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  1. S

    Loading down for various purposes

    The thread on 7x57 Mauser vs. 7MM Magnum for deer hunting prompts me to ask how many here rely on only a few-or perhaps on only one-caliber for various types of hunting and simply reload a less powerful charge for each application?
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    Anyone NOT engage in panic buying?

    I confess I haven't been shooting in a while nor have I visited any of the LGS's. I have so many safe queens I've lost track of them, my ammo locker is full of reloads and factory ammunition old enough to be collectibles. There are guns I'd like to have but nothing I MUST have and IMHO if there...
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    Hunting with iron sights.

    Does anyone here hunt with iron sights, i.e. no scope mounted? I don't mean exclusively, but now and then?
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    Use of movie and TV guns in CAS?

    Are the various movie and TV guns-Mare's Leg, large loop rifle, Buntline Special, Johnny Yuma scattergun allowed in CAS?
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    MIM vs Investment Casting

    With all the controversy involving MIM and the widespread belief that it produces inferior parts, I wonder why many manufacturers don't stick to investment casting as pioneered by Ruger?
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    Case Setback with Tapered Cartridges

    Curious to know if any of the CAS shooters here have experienced case setback with tapered/bottle nosed cartridges-38-40, 44-40, etc.?
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    Other "assault rifles"?

    I was discussing this with a cousin, he pointed out that the first "true" "assault" rifle was the German Stg 43/44, the Soviets copied the round with their SKS then the "assault rifle" concept with the AK-47, then ? IIRC in the early 1950s the Brits experimented with a .280 round in a bull pup...
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    Rules for Posers

    Or "Poseurs" if you prefer. 1. Poseurs are ALWAYS Special Forces, "Green Berets", "SOGs", snipers, Rangers, LRRPS, snipers, Marine Recon, Navy SEALS, etc. Always some sort of elite unit, NEVER a plain old grunt, or a support troop. 2. Since poseurs do not "have a life", they spend a great deal...
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    A question for the lightweight aficionados

    I will preface my question by stating that: 1. I realize this is matter of personal preference. 2. I have no CCW and live in a state where getting one is extremely difficult. 3. At 5"10" and 210 muscular pounds-more or less, I am not that weight sensitive and like the old Steel Pot in the Army,I...
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    Origins of the wadcutter bullet?

    I know Elmer Keith played a role in developing the SWC, and the RNL bullet originated from the conical bullet used (sometimes) in cap and ball revolvers, does anyone know the who and where and when of the wadcutter?
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    A .380 barrel in a 9MM?

    The thread about the 9x18 Makorov vs the 9x19 got me thinking if anyone has ever tried a 380 barrel in a 9x19. I recall articles where shooters said they got good result using a 9x19 barrel in a 38 Super, it seems to me a 380 barrel would work in a 9MM. No real practical application, but a fun idea.
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    Ballard rifling vs. MicroGroove

    I have read that Marlin changed to Ballard rifling at the request of the CAS shooters who found it better for their needs. I would like to know what advantages it gives.
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    Why did the large bore DA revolver go out of fashion?

    The thread on why the police standardized on 38 Special revolvers has prompted me to ask why the large bore DA revolver went out of fashion, so to speak.
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    22s for Self Defense

    I have seen stories lately of homeowners defending themselves with 22s. One in involved an elderly lady in Iowa (?), the other a man in Tennesee. Someone with superior computer skills can post a link to these stories. Without reopening the debate on the value of a 22 for SD I will simply note...
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    MIM vs Investment Casting.

    What are the pros and cons of MIM vs investment casting?
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    Any members of the 50-100-150 Club here?

    You know what I mean. I took inventory the other day to get my records up to date and with a view to some photography and eventually some historical displays and realized I had joined the 150 Club. I've been collecting since 1967 so it wasn't an overnight thing. I inherited nothing, acquired...
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    Earliest issuance of a semi auto pistol by an LE agency?

    IIRC the Illinois State Police adopted the S&W M-39 in 1967 or so, were there any LE agencies that officially adopted a semiauto before then? (Yes, I know-MPs and Shore Patrol-we'll stick to civilian agencies here.)
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    Touch up blue for 1960s Colt

    Any suggestions? This revolver was improperly stored, needs to be reblued (down to bare metal) over 2 chambers and some other spots. It has the old Colt almost black finish.
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    Jack First, anyone?

    Has anyone here dealt with them? I have an old 1930s vintage Marlin .22 that needs a safety, I figure it will be simpler to have one made than spend a lot of time tracking one down.
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    Gun Control in Burma

    I have no idea what the gun laws in Burma-Myanmar, if you prefer-are like, though I suspect they're pretty represive. If there is a better example of wny the common people should be armed so they can rise up and overthrow a tyrranical government I would like to know about it.