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  1. B

    Flippy Sigs?

    I picked up a P6/P225 the other day and like it a lot. It feels pretty good in my hand despite the rough plastic grips, has been totally reliable so far, and delivers groups that are fairly impressive. But the "muzzle flip" is terrible. What causes this? The bore axis looks to be a whole lot...
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    Who Has Sig P225/P6 Magazines?

    I'm thinking about picking up a P6, but I can't find extra mags anywhere. The only lead I have is Top Gun Supply. They are out of stock and the price listed is $40. I would like to get one of these fine pistols, but if I can't get a spare mag or two for it, I'm going to have to pass. I can't...
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    LawDog on South Park

    Did anyone else notice that in the episode of South Park that was on tonight, the first guy killed by terrorists was "Sheriff McLawDog"? The pink gorilla suit story has obviously penetrated our society to its depraved heart... South Park.:D
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    Chinese 9mm Tokarev Questions

    My favorite gunshop has a Norinco Tokarev in 9mm marked at $215 (which means I could get it for well under $200, they will wheel-and-deal on used guns), but I have a question... Can a 9mm Tokarev be switched to 7.62x25mm with just a barrel change? I have a bunch of cans of 7.62x25 for my CZ52...
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    Felon with Machine-Gun gets Skimpy Sentance

    Anyone else see this? A felon gets busted with MGs and silencers and he gets community service and one year in jail (max, probably less). This seem a little light to anyone else? I'm usually the last person to call for tougher...
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    Gift Ideas Needed

    Two of my friends are getting married and I would like to give them a firearm as a gift. Both have always talked about wanting one, but they are both artists and, as a result of that, always totally broke. I can't spend much more than $100 as I am also very cash-challenged at this point. The...
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    Entertaining Video

    A bunch of RAF mechanics walking around a storage area filled with a wide variety of firearms: Anyone know what the ones on the left at 11:40 are...
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    Nagant Questions

    I've been thinking about picking one of these up as they are one of the few guns within my budget range right now, but I have a few questions... If you get the .32ACP conversion cylinder, do you need moonclips or is the tiny nub of a rim on the .32ACP case enough to hold the round in the right...