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  1. A

    Don't Hunt In Zimbabwe

    Too many crooks, and U.S. fines can be heavy. "- Jocelyn Chiwenga is not a woman to be taken lightly. The wife of Gen. Constantine Chiwenga, commander-in-chief of Zimbabwe’s army, Mrs. Chiwenga has earned a reputation in her own right as a...
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    '06 Barrel Length

    The '06 is a slightly overbore cartridge. It's not quite a magnum, but it shares the characteristic that longer barrels work better than shroter barrels. My own pet '06 has a 26" barrel. My father's Springfield '03s were cut to 24". My opinion is that if you're going to a 22" or 20" barrel...
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    Dry Run, But Fun

    There's a big ol' mule deer buck hanging out back of the rimrock above my house. Yesterday, a buddy of mine and I did the "Set 'til dark" thing, to see would he wander by. Too windy; no joy. However, there wasn't a cloud in the sky, and it was really neat to have a fairly comfy sittin' spot...
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    For Gaiden: Gun Control Laws

    My engineering background makes me more interested in statistical data, "hard numbers" and suchlike, than in emotional arguments. Some fifteen years back I ran across a book, "Under The Gun" (Wright, Rossi & Daly) which was a thorough survey and a bunch of statistical analysis of guns, gun laws...
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    Alas, California!

    It is immaterial whether or not one agrees with Mr. Buchanan's theses as to cause and effect, or with his personal conclusions. The sources he cites pretty much speak to the future of the state, and my particular point in posting this link involves the views of the Democratic Party of...
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    Once, They Fought For Us

    My father went ashore at Normandy. Come next Groundhog Day he'll be 94; he's finally in need of assisted living. I ran across this: Military Doctor Speaks Out I am a doctor specializing in Emergency Medicine in the Emergency Departments of the only two military Level One-trauma centers...
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    A Case For Gun Control

    Mugabe's government in Zimbabwe is the Duly Constituted Authority, according to the UN and multitudes of State Departments or the equivalent thereto. In the article...
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    Steely Dan's Refresher Course

    "...the relationship between caliber and cartridge is one of those things that I kind of, sort of, understand, but really don't. Especially when the discussion turns to wildcats, but also with some of the more common rounds, including those that are actually over- or under-sized compared to...
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    Huge Bear!

    A local buddy of mine got an email with the following info: "You've got to check out the size of this bear. Let's go hunting...The attached pictures are of a guy who works for the forest service in Alaska. He was out deer hunting. A large...large world record Griz charged him from about 50...
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    Oklahoma outlawed cockfighting. The punishment for mere possession of a fighting cock includes lengthy prison time and a fine of a serious amount of money. There are punishments for an actual "crime against person" which are not nearly so severe. I guess it's just another datum in the log of...
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    Dogfood Lover

    Had a visitor show up about 5:30 this afternoon. This was about two minutes after I had walked out on the porch and ran a couple of ravens away from the dogfood. The ravens returned while he was eating, which led to lots of confrontational nervousness on everybody's part. This was taken at...
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    Terminology: "Lands"?

    We all know what are "lands" and "grooves" in a barrel's rifling. "Grooves" seems obvious, but where did the term "Lands" come from? :confused:, Art
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    Euphemisms: Ya better read and understand!

    This website is for enhancement of the Right To Keep And Bear Arms. It is a place where your friends and enemies read what we say, and this includes the distaff side of the population. It is not a place where the use of serious profanity is allowed. It is not a place where obscenity is...
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    Whatzit? Mauser

    I was given an old Mauser. The lettering on the top of the receiver ring is partially rubbed away, but "Fabric....Armas" is visible. The lettering is in a curve, with a rubbed-away crest inside the curve. Below the lettering is "OV...00" and below that is an illegible date. Straight bolt...
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    OT: Fake Jewelry

    In order to keep Sweet Thang from griping at your latest gun purchase, you buy her some jewelry, right? Be warned: Apparently a good bit of imported stuff marked "Sterling" is actually plated steel. Carry a magnet. Obviously, no...
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    For You Who Would Hunt In Africa

    I was browsing over at TimeBomb2000 and ran across this: Rather intersting comment about the spread of Islam... Anyhow, it's an accurate picture, IMO, and could well mean that governmental hostilities toward whites...
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    Art's Editing Policy On Language

    Bein' all eat up with the simples, I had to figure out how I'd deal with posts containing the occasional Bad Word. Now, my grandmother was a staunch member of the WCTU*, and my mommy was raised accordingly. So, I keep a picture of Mommy right close and handy, and if she disapproves of the way...
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    Ever had a "Zen" Day?

    Thinking about stuff in the "Max Distance" thread led me to thinking about those days where I could do no wrong--and those days where I could do no right. Ever had one of those shots which seemed "over your head", but you just absolutely knew beyond all doubt you'd hit? You "felt" the shot in...
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    Animal Behavior

    Not about huntin', but thought I'd share this. For the past half-hour, I've been breaking up at the antics of a big raven in my front yard. I had thrown out some (shelled) rancid pecans and walnuts. He had spotted them as Goody Num-nums. He "sneaks" up on them, looks all around for Bad...
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    Shrike, For You AR Lovers

    A buddy of mine sent me these URLs; for discussion, go to the Full Auto forum... :) Art >