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  1. M

    Interesting post from Walther Forums on the PPS AirSoft for training

    Note to Mods: I think it's ok to post a reference link to another forum, based on the copyright rules etc. If not, feel free to delete. Anyway, a poster on Walther forums had some input on the Umarex PPS AirSoft as a training substitute for his PPS 9mm. I found this interesting, as I just...
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    Federal Gun Free School Zones Act question

    I realize, thanks to Al Norris, that we (NRA-ILA and SAF, more accurately) are waiting for the courts to establish the individual right to self-defense outside the home before going after other issues, using a building block approach. So it follows that GFSZA won't be challenged for a while at...
  3. M

    Happy I train with both hands...

    ... since I took my strong hand out pretty well last night. Important safety tip: If you have a spring-assist type knife, it might be a good idea to keep it in a sheath instead of a pocket. My SureFire knife opened up on me last night in my front pocket, without my knowledge, and I cut the...
  4. M

    Scary Joint Federal and State Combined Case

    This case itself does not involve firearms, but the concepts involved could easily be. The Feds and local police in Massachusetts are trying to seize a motel via civil forfiture, in which burden of proof seems to shift to the defendant. Laws developed to combat piracy are being twisted for...
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    Comp-Tac Minotaur

    It's funny - I have a lot of very nice OWB and IWB holsters from some very good manufacturers. But the other day, when I felt like putting on a tank top in the heat, the holster that worked best was one of my least expensive. With the Minotaur, I could reasonably conceal my M&P45, and really...
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    Kansas City Follows Cincinatti's Lead: Violent Crime Initiative

    Due to high rates of violent crime (to include many firearm related homicides), KC has been consulting with Cincinatti officials to learn how Cincinatti radically reduced violent crime. KC plans to implement some comprehensive changes, in cooperation with the US Attorneys office and other...
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    Ruger New Vaquero with bird's head grip

    Anybody shot one yet? I just ordered one at my LGS (blue in .45 Colt) but haven't handled one. Curious to see how I will like the configuration (3.75" bbl and bird's head grip). I haven't seen any of these in real life, so far. Neither had the LGS owner - when he looked it up, he said...
  8. M

    Gun Safe

    We moved, recently, and I decided it was time to upgrade my safe. Gave the old Sentry to a friend, and, after some research, ordered a Sturdy Safe. Cost 4-5 times as much, but seems to be worth it. Included in the total cost were: Fireproofing upgrade, with layers of ceramic. Stainless...
  9. M

    Walther PPS 9mm a couple days at the range

    Picked up my PPS this past Tuesday, and have put about 600 rounds through it so far without problem. It carries like a small gun, but shoots like a full-sized gun. I installed the large backstrap, and fit a LimbSaver grip sleeve over that. Fits my hand and points beautifully. I never shot it...
  10. M

    National Reciprocity - now in the Senate; plus other bills of note

    According to POPVOX, the Senate has now introduced its version of the National Reciprocity bill; the House version was passed on NOV 16. There are also some other interesting bills listed: The Straw Purchaser Penalty Enhancement Act (HR 4190) Enhances...
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    Road rage death by strangling

    This was reported in the Kansas City Star, but apparently the Star's crime scene reporter got his facts mixed up, as the Star reported that the aggressor had died. It appears from the original article that the aggressor was the killer. (Edit: DNS found an article that indicates the aggressor...
  12. M

    New bill in Missouri to protect concealed carriers from discrimination

    Apparently state rep Wanda Brown has introduced legislation that would prohibit employers from discriminating against, firing, or harassing employees because they own or carry firearms. Missouri being a pro-gun state, I can see this one passing...
  13. M

    Shooting in Long Beach Federal Building

    In a bizarre incident, an ICE agent opened fire on and wounded another ICE agent. A third agent shot and killed the shooter. Without meaning to make light of a tragedy, I am curious to see whether the antis try to make any use of the incident, or instead try to pretend it didn't happen. I'm...
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    Much as I am opposed to the concept of mandatory training...

    ... episodes like this really make me think twice about my position: I don't like the potential abuses inherent in mandatory training requirements, but seriously - check the stupid chamber... and obey the 4 rules.
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    This is a sad case...

    ... and a good illustration of how things can go badly wrong after a self-defense shooting. Guy gets robbed, pulls weapon, shoots one of three robbers. Robbers flee; guy flees across street to diner. Off-duty cop...
  16. M

    Home Invasion, tragic consequences

    Here's a case that does not appear to involve drug or gang involvement on the part of the victim. Two high school kids were alone in their home when they heard noise upstairs. The brother went to look, while the sister stayed below. Apparently, the brother (15yo football player and honor...
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    Good Intentions and Government

    My dad has added a new tag-line to some of his more politically minded emails. He took the quote from Daniel Webster. I had not come across this one before, but I like it... and I think it actually has some application for a lot of gun control legislation counter-arguments. Something to...
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    Walther PPS

    Thinking about picking up one of these for a warm weather, IWB under t-shirt gun. Leaning toward 9mm, given size, weight, and capacity. Any compelling reasons for the .40, instead? Also, how is availability of magazines, and night sights? Thanks, PPS owners. M
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    Has anybody tried the Viking Tactical VTAC sights?

    I was looking at the S&W website, and am curious about the M&P40 VTAC edition. The fiber optic over tritium layout looks pretty interesting; I also like the tapered front sight - in theory. Has anybody used this system? If so, what did you think of it?
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    POPVOX gun bills

    For those who haven't used POPVOX, it's a website that will send you an email when legislation its algorithms think will be of interest pops up. I just received the following notifications, and thought they might be of interest here: