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  1. G

    Here's a perfect storm for a CCW type Found it from Claude Werner's page. The shooter had a concealed carry badge which he flashed. He intervened and threatened in a nonlethal force situation with his gun. He had a history of proclaiming his heroics. A perfect...
  2. G

    Can Opinions Be Changed?

    In the current moral panic, some have advocated hunkering down and presented the position that trying to convince people of the merit of the RKBA position is useless. I opined and others have that it is a losing strategy to dismiss the chance of changing opinion or trying to reach progun folks...
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    Norway - coming to the USA The point of this piece is that draconian bans are not so far away. Note that the Mini-14 which had dodged previous USA bans is on the list. It was used in that horror show in Norway and in a...
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    Lost one in NY A federal court turns back a reasonable challenge to NY's terrible gun laws. It also points out that the Heller decision has had little effect on practical matters in most antigun states. IL...
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    Defense against tyranny and the RKBA

    This factor is brought up in discussions of why the 2nd Amend. is necessary. So the following is a quote from an article on the current unrest in Iran and the goverment's possible response: I think it speaks...
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    NYPD and no more revolvers

    I had to close down a previous thread on police revolvers due to an individual acting poorly. However, the issue is still of interest. Thus here's an action by NYPD: The wheel gun is out.
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    Trainers and gun choice

    This is an interesting video: It is a survey of pretty high end instructors at a Tom Givens event ( Givens is one of the best out there and an instructor who has been through his program is probably pretty qualified. A brief...
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    An example for the endless is 5 enough, I can't handle more than one opponent

    Sorry to beat this dead horse but we continually do: Is five enough? Then we had comments that you are helpless against all but the incompetent opponent. Thus, some of us carry based on the small but possible intense critical incident and train to have a modicum of skill, even for FOGs...
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    Gun turn-in in Australia Some interesting points: 1. It's a success but most guns are rubbish. :rolleyes: 2. They are not from criminals but folks who moved back from the country or inherited them. Thus mainly long arms. 3. There...
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    Gun sales

    Good still A predicted slump due to Trump didn't happen. Rates might vary but demand is strong.
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    Does stand your ground always work? Interesting case, it centers on an argument on the street. The court agree that the public street may not qualify for a stand your ground...
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    Atomic wild boars of Japan They are flourishing in the areas evacuated near the reactor. Take a look at the airgun down the images for the one used to kill the trapped boars. Wonder what it is?
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    The "Militia' in Lithuania An interesting view of a country where a civilian supplement to the armed forces may be needed to face real peril. Fun notes - Glock 17s, freeing up purchases of semiauto rifles, using your Glock to fight to your rifle. Part of the mix is...
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    Don Kates has died

    Don Kates has died From his mailing list: As you may or may not know, Don was a crucial figure in the fight for gun rights in the legislatures and courts. I had read his work but met him at the Academics for the 2nd Amend. Conference years ago. I then saw him at the American Society...
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    Academy has the EBRs back on the rack

    Maybe someone reported this before but I don't recall. I went to Academy (sports store in TX and elsewhere). They had removed the ARs, etc. from the shelves in June. Well, they had loads today. Clerk said they had been back for a month. I guess there wasn't a big splash about it. He said they...
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    Carry and ammo fails

    We've constantly had folks post some reason why they would carry unchambered. It usually boils down to that they will shoot themselves and then some cognitive dissonance blather about Israelis and the like. We've recently had a thread about a less than intelligent suggestion to have the first...
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    Glock 17M

    The models are being delivered to the law. Pictures should be appearing any minute. Watch for Internet fury! Now if the Army could get off the stick.
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    Scotus lets AWB stand in NY and CT I think that this reinforces my view (oh, I'm so smart :p) that Heller had a terrible flaw in it. Also, as in other threads, the EBR/MSR debate is not won by the lame PR nice gun strategy. Can be it won at all...
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    Topping off your 1911

    So the other day, I was loaded up a gentleman for a match. If you shoot a 1911, standard procedure is to insert a mag and chamber a round. Then you insert a fully loaded mag. The mag used for the first round is stowed as your Barney mag. This guy racks open his 1911 and drops a round into the...
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    2nd Amendment Issues and the SCOTUS, post the new POTUS An analysis of what will happen in the future. The gist is that gun rights are so strong that Heller won't be overturned for various political and judicial reasons. However, state bans in...