Search results

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    Carrier for Winchester 1894 in .44

    Anyone know where I can get one of these? Winchester considers it an obsolete part and doesn't stock it. Jack First and Numrich are no-go. I've been down this whole list, but without any luck.
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    HR 1369: Require Insurance for Gun Owners

    I was wondering how long it would take them to trot this sickly pony out. Sponsored by Carolyn Maloney, HR 1369 would mandate a $10,000 fine for firearms owners who fail to maintain liability insurance. There are two reasons for this. The first is that the policies will be expensive, and in...
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    Identify This Frame? Beware: Depressing

    This lovely specimen was dropped off with our gunsmith today. As you can see, the ejector rod and front sight have been wrenched off. The frame is some kind of pot-metal, but I can't find any identifying markings. I'm thinking possibly a Heritage. Can anyone name it? Normally, I wouldn't...
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    Sequester Blues

    Lots of federal agencies saw their funding slashed as of Friday. Among them is the ATF, which has lost $60 million. The FBI has lost $480 million, some of which is going to affect the NICS system. Expect delays when buying guns from FFLs. Also, expect FFL's to groan because they're going...
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    The Court of Public Opinion

    Bruce Rogers has an interesting article over at Forbes. He takes a look at the current debate on gun control and who's wielding the most influence. There are some interesting takeaways here. The first is that this is (perceived as) a battle between the White House and the NRA. This isn't a...
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    Executive Orders: Read First

    There is a thread running on this issue in General Discussion. Please direct all posts there. We do not need unnecessary duplication of content. Any new threads started on the matter will be deleted on sight.
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    Gun Control: the Objectivist Response

    Harry Binswanger, protegee of Ayn Rand, has a great article in Forbes in which he dismisses gun control on the grounds that it reverses the traditional equation upon which our legal system is based: The one right above others we have is the right to life, and the way to remove that right is by...
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    502 Bad Gateway errors

    Anyone else getting these? They appear fairly random, but I'm getting them fairly often.
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    To find your Representative

    Sandy Hook Shooting: Read First We currently have two threads running on this topic. Please contain your discussion to those threads. If you have a topic that may merit its own thread, please PM one of the L&CR mods for approval before starting it. We're all a bit worried about the...
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    Plastic guns, and the "Invisible" gun law set to expire.

    1988 All Over Again - 3D printers No, I'm not talking about Rick Astley or Perestroika. I'm talking about the Undetectable Firearms Act. The late 1980's were scary times. Full House was in its second season, Miami Vice was really getting stale, and the Austrians were making plastic guns...
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    Executive Orders

    The possibility of any new gun control laws passing through the legislature is almost nil. When I explain this to people, their reaction is "well, then the President's just going to do it through an executive order! ZOMG!" That's not how it works. Executive orders exist for the President to...
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    The Heartbreak of Bullet Setback

    Take a good look, kids. Don't flinch. Don't avert your eyes. Bullet setback is real, and it could be happening in your very own neighborhood as we speak. "Impossible," you say. "My community is free of hippies and bullet setback! It could never touch our halcyon lives of quiet...
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    Sobering Article on European Crime

    We hear it all the time. "Europe has stricter gun controls and lower firearms ownership, and they have lower crime, right?" Wrong. Look at the UK, just pulling right ahead in 1997. Lest we forget, that was the year of the Firearms (Amendment) Act, which banned almost all handguns, and then...
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    Wallet Holsters

    There's at least one local vendor at the local gun shows selling these to folks. They completely conceal the firearm, except for the trigger guard, and the gun can be fired while in the holster. My understanding is that these would be AOW's, or is there a loophole? I know some designs fall...
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    New President for the Brady Campaign

    Since Paul Helmke stepped down last year, Dennis Henigan has been serving as active president. Today, the Brady Campaign announced that Daniel Gross would be taking the reins. Gross was formerly the director of the Center to Prevent Youth Violence. I can't find much about their funding. They...
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    Florida Training Requirement?

    You may have heard about this little snafu. John Crewdson has an article at Bloomberg, in which he's very upset about the implications of HR 822. Apparently, this represents such an existential crisis for Mr. Crewdson that he applied for a Florida concealed weapons license. By his own...
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    Could the President Carry?

    Here's an interesting article that explores the theoretical possibility of a President carrying a gun for protection. Teddy Roosevelt was known to carry a revolver, and he kept an FN 1900 at his bedside in the White House, but that was a different time, before attitudes about firearms changed...
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    ATF Trace Protocol?

    I got a call for a gun trace today. Nothing unusual: check the books, pull the 4473, fax it in. I checked the books, and there was no entry under the disposition column. Then I checked the shelf, and the gun is still there. It never left the shop. The gun went from the manufacturer to a...
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    Paul Helmke Stepping Down

    There aren't many details yet, but Paul Helmke, current President of the Brady Campaign, has announced his retirement. He served since 2006. Bringing him on was a shrewd move for the Brady Campaign. Helmke was ostensibly a Republican. He presented himself as a moderate, and he was a master...
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    Colt Silver Star?

    I've got chance at a deal on a polished stainless Government model. The left side of the slide is emblazoned "Silver Star." Serial number sequence is SS004**. It appears to be 1983-1987, since it has a Series 70 bushing, but a Series 80 safety setup. I'm not concerned with monetary value...