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  1. S

    So If This Happens, What Next?

    I know that when reloading a DA revolver, the potential exists for the empty casings to get stuck under the extractor star. If this happened in a bad situation, obviously you'd transition to your BUG...but what if you don't have one? Since I've never had casings get stuck under the star, how...
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    I know This Sounds Silly, But...

    Serious question here guys; if I thought I knew the answer, I wouldn't ask. To the point: We've all heard about how keeping your magazines fully loaded will, over time, cause the mag spring to "take a set" and thus compromise reliability. My question: So if you took, say, a 30 round mag for your...
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    Does It Exist, Or Am I Asking Too Much?

    I want a rifle. Just one. It would be for anything and everything, from deer hunting to black bear emergencies to home defense. I thought I'd found it in my Marlin 1894SS .44, but it malfunctioned relentlessly [even after a return to the Marlin factory]. :mad: My budget is in the $700.00 [or so]...
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    The Worst You've Seen: Firearms Etiquette

    What's the most blatant violation of firearms etiquette you've ever personally witnessed? You know what I mean; the buddy that you allow to examine your favorite gun and he gets his fingerprints all over the metal. The otherwise knowledgeable friend that lets his muzzle sweep everyone in sight...
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    Ruger is announcing a new product tomorrow (most likely a handgun)

    Ruger's Upcoming Announcement As of now, Ruger's website [] is advertising that they're starting off the new year "with a bang", with more info tomorrow. My guess is, they're finally bringing out a 1911 and have timed it to coincide with the Government Model's 100th birthday...but...
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    Can Someone Please Explain?

    Not expecting a boat load of replies here, just needing a solid answer to a question I sincerely don't know the answer to. First off, understand that I'm neutral when it comes to AR rifles; I am issued a Colt M4 by my LE agency, but if left to my own devices I prefer a Mini 14. Anyhow, to the...
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    Stretching Mag Springs?

    I know we've all heard it before: Unload your pistol mags periodically, and also download by one round. Doing these things will keep your springs from "taking a set". Now, I confess: With my Sig P220 mags, which is what I'm issued by my agency, I don't do either one. The range officer chewed me...
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    Why Does This Happen?

    This has been mystifying me for years. Every time my LE agency holds qualifications at our outdoor range, I've noticed that lots of shooters [me included] post much higher scores at night time. Not only that, but my group sizes tighten up considerably as well. A typical range day for me has me...
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    How Long Should A Reload Take: UPDATE

    Just a quick follow-up on the thread I posted recently on this topic. Today, at my agency's firing range, I qualified with my GP-100. The last time I qualified with a full-sized DA revolver was at the academy...21 years ago! My reloads went okay; not as fast or as smooth as I would've liked...
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    Anybody Remember The Crossfire?

    In looking through some of my old gun magazines recently, I came across the May 1998 issue of GWLE. On page 48 there is a blurb about a .223 / 12 gauge combo long gun called the Crossfire, made by Crossfire LLC of La Grange, GA. Just out of curiosity, does anyone here have any info / experience...
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    Series 70: Why Is It Better?

    Now, I'm no 1911 guy. I have entertained the idea of buying one, but just haven't taken the leap. This is mainly because, when it comes to autos, I've been using DAs exclusively for over 20 years, and don't see a need to fix what ain't broke. That said, I respect the Government Model. If it were...
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    Reloading Time II: Autos?

    Recently in the Revolvers forum of TFL I posed the question "How long should a reload, using speed loaders, take? Lots of folks chimed in with helpful opinions. Now, since those of us in LE still, for the most part, carry autos, I ask the next logical question: What time frame should I be going...
  13. S

    How Long Should A Reload Take?

    I'm about to qualify with my GP-100 with my LE agency. This will be for off-duty carry. For many years, I've been toting my P-90 off-duty, but as I've said before, I miss my early days when I was issued a I'm gonna do something about it. My question: How long should a reload take...
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    Chuck Taylor's Glock: Update

    Not long ago, I asked if anyone could give me an update on Chuck Taylor's G17, which he says he's had for over 20 years and has fired several hundred thousand rounds through. Well, according to the Feb. 2011 issue of a magazine that he writes for regularly, he's now up to 277,000 rounds and...
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    Air Rifle Questions

    On average, are "break barrel" air rifles more accurate than pump rifles? I've shot both types, and find that while the break barrel models offer more velocity, they aren't as accurate [for me, anyhow..especially when fired from a rest while in the prone position] as the pump models. For me, it...
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    Wondering About Gunbroker.Com

    Forgive me if this is an old topic, but if it is, I missed it. Is Gunbroker.Com okay to use? Can anyone relate their experiences [good and bad] with using this site to buy guns? I'm currently looking for a S&W 4506, but since those are no longer made, any one I get will be used [unless I get it...
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    Smith 645 Info

    Let me preface this by saying that although I'm an avowed Ruger guy, I did once have a burning desire for S & W's first .45 auto. It started when I was a teenager back in the mid-80s and first saw one on the cover of a G & A annual. I later finally got one and foolishly sold it off not long...
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    Vaquero Questions Again

    I've never owned or shot a Colt SAA or any of it's clones. The closest I've come is my Single Six, but it has adjustable sights. Lately I've been thinking [again] about buying a Vaquero, specifically the convertible .45 Colt / .45 ACP, and recently came across some info that gave me pause. If I...
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    Chuck Hawks: The Verdict?

    As I've mentioned before, I'm relatively new to the internet and computers in general. TFL is still the only forum I belong to, but lately I've been perusing No intentions on joining; one site is enough for me. Still, what I saw looked interesting enough. What do you more...
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    Walker Colt Question

    In the movie "Unforgiven", starring Clint Eastwood, Gene Hackman as the sheriff recounts a story of a confrontation he witnessed. In the story he relates, he says that the Walker Colt used by one of the combatants blew up in the shooter's hand. Hackman's character further states that this was "a...