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  1. S

    Are New Marlin Model 60s Actually Remlins?

    A separate thread I started in this forum got me to wondering about this. I have no interest in starting the "10/22 vs. Model 60" thing again, but the title of this thread says it all. I keep hearing about how Marlin quality has gone down since being acquired by Remington, thereby giving us...
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    Ruger 10/22: Why Should I?

    As far as .22s go, I know that the Ruger pretty much rules the roost, especially as far as reliability & accuracy are concerned. Of course, the cottage industry of accessories built around these rifles is a consideration, too. Wal Mart sells the 10/22 at a pretty darn good price [$247.00 in my...
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    What Do You Suggest?

    Several gun shows are coming to my area soon, but with my schedule, I can only attend two of them. Now, with the elections coming up [and therefore a good possibility of another ammo shortage], should I buy yet another gun that I really want more than I actually need...or use the money to...
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    Saiga Rifles: Worth It, Or Worthless?

    I've just now been introduced to Saiga semi-automatic rifles. I have been considering a Mini 30, but they're so expensive! Now, I see that my local pawn shop has two of them, one in 7.62x39, the other in .308. They cost $449.00 and $549.00, respectively. My questions: Are these weapons worth the...
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    Need To Hear From Mini 30 Owners

    I already have a Mini 14, and I'm thinking about also acquiring a Mini 30 [stainless, of course]. However, seems like I've heard a few whispers about reliability issues with those particular rifles. Can any Mini 30 owners please enlighten me? Thanks, all.
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    What Do You Think?

    Early in my foray into firearms [30 years ago], I recall hearing the old saying, "Beware the man who owns only one gun...he probably knows how to use it." Along those lines, I also recall hearing that if you must use more than one handgun for SD/HD, it was an excellent idea to make sure they all...
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    Is This Safe To Try?

    I have a Remington 870 Marine Magnum. I am considering taking it from it's original matte silver appearance to a high-gloss polish. If I do this, it will be done without tools, just Flitz metal polish, cloth, and elbow grease. I've pulled this off with other [matte stainless] guns in the past...
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    Cerakote: Have You Used It?

    If so, what are your impressions of this aftermarket firearms finish, and more importantly, how has it held up on your gun[s]? I have an outfit in my neck of the woods that applies it to handguns for $65.00, and to magazines for $7.00. Still, I thought I'd ask for some actual user feedback...
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    Glock Irony

    On more than one occasion, I've debated about buying my first-ever Glock, only to always decide to stick with what I'm comfortable with [DA/SA semis, manual safety-equipped]. Now, the LE agency I serve with is moving towards possibly replacing our Sigs with Glocks! Several of my agency's brass...
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    How Often Should You Replace Your Ammo?

    That is, the ammo you keep for serious purposes, be it SD, HD, or even hunting. For instance, I have a box of 230 grain JHPs for my off-duty/HD .45 that is several years old. Now, that's just the one box; I do have [and use] a much more recently-purchased box of identical rounds, but still, I...
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    If You Haven't Done This Yet, You Should!

    Take a kid shooting, that is. For years, I've tried to be very careful about forcing my kids to do certain things...I never wanted to force my hobbies on them, you know? But today, I put my foot down and told them "Like it or not, today we're off to the range!" My boys, 13 and 10, have never...
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    Anyone Else Have This Problem?

    After 23 years of full-time LE service, the last time we qualified with our service pistols, I noticed some alarming changes to my usual grouping. For all of these years, my groups have been well-centered and fairly tight; I almost always score 100%. This last time, however, I noted that once I...
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    Some Questions For Glock Owners

    I have, in the past, toyed with the idea of joining your club, but I've never actually bought a Glock. I have shot them, and know them to be fine, reliable guns. But I'm wondering a few things, and am hoping you Glock fans will help me out here: What, if any, parts failures or reliability...
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    Limb Saver: Worth It, Or Waste Of Money?

    I just recently came across a recoil pad for rifles and shotguns called the Limb Saver. It claims to reduce felt recoil by up to 70%. I'm tempted to try one on my 870 and see if it makes a difference for slugs and buckshot. I know that felt recoil is subjective, but I'm wondering: Has anyone...
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    What Am I Doing Wrong?

    Whenever I train on the range, as I draw my pistol, my goal is to bring the gun up and to have the front sight go directly to the center of the target. However, it seems that no matter how much I practice, when I bring the gun up into the firing position, my front sight first goes off to the...
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    Does Anyone Know?

    Several questions here for anyone who may know: Do ALL firearms manufacturers test fire their ALL of their guns before sending them out the factory door? If so, is there an industry standard protocol that they follow [certain number of rounds fired per gun], or is it something that each...
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    What Would You Do.....

    ...If you were looking for a gun that went out of production some time ago, and you really want it to be NIB, and you come across one at a local gun store. BUT, you know that the big gun show is coming up in a few months, where you MIGHT find the now-discontinued-but-still-NIB piece you want...
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    Taurus Frame Cracking?

    I have a line on a stainless Taurus PT-92, circa 1989. It has never been fired and appears to be in 100% NIB condition. Now, if I get it, it most likely will be relegated to "safe queen" status, bought purely for sentimental reasons [I carried this exact same make / model for my first LE duty...
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    Your Opinions, Please

    I recall hearing the bit about .357-toting LEOs using .38 ammo for practice, and loading up with full-house .357s for duty carry. The story goes that this practice really bit them in their collective butts; their on-the-street accuracy with their sidearms suffered. This was allegedly due to...
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    S & W .45 M & P: As Good As The Glock?

    I'm still in the debating process here. Swallow both the kool-aid and my pride, and buy my first-ever Glock [21 Gen 4]? OR, buy a Smith M & P in .45 ACP? The only reason I'd want a Smith is because it has one option the Glock does not; a manual safety....something I just happen to prefer on my...