Search results

  1. B

    Brands o' Rifle Brass

    I've probably got another year or two of reading ahead of me before I start reloading, but decided to start saving my brass. .223 and .308 in particular, as those are what I'll probably start with. Are there any brands of brass I should just leave on the ground? I've heard people complain about...
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    Funny / Educational Law Question

    I was just doing some electronic legal exercises for my Equities & Remedies class when I came across this entertaining question. Figured my fellow gun/law/civil rights nerds would get a kick out of it. If you answer "No", you get the following question: If you answer "Yes", you get the...
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    How Do You Pronounce "Prvi"?

    I like the Prvi Partizan brand of ammo a lot, but I'm probably saying it wrong. Purr-vee? Priv-ee? Some other way? How do the Serbs say it?
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    7.62x39mm Hunting Ammo

    Which 7.62x39mm round do you hunt with and why?
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    Quick and Easy Bogus Ammo Catching Device?

    The other day I had some malfunctions that were probably caused by out of spec. ammo. Is there a gauge or something that you can use to catch this stuff? (long cases, other common problems) I don't reload (yet), so I don't know much...
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    1981 Vintage SA Milsurp (7.62x51)

    The other day somebody said/wrote that '81 SA milsurp had problems. I don't recall where I heard or read this as, at the time, I didn't think that this bit of info would ever have any impact on me, so I didn't bookmark the page or log it into the "important stuff" area of my brain. Then I...
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    First Seecamp Malfunctions

    Had a stovepipe and a failure-to-feed with my .32 Seecamp at the range today.:( It ran through the first 7 rounds fine (those first shots are the important ones anyway), but on each of the next two magazines it choked. Bummer, dude. The ammo used was Silvertips. I'm pretty sure it was a lube...
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    Is My Friend a Moron? (HK91)

    Last night I stopped by the bar and ran into an old friend. We got to talking about rifles and he mentioned that he had bought an HK91. I said "a real HK91?", and he replied: I know there was a company called Federal Ordinance that made horrendous crap. Is that what he was talking about or was...
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    Roll the Dice?

    A terrible thought just occurred to me... I ordered a few hundred rounds of panic-era Wolf black box 7.62x39 last night to restock my Kalashnikov plinking ammo. Those factories have to be running like mad right now. Ulyanovsk has stopped putting sealant around the case-mouth, and that's the...
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    Ultimate Bugout Bag

    At 1:05:15 in this very interesting film about Antarctica you will find an Eastern European fellow with a bag that would make any survivalist envious. It contains an inflatable kayak and double-ended oar with a total weight of less than 20 kilos...
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    Awesome Ammo or the Usual Wolf Trash?

    Ran across this the other day: I've got a bunch of this stuff. I bought a can of it at the local shop last year for plinking. I was actually kind of irritated at the time I bought it, I was looking for "nice" 7.62x39, but it...
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    Your Most Excessive Recent Rangeday?

    I wasn't able to get out shooting for too many weeks there, so today I went bonkers. Spent about six hours in the wonderful sunshine blasting through a pile of ammo. Around 500 rounds total, none of them rimfire, lots and lots of 9mm, .32acp, and a ridiculous amount of 12ga slugs and buckshot...
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    Semi-Auto Colt M16A4!

    Thank you to all who have helped me with this weird project over the last many months! I got ahold of a 6920 just now to bolt my stockpile of gen-u-wine Colt rifle parts onto. I'm finally going to have the AR I've always wanted. A Colt rifle, but not a target version like Colt builds for us...
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    "War Machyne" British Cannons

    A spectacular show: Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: The section about cannons starts a ways into Part 1. I particularly like the part about Ralph Hogg, illiterate peasant of...
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    Fiocchi Extrema 77gr Matchking

    Has anyone shot any of this? Good stuff? How does it compare to the Black Hills load? Everyone is sold out of Black Hills 77gr SMKs, but I found some Fiocchi 77gr SMK ammo for sale...
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    Need Ammo Cans

    I need another three or four .50 ammo cans. Everywhere I bought them before is sold out and there were none at the last gunshow I went to. Where the cans at?
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    "US Military Contractor" M193 5.56

    I've seen numerous online ammo dealers selling this stuff made by an unnamed "US Military Contractor". Sounds fishy to me that they don't say who made it, seems like it could be made by any company that sells anything to the military, the contracts wouldn't even have to be for ammo for the...
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    Where is the Black Hills .223?

    I need to pick up some high-quality heavy-bullet .223 ammunition. Looking for Black Hills 77gr Sierra Matchking loads in particular, but nobody has any in stock that I have been able to find. What gives? Anyone know where I can get some?
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    .223/5.56 Ammo Choices

    I'm building a full-size Colt AR with a 20" 1-in-7" barrel and finally have all my parts in hand. All there is to do now is wait for my 6721 base-rifle to show up and, of course, stockpile ammo for that fine day when the project is complete. So far I have rounded up a variety of milsurp ammo...
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    GM-94 Pump-Action Grenade Launcher

    Saw this the other day, was very entertained by it. Starts at 34sec (warning: some adult language when the crusty old SAS guy fires it) Seems like the Russian equivalent of the US vietnam-prototype pump-action grenade launcher... Or...