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  1. T

    NSSF and the "90%" Myth

    The gun-control lobby spend most of the year claiming that 90% of Americans support so-called universal background checks for gun purchases. We've discussed the questionable survey leading to that figure and its methodology before. The NSSF has done a survey in which they clarified the...
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    Bull Moose Sportsmen

    Here we go again. The Bull Moose Sportsmen claim they're a group of Colorado gun owners and 2nd Amendment supporters who just think some gun control (universal background checks, banning hi-cap magazines) is a good idea. They dress in camo and hunt birds with shotguns. That makes them just like...
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    Moms Demand Action merges with Bloomberg

    Now that Bloomberg is leaving office, he'll have more free time to spend his money. One of his first acts is merging Shannon Watts' organization with Mayors against Illegal Guns. Depending on how the 2014 midterms go, we could very well see a renewed push this time next year. These guys keep...
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    Undetectable Firearms Act, Part Deux

    It's all over the news, and there's some confusion surrounding this. The House voted today to extend the Undetectable Firearms Act (UFA) for ten years (search for 3626 on the page). This is not, however, the expansion of the Act for which Senator Schumer has been calling. He plans to submit a...
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    Colorado: Evie Hudak Resigns

    As you may remember, Colorado voters successfully recalled state senators Morse and Giron back in September (sad clown tears here). Their support for gun control was the main issue. Despite outspending the NRA and local groups by a wide margin, Michael Bloomberg was unable to protect either of...
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    Sandy Hook shooting report released

    The Connecticut State's Attorney has released their report on the Sandy Hook shooting. The direct link to the pdf is here. Among other things, Lanza was not found to be taking medication. Also, I'm not so sure about that. Modern data-recovery techniques are pretty sophisticated. He had a...
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    Now the Philippine Gun Culture's the Problem

    There's an article over at the UK Telegraph in which Alex Spillius claims relief efforts are being hampered because of a "prevalence of guns." This comment is particularly inaccurate when one reflects on the various hotspots on the African continent: He brings up an interesting statistic...
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    People v. William Martin Zondorak, Jr

    The California Court of Appeal has ruled that the state's Assault Weapons Control Act (AWCA) does not violate the 2nd Amendment. They find that a semiautomatic AK-47 clone is "dangerous and unusual" under the Heller dicta, and that its possession in the home is not protected. By their logic...
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    Bloomberg's True Colors

    Remember last month's successful recalls in Colorado? A third recall, this one for Denver Senator Evie Hudak, is now building steam. This time around, Governor Hickenloper is asking Michael Bloomberg and other sympathetic interests to stay out of the fray. The question is, why? According to...
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    New "Executive Actions"

    Todd Jones will be sworn in as new Director for the BATFE today. This marks the first time the position has been filled since Carl Truscott left in 2006. The administration is using this as an opportunity to announce two new executive orders regarding guns. The first is a moratorium on the...
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    Privacy and the NSA

    The email service Lavabit recently shut down rather than release all their records to the NSA. Lavabit's mission was to provide private and secure encrypted email services. Following that, a similar service called Silent Circle closed their doors as well. A spokesperson for Silent Circle issued...
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    Two Cases from Puerto Rico

    Puerto Rico is a tough place to be a gun owner. The NRA and SAF don't have much reach there, and the Commonwealth is often a laboratory in which folks test whether or not certain laws would fly on the mainland. Antonio A. Hernández Almodóvar has argued against some of Puerto Rico's more...
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    Vesely v. Armslist dismissed

    In 2011, a Canadian national named Demetry Smirnov illegally purchased a handgun that had been advertised on Armslist. He then used that handgun to kill Jitka Vesel. Vesel's next of kin decided to sue Armslist for wrongful death. The lawsuit was spearheaded by the Brady Campaign. There's...
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    How the other side plays it

    Seattle Gun Examiner Dave Workman unearthed a policy document outlying strategies for gun-control advocates [pdf file]. It's very much worth taking the time to read. Back in 1993, I sat on the panel of a gun-control debate for a local TV station. The guy on the other side of the table...
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    Todd Jones confirmed as permanent ATF director

    Former Minnesota US Attorney Todd Jones has been confirmed by the Senate to be permanent director of the BATFE. The Bureau has been without a permanent director since Carl Truscott left under a shadow of ethics and budget violations in 2006. He had only served 2 years. Since then, the Burea...
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    Leonard Embody. Again.

    Some folks might remember Leonard Embody. He was arrested for strolling down a busy road in Belle Meade with a revolver in his hand, and he tried to sue. He was detained for carrying an AK-47 pistol around Radnor Lake park with the tip painted orange, and he tried to sue. Basically, he's...
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    State of Florida vs. George Zimmerman

    The prosecution has rested their case, and we can expect a verdict soon. While the case was ongoing, we prohibited discussion of the issue. At that point, evidence hadn't been presented and all we could do was speculate. Things have changed, and we're going to reopen discussion. This will be...
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    1911 Magazine in a Glock 21

    So, yes, it is possible. Here's proof: It seated and locked. And there was much gnashing of teeth during the removal process. Just because something can be done, doesn't mean it should be done. Fortunately, the gun was unable to chamber a round.
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    NICS Reauthorization

    The NICS system is up for reauthorization this year. It's still under debate in the Senate, but here's what's going on. Under Section 103: Section 106 contains the "Nationwide Project Exile Expansion,'' which contains provisions to actually, you know, prosecute people who violate existing...
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    HR 1565: Universal Background Checks (Again)

    It's back. This is the House version of Schumer's background-check bill. It has 109 co-sponsors. The Brady Campaign is already urging their members to text representatives on the matter, and we need to make our voices heard. The most efficient venue is Popvox, which allows you to send a...