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    SAF Brings Suit against I-594

    Press release here. The filing itself is here. Their argument is that I-594 is unconstitutional because it is too vague, both facially and as applied. They point out that the state patrol has announced they will not be enforcing the law because they can't prove what is or isn't a transfer...
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    That won't buff out...

    The complaint was that the gun wasn't hitting paper, and the cylinder was stuck. The first sign of a problem was the bulge under the "N." And why was the cylinder locked shut? Perhaps it was this: Yep, it had to be hammered open. So, just how many were in there? We're figuring at least...
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    Tyler v. Hillsdale County Sheriff's Department

    This one just came out of the 6th Circuit [pdf]. The three-judge panel found that the prohibition was not "narrowly tailored to the government’s interests in public safety and suicide prevention." This is the first time since Heller that a Circuit court has invalidated a federal gun statute...
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    Families of Sandy Hook Victims Plan to Sue Bushmaster

    A group of families, organized by the law firm of Koskoff, Koskoff & Bieder, is planning to bring a wrongful death suit against Bushmaster Firearms because one of the company's rifles was used in the Sandy Hook shooting. In theory, such a lawsuit would be forbidden by the Protection in Lawful...
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    Henderson v. United States

    The Supreme Court granted cert last night. At issue is the disposition of a person's firearms once he's convicted of a felony. Henderson's argument is here [pdf]. The government's response is here [also pdf]. Henderson is not claiming he has a right to keep his firearms--he is claiming he...
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    California: "Gun Violence Restraining Orders"

    Governor Brown has signed AB-1014 into law. This was a reaction to the Elliot Rodger shooting four months back. Text of the law is here. There doesn't appear to be a stipulation for appeal, nor is there a limit to how long such an order can be made to last.
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    10th Circuit upholds multiple long-gun reporting requirement

    In 2011, the ATF began requiring dealers in Southwestern border states to report sales of multiple semiautomatic rifles to individual purchasers. The ATF doesn't have the authority to do this. As such, the requirement has been challenged in the DC and 5th Circuit courts, but it was upheld in...
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    Beretta Snubs Manchin

    Beretta recently announced they're moving most of their manufacturing to Tennessee. Maryland's gun laws were quoted as the main reason. Several states courted their business, including West Virginia. Beretta explicitly rejected West Virginia because of Senator Manchin's actions in...
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    Guam goes shall-issue

    Bill No. B296-32 [pdf] has been signed into law in Guam. As per Section 2, the police "shall issue a license" if the applicant meets the requirements, which are fairly lenient. Aside from being legally eligible to own a gun, applicants must show some proof of training, which can be a hunter...
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    Shooting with oxygen?

    This is a question I've never had to address. A man wants to take his wife shooting at an indoor range. She uses one of the Helios backpack oxygen tanks. She has to be on it at all times, so shooting without it isn't an option. My gut reaction is that oxygen and combustion don't mix. I...
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    About those AR-15 Pistol Braces

    In case you're just tuning in, Sig Sauer started marketing an AR-15 pistol with a "stabilizing brace" that looks a bit like a short stock. As pictured here, it's designed to fit over the forearm. The relevant word is designed. Since the weapon is not designed to be fired from the shoulder, it...
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    Jackson v. City & County of San Francisco

    This is a decision out of the 9th Circuit, and it's somewhat troublesome. The opinion is here [pdf]. They made two findings. The first is that San Francisco's safe-storage requirement does not unduly burden the 2nd Amendment: Emphasis mine. Exactly what material difference is there between...
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    Feinstein's Letter to the President

    Dianne Feinstein has been pressuring the President to make gun control a top-tier issue this year. She hasn't been successful. This week, she sent him a letter asking him to expand the provisions of 18 U.S.C. § 925(d)(3) (the "sporting purposes" clause) to ban the import of all...
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    Proposed RKBA in Ukraine

    Ukraine has a gun owners' association. I didn't know that. This week, they've proposed a bill that should seem very familiar to us: That's Google translation at work. If anyone has better knowledge of Cyrillic, feel free to correct it.
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    Connecticut already considering an amnesty

    It looks like compliance rates for the gun and magazine registry in Connecticut are much lower than expected. Given the lack of success for such schemes in Canada, the UK, and Australia, that comes as little surprise. As such, the government is already considering an amnesty and a second...
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    Smith & Wesson, Ruger no longer submitting guns for approval to CA

    Back in 2007, California Governor Schwarzenegger signed off on AB 1471, which requires all semiautomatic pistols sold in the state to have microstamping features. Since the technology wasn't readily available at the time, enforcement was postponed until such a time as it became viable and...
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    Identify this rifle?

    It's the one Senator DeLeon is holding up in the first picture. It looks like one of the Daniel Defense short-barrel models. He claims it was made in a garage, but the fit and matched accessories really don't back that statement.
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    MAIG Email Trail

    There have been some questions about the exact relationship between Michael Bloomberg's New York City Hall staff and his employees at Mayors Against Illegal Guns. Judicial Watch obtained over 500 pages of emails through an FOIA request, and they have it posted here [huge pdf file]. The chain...
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    "Legal" Marijuana and Guns

    Colorado has made it legal to buy, own, and possess marijuana for recreational purposes. Before anybody rushes to spark up the bong and crank up their Dave Matthews records, read on. Under 18 U.S.C. § 922(g), In short, smoking pot disqualifies one from owning firearms under federal law. The...
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    NY SAFE Act upheld at District Court

    Chief U.S. District Judge William M. Skretny has ruled on the constitutionality of New York's SAFE Act [pdf]. Here's the summary: Yet again, the RKBA is subject to intermediate, not strict, scrutiny. Therefore, vague ramblings about "public safety" are enough to justify a regulation...