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  1. M

    In theory, this has been debunked multiple times on TFL...

    ... so if it is not true, why is it now being reported by Forbes and The Denver Post? If it is true, after all, then what is the goal? Could the .gov really...
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    Possible backlash for gun control attempts?

    NRA spokesman thinks so, and I certainly hope he is correct: One can only hope we are ALL taking note of how our reps vote, and will all take appropriate action as each comes up for...
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    Editorial against Florida Stand Your Ground, and my contribution to "comments"

    I was checking out some editorial pages today, and ran across this in the Bradenton, FL paper: As the headline might suggest, the editorial board finds SYG shameful, and a sham, and they had scathing...
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    NRA political endorsements

    A TFLer has repeatedly accused the NRA of being a Republican organization, manned by Republicans, for Republicans. He challenged me to find Democrats endorsed by the NRA. So, just using two prominent examples at the national level, and then the results from his state and mine: (Edit: Full...
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    Support from Maryland Delegate Kevin Kelly, plus Maryland Sheriffs

    This seems pretty significant, but I'll leave that to our Maryland members to assess; it appears that a sizable coalition of allies may be available in Maryland politics and law enforcement, based on Kevin Kelly's email:
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    Priorities: A Photo Essay in Two Frames

    My mother emailed me this one: Too bad that our culture has developed into one that worships celebrity and discards actual heroes. I had first viewed this as political satire, but the more I look at it the more I find it is really a condemnation of our society as a whole.
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    PRO gun bill in Oregon

    I just received this from Rep. Tim Freeman; you Oregon TFLers may want to check out his link.
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    The Rifle on the Wall - Take Two

    The OP of the first thread was new, and apparently had not read the drive-by rule. The thing is, the essay he linked to was really a good read, so I felt I should try to revive it. This is one of the best examples I have seen of the ideal pro-gun argument to offer antis who consider...
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    Gun Control poster

    Not sure who created this one, but I like it: Sadly, it makes a serious point. I'd imagine one with hooded Klansmen endorsing gun control would make a similarly serious point.
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    Newsmax article on Joe Salazar comments in Colorado

    The guy has apologized, after taking massive political fire, but WOW what an idiot... Trying to support his position that guns don't make students on college campuses safer, this clown posited...
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    Yet Another Irritating KC Star Editorial

    This was defending a Lee Judge (anti-gun hack) political cartoon, that made an anti-gun point at Chris Kyle's expense: So Miriam Pepper wanted to argue that Judge's basic premise, that a good man with a gun is...
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    Spinoff from What are we doing wrong thread.

    JohnKSa, you have a point, and I generally agree with you. However, with regards to attention spans and complacency, it was only last October/November that the mods here were all saying we have nothing to worry about, just look at recent SCOTUS decisions, etc. Sometimes, the ban on political...
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    Letter my best friend wrote to his Senator in Tennessee

    Now this is how letters should read: Respectful, friendly, focused, and firm.
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    Surprisingly even-handed Bloomberg article

    My dad found this. It was a bit of a shock, coming from a Bloomberg publication. The article actually makes a case of sorts for lawful gun ownership, by looking at numbers of defensive gun uses: The...
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    Cato Institute web page with stats on defensive gun uses

    My dad found this site. I'm surprised I haven't seen a link to it before, on TFL, but here it is: This provides reports of defensive gun uses across the US, or by state (via the available pull-down). It isn't comprehensive, but it is illustrative.
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    Frustration with the Kansas City Star

    Some of you probably read the email exchanges I had with Barb Shelly (opinion writer) and Derek Donovan (public editor) at the Kansas City Star. They never did get back to me, with regard to my offer to let them shoot an Evil Black Rifle, a shotgun, and some handguns on my property. Nor has Ms...
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    Cheaper Than Dirt - Pleasant Surprise

    CTD takes its share of bad-mouthing here, and with some of their pricing policies in 2008/2009 and 2012/2013 they earned that, but I opened my email today to find a very pleasant surprise. This is pretty cool on their part.
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    Email exchange between me and an opinion writer at the Kansas City Star

    In the General Discussion forum, I had posted a thread about my comments to the Star's public editor about my thoughts on a pro gun-control op-ed piece the star had published. The editor forwarded my email to the writer, who responded to me with this: I responded to her as follows:
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    Article tracking the path of a stolen gun

    This is kind of interesting, particularly because though it appears in the typically anti-gun Orlando Sentinel (apparently borrowed from sister publication the Sun Sentinel), and while it tracks the crimes committed with a stolen gun, the gun tracked for the story was a Sheriff's Department...
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    OP-ED in KC, and my reply to an editor

    Opinion columnist Barb Shelly, not known for being friendly to 2A issues, wrote the following piece, that criticized the Platte County prosecutor for saying that an (apparently) accidental homicide at a Super Bowl party was not a "gun issue," per se, because the shooter was a prohibited person...