Search results

  1. S

    Any Bullseye/2700 shooters here?

    Anybody? On another forum one shooter made the point that he did not really learn to shoot a handgun until he practiced the 22 leg of 2700 shooting in college and that was my experience. Holding the handgun out in front of you really forces you to master sight alignment, breath control, trigger...
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    heavy Bullets in Small Revolvers

    Rereading one of my copies of Chic Gaylord's "Handgunner's Guide" (1960) he mentions the old 38 Special "Super Police" load, a 200 grain bullet. I recall an article in Gun Digest years ago recommending heavy bullets in snubbies rather than relying on JHPs that may not expand from a 2" barrel...
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    Here's a defensive handgun for you.

    On Page 38 of Chic Gaylord's Handgunner's Guide, he show a picture of a modified New Service with this description: "Detetctive Ganio's .45 Special. This compact 'Monster' is a .45 Colt Model 1917 revolver....This deadly weapon fires a 'hot' load of ten grains of Unique behind a 280-grain...
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    Where and when did hearing protection come in.

    Anyone have any idea when the hearing protection we use-plugs, muffs, etc, was developed? Was it during WWII, or was it from industrial applications? When I joined the Army in the 1960s we were issued rubber plugs in their plastic cases, I went through BCT in the Summer so we wore them in the...
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    Is the 30-30 still that popular?

    Is it? Often read how it's THE deer cartridge, at least in heavily wooded areas, such as the East. I have never been a hunter, and I live in a shotgun only state and most of my shooting acquaintances are paper punchers like me. So is it still the favorite or a favored cartridge, or is it losing...
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    A question to all our LEOs

    How much input, if any, were you given with regard to your department's choice of sidearm?
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    The Ruger Security Six

    The Ruger Security Six seems to be another gun that has no "cachet" and is rarely written about but is an excellent value and a keeper. I have a 6" Stainless I bought back in 1976-paid $125 IIRC. The trigger pull was too heavy for my taste, bought after market springs-Trapper(?)-now it a light...
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    Ruger GP 100 vs. Security Six

    Let a friend shoot my trusty old 6" Stainless Security Six he was impressed, then he asked me how does it compare to the GP100. So what ARE the differences?
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    Sub caliber combat training

    The late great Jeff Cooper emphasized training with duty or service guns, ammunition, equipment, insisting that using "training" guns and equipment was unrealistic and led to bad habits. On the other hand I've Massad Ayoob suggest using "training" guns-i.e. the S&W M-18 as a sub caliber...
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    Gunsmithing vs Johnsmithing

    Curious to know how our resident experts define the difference between gunsmithing-what those who know what they are doing do-and johnsmithing-what those of us who think we know what we're doing do-and what operations they think the hobbyist should NEVER attempt.
  11. S

    Anyone else rely on the P-38?

    Believe it or not one of my bedside pistols is my 1943 Walther (all matching numbers) P-38, loaded with W-W Silvertips. I am of German ancestry, German surnamed, this is my one way of connecting with Das Vaterland. This pistol feels good in my hand, points well, and is accurate despite a...
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    Rear Sight Pusher

    ANyone know of a generic reasonably ($100 or so) priced rear sight pusher/adjuster for fixed sights ? Brownell's has a fancy one, but at $600 or so it's a liitle much. In my case I have a rear sight on a .22 that is in there TIGHT and resists a hammer and punch. Plus I would prefer something...
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    To our California members

    IIRC there was an initiative to put the RKBA in the California State Constitution. What happened to it?
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    Voere 30/06

    Acquired this one a little while ago, barrel marked "Parker-Ballard-Wilimington' DE" and "Voere Kuestein Austria." Looks like your basic Mauser action, well finished. Are these good shooters?
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    National Ordnance M1903

    Acquired this one a little while back, 30/06, sporterized, RIA barrel marked 6-44. Are these good shooters?
  16. S

    Any SIG SHR 970 owners out there?

    I finally got mine to the range (only took 4 years), zeroed it at 100 yards using Remington 130 grain Corelokts in .270 Winchester (shades of Jack O'Connor). My rifle drew many appreciative looks and those who handled it oohed and aahed, were suprised when I told them it was no longer imported...
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    The value of gun registration

    A few years ago I mentioned that I had bought a couple of nice Colts at an estate sale. whereupon an older lady in earshot said "They're properly registered of course" I replied "They most certainly are." I didn't tell her the man they are registered to died in 1990.
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    Robert E. Petersen RIP

    Just read his obit in today's NY Times. We can thank him for Guns & Ammo.
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    Observations of a used gun aficionado

    For a variety of reasons-being a cheapskate is probably the first and most important-the vast majority of the 50 or so handguns that have passed through my hands-and the 40 I still own-have been used, or pre-owned if you prefer. In fact I have bought only 5 NIB in 38 years. I have yet to have...
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    Remington M878 and Weatherby Patrician

    I have been offered a Remington M878 and a Weatherby. The Remington looks like an 1100 but is different internally, (learned that from searching this site), I have found nothing on the Weatherby.