million.,5143,705292485,00.html Sportsman's Warehouse...
  7. R

    Is this a good deal?.....

    Think I already know the answer....just got back from an (un-named) store and found 4000 bench rest primers, and a couple 8# jugs of powder.
  8. R

    Fruit pits, guns, and shooting the Kaiser....

    News paper clippings from 90 years ago, the end of WWI had just been announced. Seems local Iowa people hung an effigy of the Kaiser in the town square....when news of the armistice was announced, people got their guns and shot the effigy to pieces to celebrate. Not sure how they controlled the...
  9. R

    Olympic medalist reunited with stolen shotgun PERRIS, Calif. (AP)—An Olympic gold medalist shooter was elated to be reunited with her stolen shotgun Wednesday after it was recovered during the search of a parolee’s home. Kim Rhode had offered a $5,000 reward for the return of her...
  10. R

    Need your name this deer.

    You've all heard of the "Hole in the Horn" buck.....we need your help to name this one. Appears another hunters bullet blew a chunk of his antler away and then pierced his ear before we tagged him yesterday. Thinking the bullet went through the antler first then passed through the ear...
  11. R

    Let's see some slug gun pics....

    Post pics of your deer or slug guns.... HK M1 Super 90 with extended eye relief scope.
  12. R

    How many hunts from a box of ammo?

    Years ago I hunted Wyoming and ran across an older gentleman in his late 80's. He pulled out a worn 20 round box of 30-06 and loaded his rifle. He had six loaded rounds left in the box, rest were empty cases. All the younger guys were concerned whether they had packed "enough ammo" for the day...
  13. R

    You make the call...

    Our tags are filled and headed home when my son and I found this button buck caught in a fence. Hadn't been there long, leg appeared to be broken or badly how would you handle this? (I'll tell you later what we did).
  14. R

    Squirrel hunter accidental death....then suicide

    This is sad.....guilt of shooting his partner must have been too much. Hunter accidentally shoots partner, kills self ASSOCIATED PRESS • September 19, 2008 Woolstock, Ia. — Police say a man accidentally shot and killed his hunting...
  15. R

    A jug for your vote....

    Years ago politicians successfully solicited votes by passing out jugs of whiskey....sure many a gentleman's principles got swayed by the effects of the alcohol. If a politician were to pass out complimentary guns in exchange for your vote....would you trade a vote for a gun?
  16. R

    What's the purpose of this meat tenderizer thing?

    Pardon my ignorance....what the heck is the purpose of the serrated meat tenderizer on the end of the barrel? Is this a marketing gimick or something that serves a function?
  17. R

    Has the military ever used bows?

    Not sure where to post this....if it's too far off topic please move. Wonder if the military has ever used bows in special op's senarios or is everything firearms? Could there be a practical application?
  18. R

    Finished the "wildgame" room...

    Been working on remodeling the wildgame room....painted walls a darker color and added track lighting. Collected over 40 different mounts through the years, some are the kids "first" hunts. Too many for one room so a second room is in the works in our other home. The novelity mounts seem to get...
  19. R

    Opinions on Armalite AR10's....

    Have an opportunity to pick up this Armalite AR10-A4......don't know much about them. Quality? Accuracy?
  20. R

    After 20 years, poaching neighbor finally got his....

    For nearly 20 years we've had to put up with a neighborhood poacher. Drives around the area snipeing deer or anything that looks like a moving target. He's sneaky....authorities have been unable to catch him in the act. Has a garage full of racks that were taken out of season and with high power...