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  1. S

    Is This Possible?

    I'm no gunsmith, so don't laugh at me too much for what may well be a really dumb question here, but: Will we ever see a semi-automatic pistol chambered in .454 or even .500 S&W? I can visualize the folks at Magnum Research {Desert Eagle} coming out with such a gun, but it seems to me it would...
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    How Are You REALLY Supposed To Zero?

    Some years back I read an article entitled "How To Zero Like A Sniper". The preferred method for sighting in a rifle {according to this article} was to start with a clean rifle, fire one shot, swab the bore, fire another shot, swab the get the idea. Now, I'm no newbie to firearms by...
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    Guys, Please Set Me Straight On This

    For years now, I've been seeing ads in the gun mags for surplus Mauser K98k rifles from Mitchell's Mausers. I know the story; a cache of these rifles, built back in the WWII era but never issued, were found and are being sold. The prices are shown as $399.00 for a "Souvenir Grade" and $499.00...
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    Needing Some Speedloader Carriers

    I carry a GP-100 when off-duty, and need to get a couple of carriers for my speedloaders...toting them in my pocket just isn't working out! So far, all I can locate are carriers made for Sam Browne belts, which is not the greatest of choices. Does anyone have any suggestions on where to find...
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    "Deer Cannons": Do They Make Hunting Easier?

    In the fields behind my house, a farmer has set up a "deer cannon" in an effort to keep the deer away from his crops. For anyone unfamiliar with these, a quick explanation: It doesn't actually shoot a projectile, it just makes a very loud noise, similar to gunfire. It's powered by LP gas, and...
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    Can Someone Enlighten Me On This?

    Since I first got into shooting back in the early 1980s, I've always tried to buy one gun mag per year that has a catalog section. From then until now, I've noticed that certain fancy shotguns {especially O/Us and double-barrels} sell for INSANE prices. Suggested retail on some of these shotguns...
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    Centerfire Rifles For HD?

    Periodically I will come across an article in the gun mags that touts a centerfire rifle as a good pick for home defense. I've seen various gun writers recommend rifles chambered in 7.62x39, .308, .223, and even the 6.8 SPC for this particular function. Now granted, I've flirted with the...
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    What's The Point Behind This Stance?

    No, I don't mean that rhetorically. For the past few years I've noticed photos in many of the gun mags of people using this odd stance that I just don't understand. Since I don't know how to post pics, I'll describe it: The shooter is either drawing, or has already drawn, his sidearm. His other...
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    Which Would You Suggest?

    I miss having a rifle. Now, as I've mentioned before, I've had terrible luck with what I'd thought was my ideal rifle; in this case, a Marlin 1894SS. My purposes for it were HD, short-range deer hunting, and any black bear issues that may have come up. Sadly, it did not measure up to the claims...
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    For My Fellow Cold Steel Knife Fans

    I admit it. I'm a hopeless Cold Steel fan. Any company that makes video proof of the toughness of their wares while daring other companies to follow suit [so far, no takers] is okay with me. So here's what I'm wondering: Why is it that most knife articles in most gun magazines seem to ignore...
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    Wondering About "Book Safes"

    The other day I was in a local Arts And Crafts store with my wife [hey, she goes with me to the gun shows, so fair is fair :barf:]. While browsing their wares, I came across something I've heard of before but never given much thought to: "Book Safes", or more specifically, those hollow lock...
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    Anyone Familiar With Wenol Metal Polish?

    At the gun show this weekend I picked up a new [to me] metal polish called Wenol. I've been using Flitz for years, mainly for removing fouling from revolver cylinder faces, and also for polishing up most of my stainless firearms. Has anyone here ever used Wenol for these same purposes, and if...
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    Holster Help For My Brother

    My older brother has only recently been bitten by the gun bug. At my recommendation, he has bought a Fist brand IWB holster for his new S&W M&P .45 Compact. However, due to some health issues he has, the rig is causing him a great deal of pain [yes, I know, it's supposed to be comforting, not...
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    Gen 4 Glock 21?

    I've never been a Glock guy, but here lately I've been considering them. Now, since I've never owned a Glock, I've never really read up on please don't accuse me of trying to start any dissension here! I'm really just hoping you Glock fans out there can get me caught up on Gaston's...
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    Calling My Fellow Single Stack Users

    When I'm not carrying a DA revolver off-duty, I'm toting a Ruger P-90. As we all know, using a single-stack magazine really limits the amount of ammo you have on hand...or at least, it does when compared to a double stack Glock 21 or Springfield XD. I typically only carry one spare mag for the...
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    Anyone Have Any "No-Manual-Safety" Horror Stories?

    It's well known that a pistol equipped with a manual safety can save the life of a LEO if a BG gets his gun away from him. There are a great many such cases of this very thing happening over the decades; the BG struggles with the LEO for the officer's gun, wrestles it away and tries to kill said...
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    Out Of Curiosity...

    I don't have any full-autos, but I do have a question, and this looks like the forum for it: If you were in the middle of a full-auto burst and suddenly got a squib load...would it be the mess that I imagine it would? Seems to me that it would happen before the shooter even realized it if he was...
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    Okay, So Laugh At Me, But...

    I admit it. I was raised in a suburb. So, I honestly don't know the answer to this, otherwise I wouldn't ask....but exactly what is Rock salt? I recall seeing TV shows in my youth where characters indicated that it was what they loaded up the shotgun with to either scare, sting, or lightly wound...
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    Is This REALLY Necessary?

    So for years now, I've been reading in the gun magazines that you should run at least 250 [or thereabouts] rounds of your carry ammo through your semi-auto pistol. This is, of course, to ensure that your chosen load is acceptably reliable in your gun for self-defense purposes. My problem: For...
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    Can Any NASCAR Fans Answer This?

    I understand that the winners of the NASCAR races at Texas Motor Speedway are traditionally awarded a pair of single action revolvers. Can anyone tell me what brand/caliber these guns are?