Search results

  1. J

    Launching Mothers Arms - self defense for moms!

    I've dropped a few hints here and there on TFL, but now it's official - Mothers Arms is in business! Please visit our web site at . Our mission: 'Mothers Arms is a non-profit organization created to inform, educate and support the development of self-reliant women...
  2. J

    Famous Firearms Dates

    I've seen terrific lists of firearms-related quotes, firearms experts, and a few other things. But, I've never seen a web-list of famous dates, significant to firearms. Can anyone steer me to one, or can you provide a few? I did find this link, which is somewhat interesting...
  3. J

    Robert Reich Says Justice Department Lawsuits Threaten Democracy

    Like they say, even a broken clock is right twice each day ... (see also ): ROBERT REICH SAYS JUSTICE DEPT. LAWSUITS THREATEN DEMOCRACY The Clinton administration is making "blatant end-runs around the democratic process" in pursuing lawsuits...
  4. J

    Beretta 92FS problems - stovepipes, FTF

    A friend asked me to help him look over a pistol he wanted. The seller claimed he had taken it to the range about 1.5 years ago, and it performed fine. Otherwise, the seller is not a shooter, and has used it very little. He acquired it used from someone else, so he really doesn't know the...
  5. J

    RKBA computer 'stuff'?

    Anyone know of sources for RKBA mouse pads, screensavers, wallpaper, etc.? I want to advertise my philosophy, and I thought they might make good gifts as well.
  6. J

    Attack! Attack! Attack! The best defense is ...

    The RKBA seems to have been on the defensive so long. But, there are those people and organizations who have been striking back with offensive in addition to or instead of defensive moves. For example, the CCW (concealed carry weapon permit) laws in various states, attempts to strengthen...
  7. J

    Now you can be a CEO - of Handgun Control, Inc.!

    Sent to me by a friend, out of the 12/28/99 Wall Street Journal: ********************************************* HANDGUN CONTROL, INC. WANTS TO FIND A NEW president. Incumbent Robert Walker, who has been at the helm of the nonprofit advocacy group for the last few years, is leaving the...
  8. J

    So, How Do You Determine the Correct Range for Sighting?

    I assume that experienced shooters have basic 'rules' for the distances you'll use to sight in various firearms, no? I gather sidearms would be sighted in at 25 yards, and in my tactical carbine class I think we used 50 yards, as I recall (supposedly kept a decent group out to 200 yards, no?)...
  9. J

    Full Auto Training Advice? - Front Sight

    I've fired a Thompson, and an M-14, but that is the extent of my full auto experience. I've been blessed by an invitation to the Front Sight school, after the SHOT Show in Vegas this month. I'll do some reading on this forum, but I wondered if any of you would provide any advice before I go...
  10. J

    Suggested link, and link change

    Rich et al, Please revise the Bloomfield Press link to his new, improved domain name of . And, please consider adding a new link to the Legal section - . With thanks to Jim March - this looks like a great reference for many of us. Thanks...
  11. J

    My 1st TFL Anniversary - Friends, Thank You

    Friends, as of today it has been one year since I first posted on TFL. When I found this site I had no idea where things would lead. While I believed in the RKBA one year ago, I was terribly ignorant. And, while I have a long ways to go, I have learned a great deal from all of you ... a great...
  12. J

    OK - I need some good, clean firearms jokes

    In a little over one week I'll be doing my first speaking engagement re: the RKBA. It is a pretty friendly crowd, so this will be a good way to begin. However, I'd like to start out on the lighter side, and I thought a good firearms joke or two would be helpful. I have a favorite, but it's a...
  13. J

    Good knife retailers

    I know this is probably more properly posted at BladeForums.Com, but to be frank ... I'm not really into edged weapons very much right now. However, I would like to get some decent folders for my boys and me, and so I'm looking for a Benchmade 710 with the Axis lock. Can anyone suggest a good...
  14. J

    Springfield 'Loaded' M1A - recommended accessories?

    Please give me your opinion regarding which of the following accessories you would recommend (these are available as part of their 'loaded' deal). [Note, I've already decided that getting the mag's, national match leather sling, and the tools are probably a wise move.]: 1. New 6 x 40...
  15. J

    Research into 'hot' burglary rates

    I'm helping a new friend with research into so-called 'hot' burglary rates, using comparisons between democratic, industrialized countries. 'Hot' burglaries are what we call home invasion robberies - residential burglaries, where the occupants are in the home at the time of the crime. We're...
  16. J

    Words matter ... lessons from LEO's?

    Last evening I watched a show on TLC regarding LEO's dealing with hostage situations. Interesting in its own right, but I found some of the dialog especially helpful. I'm a firm believer in our need to drastically change the terms of the RKBA debate, and no ... it isn't just semantics. It...
  17. J

    GP100 - .357 Mag only??

    Just helped some good friends buy their first gun. We picked out a Ruger GP100, and it looks to have a 3 inch barrel. At the time I was surprised by the high gloss on the stainless steel, but didn't really pay it much attention - appearance wasn't their main criterion. When we got it home and...
  18. J

    Stevens Model 311 - owners manual

    I have an old Stevens shotgun: On the frame it reads 'Stevens Model 311, Savage Arms Corporation, Chicopee Falls, Mass. U.S.A.' and on the other side, 'Model 311A'. On the barrels (28"): 'Selected Forged Steel', and on the other 'Proof Tested 12 Gauge, 2 3/4 Inch Chamber' Underneath the...
  19. J

    Rabbit skins ... no kidding

    We used to watch our landscaping disappear each day through the palates of dozens of rabbits. We'd see between 15 and 20 at one time devouring our lawn and plants, and the 'grass' looked more like a cocoa puff cereal truck accident. Mr. Benjamin Sheridan, in .22 cal, has helped me remedy that...
  20. J

    Another bogus poll - this time via email

    This just arrived, as I was reviewing TFL: ----- Original Message ----- From: <> To: <> Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 1999 3:54 AM Subject: Are Guns a Problem ? > Please help us with this survey. > > It is the most ambitious survey ever undertaken on...