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  1. M

    Bill Maher on Tonight Show.

    I just listened to this jackass say "Anyone who owns a gun has a small penis." Then he proceded to say that he owns a gun LOL.
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    Shot a GP100 6"

    Wow! This has to be the lightest recoiling .357Mag I have ever shot! Now if I could only get my father in law to sell it to me LOL. And the accuracy is amazing. We were nailing a 8" shoot'n'see target at 40yds every time! I was very impressed. I still love my Super Redhawk .44RemMag 7 and 1/2"...
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    Under survailence.

    Ever wonder if you're being watched because of things you express on this forum?
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    Pro-Gun presidential candidate.

    Is there anyone running I can vote for that even stands a chance? I've been trying to do research but it seems to me that every major contender is pro-gun control. Am I being misinformed are there absolutely no pro-gun candidates that have a real chance?
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    Chamfer or not.

    I've been considering the usefulness of chamfering my .22-250Rem and .243Win case. I only shoot BT bullets and the more I think about it, chamfering just seems like a waste of time. In fact, it seems to me that not chamfering would lead to more accurate shells because if all were trimmed to the...
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    Gander Mountain gunsmith.

    Is it generally accepted that GM has good gunsmiths? I have no local independent smiths in my area and was just wondering if I should trust these guys or not. I'm wanting to get some freebore taken out of my 700. Can they do this with the existing barrel or will I have to get a new barrel that...
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    I know this is a firearms site, and I've never posted in this forum before, but I was just wondering if anyone has found any morels in Ohio yet? The conditions have been perfect for mushrooms so I'm going hunting tomorrow. Anyone else hunting them this early? Again, not sure if this is...
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    Rising component costs.

    I haven't been reloading all that long, but from the time I started till now, the prices on brass and bullets have gone crazy. When I started, 100cnt Win .22-250 brass was $17.99, now it's $27.99:eek: That's a $10 increase in 8 months! Bullets too! 100cnt V-Max was $11.99, now they're $13.99...
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    Sigma: Beating the dead horse.

    Well I went ahead and did the "remove two springs mod" last night. Very easy procedure BTW if you have a set of small punches and a wife to use as your third hand. By my feel, I'd say the pull weight was cut at least in half. I'd say about 8lbs now. My Wolff 3 1/2lb striker spring is on it's way...
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    Drinking beer and reloading.

    I love to drink beer, turn on the radio, and do some reloading. Anyone else do this? I don't think I've ever done anything that drinking beer didn't make more enjoyable. LOL
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    Remington Kleanbore Primers.

    Are all Remington primers made this way now? I thought only the 209 muzzleloader primers used this until I looked at the back of my .40S&W UMC box. I did notice a great reduction in residue on my muzzleloaders breech plug. Maybe I should switch from CCI to Remington? Winchesters are too soft in...
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    Pact Bbk2

    Well I finally talked myself into getting a digital scale. I purchased a PACT BBK2 at Cabelas this weekend. I was very reluctant to do so, but I'm glad I did. I always heard these things were inaccurate. This scale is dead on. I've heard people saying that the readings go all over the place...
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    New S&W Sigma

    I bought a new SW40VE a few days ago and so far I love it. I've put 300 rounds through it so far without any problems. The trigger is EXTREMELY heavy. But after 100 rounds I was shooting 4" groups at 10yds. Now I love the trigger. I'm accurate with it, and I know it won't go off in my holster...
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    Cost of handloading .40S&W

    I bought a 100rnd box of Winchester white box, 165gr FMJ for $18.99 plus tax. So I get online to buy everything I'll need to start reloading this cartridge and I go to bullets. 155gr Hornady XTP 100ct for $14.99 plus shipping:eek: Even if I bought the cheap plated stuff for $8.99 100ct, the...
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    I bought a .40S&W pistol today and was wondering if anyone loads this round? I bought 2 boxes of ammo and neither have a crimp that I can see. Do I need to crimp .40S&W? To me, there is much more recoil than 9MM Luger. This is a SW40VE.
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    Pro gun Presidential candidate for 2008.

    I am trying to find information about the upcoming candidates agenda on gun related issues and I'm having a hard time. Can anyone give me some links to each candidates ideas? And for whom will you all be voting?
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    Controlling static cling.

    We have had a about a week of cold weather here in SE OH and the air is very dry. So I went down in the basement to load some shells and my powder is clinging to everything. It's funny because I can put my finger tip very close to the powder and it moves without even touching it. I tried rubbing...
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    Remington SPR18

    Ever since the beggining of the year I've noticed a new SPR18 link on Remington's ceterfire rifle page. I go there every other day and try to click on this link and it always comes back with a file not found error. Does this link work for anyone else? What is the SPR18?
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    T.V. show eye opener.

    I watched a show tonight called most amazing or something. Twice on the show, a BG got hold of a policeman's gun. Luckily, they could not figure out how to fire it. Now, the narrator said it was because the gun "jammed". I told my wife "I doubt it jammed, I'm sure it was a safety implement." In...
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    10MM Ted Nugent hog pistol.

    Did anyone see the episode where the hog charged Ted after he shot it with a bow? Then he shot it with a 10MM pistol. Anyone know what gun he was shooting?