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  1. M

    Original owner's manual, Iver Johnson TP-22

    does anyone have the original owner's manual for the IJ TP-22? I have my Father's, but the manual is gone. If you have one, could I induce you to scan it and e-mail it to me?
  2. M

    Trail Boss price?

    What are you paying for Trail Boss? I went to the gun store today and they had IMR Trail Boss on the shelves for $14 a bottle. I grabbed a bottle as that's the best price I've seen in awhile. When the girl rang up the sale, it rang up as $12.59 or something like that, with tax. I bought...
  3. M

    I thought Democrats were...

    the most ethical people on the face of the planet. Or so it would seem if you listen to Nancy Pelosi... I guess not, though... WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic Rep. William Jefferson (news, bio, voting record) was indicted on Monday on 16 criminal counts including soliciting bribes and...
  4. M

    How are people posting to the rifle forum?

    Never mind. Got the answer... It's magic, that's how!
  5. M

    Proper way to set a polychoke?

    I recently inherited my Father's 12-gauge Remington 58 Sportsman shotgun. It has a Polychoke Delux on it. Other than it being ugly as sin, I'm just not sure how I'm supposed to adjust it so that the fingers in the choke have the right constriction. Do I screw it the WHOLE way down and then...
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    This guy's really following the Adolf Hitler playbook closely...

    I wonder how long it will be until Venezuela invades one of its neighbors?;_ylt=Amgjoc8OKujtDfehlSBmHMAE1vAI
  7. M

    The Democratic Party mentality...

    summed up in one three-panel comic strip...
  8. M

    Hey Harley... Remington 58 shotgun...

    Do you have any full tear down instructions for this gun? I picked up the one that I gave my Dad for Christmas years ago. It needs a really thorough cleaning and I think I need to replace the spring that holds the bolt open.
  9. M

    Question re: military 5.56, bandoliers, and...

    the magazine loading keys. I bought some of the Radway Green ammo from AIM a few weeks ago, and it came with a bunch of bandoliers and new stripper clips. As I clipped the ammo and dropped it into the bandoliers, it dawned on me... There's no place on the bandolier for the magazine loading...
  10. M

    Ithaca hammer SxS...

    Anyone know of any resources on these? I found one in my Father's closet. It was a family gun that I had forgotten about. Kind of rough shape, doesn't appear to be any serial numbers, firing pins are broken. But, if it's fluid steel, I may just have it restored.
  11. M

    East German Mak....

    Anyone know what the East German Makarovs are bringing these days? Dad had one that's virtually cherry, a LOT nicer than the later Bulgarian or even the Russian ones. I'm half tempted to keep it, but we'll see.
  12. M

    I've inherited my Father's guns...

    Dad died last Thursday, and I found out today that I'm recipient of all of his guns. Not a lot, but several nice rifles, a Remington 522T target rifle that I learned to shoot on, several shotguns, and a couple of handguns. Kind of bitter sweet.
  13. M

    Hey Marko....

    You're the worst excuse for moderatorly material ever minted... Well no, not really, I just thought you needed another toaster... :D Your line gave me my first really good laugh this morning...
  14. M

    Remember to vote!

    Only in America can you tell one pack of asshats that you're not happy with them by sending in another pack of asshats to take their place... Ever notice no matter which way the wind of change is blowing, it always smells like a cesspool?
  15. M

    NEED HELP! Pictures of barrel failures!

    On another board I've run into a guy with a bit of education opining that a picture of a rifle with a "banana" failure of the barrel is a fake because "rifling grooves are the weak points in a barrel and barrels WILL fail in a spiral pattern - that's the ONLY way it can happen." Anyone who has...
  16. M

    New cartridge - .338 Federal

    This is a cartridge that I've been dreaming about for years! A .338 bullet seated in a .308 case!!! The specifications indicate what I always knew about such a cartridge -- that it has great performance capabilities and will make one hell of a...
  17. M

    Anyone know the weight...

    of a complete military 5.56 round?
  18. M

    Three gunshops to be avoided at all costs...

    In Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Georgia. Don't do business with them, and let your friends know that it's not OK to do business with them, either. MAYOR BLOOMBERG ANNOUNCES GROUNDBREAKING SETTLEMENTS WITH THREE ADDITIONAL GUN DEALERS NAMED IN NEW YORK CITY LAWSUIT One-Third of the 15 Gun...
  19. M

    Ann Richards, former Texas gov., has died...

    If I remember correctly, she was quite anti-gun and vetoed the first iteration of the Texas concealed carry law in the early 1990s. Anyone know for sure if that's the case?
  20. M

    Attack against US Embassy in Syria

    Actually planned by George Bush and Dick Cheney and carried out by 4 George Bush clones, with major strategic support from the REAL Condi Rice (the one we see on the TV news is a carefully altered alien)? All in an attempt to expand the GWOT, decrease the chances of immigration reform, hide the...