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  1. G

    Cars, guns and breakins in San Francisco This is an interesting piece. SF has a plague of window breaking and theft for cars. The police are handicapped in catching and enforcing current laws. The laws might be lightened up. Quite a few guns are...
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    Justice Thomas speaks This is rather unusual. The analysis is that: 1. Without Scalia, he feels that he might have to champion the positions that they both held. 2. He feels quite strongly on the basic issue of gun rights...
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    The effects of campus carry laws

    These are a set of stories about how campus carry is upsetting the world of higher education. Some just boggle the mind with their misinterpretations and fears: From the world of campus carry! Campus carry (which didn't exist) used as excuse for Prof. threatening violence to a reporter...
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    Want a 9mm SW - see Korth scroll down for a video Looks interesting.
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    The names of Evil Black Rifles!

    As stated many times, I always thought the MSR defense of military pattern guns was stupid and surrender to antigunners. Folks have said - we should stop calling them assault weapons or rifles. They have a Council of Nicaea hissy fit over weapons or rifles, as if it makes a difference to the...
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    Active shooters simulation This is...
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    30.07 signs appear in TX

    Watching reports that 30.07 signs are appearing at the major supermarket chain in TX - HEB. That bans open carry. They did not ban concealed carry as that takes a different sign, as far as I know. It is a blessing that there is not one sign that bans all as then the stores would have went...
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    A mildly positive column in the NYTimes Mr. Blow is usually quite the antigun person. In this article, he recounts going to the gun show in San Antonio (which I didn't - sigh). He found that the people there were not an entire set of nuts, antigun proponents...
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    UT recommends campus carry in classrooms The debate was that the Texas...
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    Local Bans are good to Go!

    Thanks Scalia (oops - see below): So reasonable restrictions will be used to ban evil guns in many locals. While an AWB across the country may not get through Congress, it seems that they are constitutional for the...
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    Interesting comment from Shooting Industry Magazine

    This is from the current issue and a discussion of how training benefits gun stores: Words to take to heart, IMHO. I cringe sometimes when I see gun recommendations for carry on the Internet. Maybe I'm a snob but ...
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    Were there Sig 226s with no safeties?

    Read that in a detective book and too lazy to google for it. The book has tons of crappy gun references, so I was curious.
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    Tactical First Aid Interesting article on how such can aid in critical incidents. There are good courses out there for such. One problem is that the liability phobic managements might not promote such for...
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    Deal with it.

    This is a great line from Tom Given's newsletter: It points out the silliness we sometimes see where folks seem to think that the average distance and number of shots will always happen. for the entire...
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    What stocks to buy - thanks to Hillary
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    I guess I don't count for the NSSF or IDPA

    I get this in an e-mail It asks me for my DOB and : I answer : None of the above. So it then says: Thank you for your time. Gee, guess I don't count has having an opinon. :mad:
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    Another hunter thinks guns are bad

    unless they shoot Bambi and Tweet Bird Shoot a deer. Concealed carry is school is nuts. NRA is nuts. The hunters should band together to give the NRA a beat down.
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    Glock 42 at IDPA match

    Glock 42 goes to the match Took my 42 to the local IDPA match. Gun is stock with Glock sights. No pinky extensions - its a BUG for me. It does disappear well in my floppy cargo pants and shorts. The history of the gun was spotted. When new, it froze solid on the first two rounds. Took...
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    The Modern Sporting Rifle! Doesn't fool the NY Times Recently, the move by Walmart not to sell ARs has been seen as not political but just business. However, a piece on Gunsamerica -...
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    I'm so concealed! Tales of the upscale market.

    So off I go to the upscale market. I'm discretely dressed with a Glock and extra mag on my belt but covered with a classy LLBean light weight shirt. Nice slacks. Yes, I have a knife clip on my pocket but the shirt probably swings in front of it. Let's look at the organic vegetables. Why, there...