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  1. S

    Is there such a thing as "too close" ?

    Charlie Askins described the "belly gun" as one where: "You press it against your opponent's belly and pull the trigger." He was active in a different time and place, now I wonder if his definition is still acceptable, and if there is such a thing as "Too Close".
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    Phase out date for percussion and cap and ball fireams ?

    Anyone have any idea what time period-say 1880s or 1890s-when muzzleloaders and percussion gun finally way to cartridge guns for general civilian use ?
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    Drilling a flash hole on an India made BP gun ?

    Has anyone done it ?
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    Ethics and legality of headshots

    We have all heard the old "two in the belly and one in the head" adage, and an LEO in my town dispatched a gunman holding a hostage with a head shot. But it seems to me that really exposes you to prosecution, being labeled a sadistic fiend out to do harm instead of engaging in self defense.
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    Designs that succeeded in spite of themselves.

    Handling my Mauser M1914-a late one, made in 1934 I think, and my late production CZ-27, I note that both have somewhat poor ergonomics and a clunky feel to them, are somewhat tricky to disassemble and reassemble and lack features we prefer-slide stops, e.g.-yet both had long production runs and...
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    High Standard Victor ejector broke..

    After 45 years, it really didn't owe me anything. Has anyone else replaced one, any tips or tricks ?
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    "Hot" machine gun ammunition ?

    I have seen references to WWII 8MM Mausers with head space problems caused by firing "hot" machine gun ammuntion. Did they make such a thing. IMHO it would complicate the supply lines, as if the Axis supply lines were complicated enough as is. And would it fill a real tactical need?>
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    Suppressors-Manufactured vs. Homemade

    The debate over the legalization of suppressors/silencers make me wonder how many would buy as opposed to using homemade ones. I have zero experience with any "professionally" made ones, years ago a college buddy and I bought some of "those" books, went out in the woods one dark night and....I...
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    Practicing without glasses.

    I broke a long shooting drought a year ago, and found I shoot a handgun better wearing just safety glasses. I am nearsighted, long over due for an eye exam, the optometrist tried to sell me on bifocals last time, I find it easier to take my glasses off for reading, close work, etc. No problem...
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    Pros and cons of making one's own parts.

    I see so many messages from shooters looking for parts for...I often wonder if we shouldn't take a lesson from all those Afghan/Khyber Pass gunsmiths and learn to make our own. We have more access to proper tools, materials, schematics, etc. It would require something which I think we often...
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    Is there such a thing as "Too Close" ?

    Charlie Askins described a belly gun as one you press against your enemy's belly and pull the trigger. This go me wondering if there are any legal ramifications from being 'too close" ?
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    Making your own parts ?

    Anyone have any real experience in making small parts, cutting screws, etc ?
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    Opinions on the Bushmaster XM-15 A2 ?

    I am leaning towards getting one as my first Ar-15 because it has the GI configuration I prefer. Any comments ?
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    Replacing a frame mounted firing pin.

    I have a Security Industries of America revolver that needs a new firing pin. Factory parts are non-existent, it seems to me a pin and spring for a Ruger could be made to fit. Any thoughts, any cautions ?
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    A interesting conversation at the range

    After a shooting session at a newly opened local range/gun shop one of the owners asked about what he considered my unusual shooting stance-Ye Old One Hand Target Shooting Stance. As a Life Member of SNM-Sons of Neanderthal Man-I have usually been about 40 years behind the times, but I found it...
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    Contemplating buying an AR-15

    When I mentioned to a fellow shooter that I didn't own an AR-15 because having handled them I didn't really care for them, he said the reason I should own one is because the government doesn't want you to have it. So I will start looking. My criteria-pretty much GI, stock, plain vanilla, also...
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    CAS shooters and tubular magazines.

    A posting in the Bolt Action/Lever Action sections prompts me to ask if any of the CAS/SASS shooters have encountered safety problems using CF ammunition in a tubular magazine-?
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    Making one's own parts

    The article about the Kurdish gunsmith-or Field Ordnance Service-got me to thinking about all the threads "Where can I find a part for..." and how with our modern tools, access to schematics, disassembly/reassembly instructions, shop manuals, etc. what cautions should we take in making our own...
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    Conical bullets "Back Then"

    The postings about conical bullets today prompts me to ask if they were used much "Back Then".
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    Durability of Armi San Marco revolvers?

    On another board a member told a new BP shooter to avoid Armi San Marco revolvers because their internal parts were not properly heat-treated and hence not durable? Anyone know about this?