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    Bear! Where? Right here!

    This was taken at the restaurant in the Chisos Basin of Big Bend National Park. Typical size for bears in the border area.
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    Predation On Quail

    Browsing through my August issue of "Texas Wildlife" (from Texas Wildlife Association, a really worthwhile organization for hunters in Texas) I ran across some comments from a ten-year study on quail. Cameras were set up on some 120 nests. Coyotes were the #1 predator, followed by skunks and...
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    Hey, Hunter!

    You got them good eyes, you? See critters right away, yah?!=W&ID=16113
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    New Auction Site

    A message from Neill at Texas Hog Hunters: "I've had several members ask me how to sell their stuff on but the site wasn't really designed to support buying and selling. So to make it easier for you to your sell goods and services, we've just launched our sister site...
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    Seeing Deer

    A lot of deer hunters look for a complete deer when sneaky-snaking. Big mistake. You look for pieces of a deer: Sun glint off an antler tine. A nose or an eye, since little in nature is actually black. Or maybe just a deer's rump in some brush. If he moves, it's amazing how you'll think...
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    September -- "Snipers In The Tower"

    I saw the inset picture, taken through the rainspout. Hey! "MY" pecan tree is still there! The large one, straight down the middle at 20th and University, a block past the Memorial Fountain at. :) From an old thread, here, wherein I posted: "Yeah, Whitman had gone to the university student...
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    Coyote Hunting -- lt dan Variant

    lt dan, in South Africa, said in that other coyote thread: "i went jackal calling since your post about toys? been caling them, with the toys, they answer but they dont come closer. i think the pitch is to high. i saw a bat eared fox. killing range but we dont shoot them. there is a cattle calf...
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    Crichton on Fear -- Very Long

    It's a helluva read. About halfway in, he gets into environmental management, Yellowstone, elk, deer, predators. But read all of it and bookmark the URL.
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    High Fences

    Okay, kiddies, get out your Texas road map. Here's the deal: Yesterday, I drove home to Terlingua from Corpus Christi and for part of the way I took FM 624 through Cotulla and on to Carizzo Springs. West from US 59 to Cotulla, I'd guess that one-third of the ranches along the way were...
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    Game-Trail Cameras

    I see these ranging from around two mega-pixels, on up to six mega-pixels. Does more m-p mean better resolution? What's the cost difference, generally, between black/white and color? Anybody know anything about this version...
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    Collared peccary. Sorta cute, but smelly little critters. Mostly run about 35 pounds on the hoof, mature, but every now and then I've seen some taller ones that might go as much as 50. I'd have to see the scales to ever believe 60. Very near-sighted. The hearing is fair, but their little...
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    Kids & Animals & TV

    One explanation for part of our problems with game management and hunting: "CHILDREN ARE being left disappointed after visiting the zoo because the animals there...
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    "Ruining meat"

    I wanna know what folks are doing, such that they worry about some particular cartridge "ruining meat". Are they just sorta shooting at any old where in a Big Brown Blob? I thought you were supposed to pick out a vital spot away from the eatin'-meat part of a deer. You don't shoot 'em in the...
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    Military Folks

    This is a correction for an assertion made in another thread: For active duty military personnel, regardless of where they are stationed, the license fee in Texas is that of a Texas resident. That's full time active duty in the Guard, Reserve and the Service Academies as well as the "regular"...
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    A Break-in Question

    Not about how or what process or any of that: Roughly, in what year did you first hear of any specific break-in process? Me, it was 1999, here at TFL. :), Art
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    Trophy Hunting, Revisited

    Let's leave out the issue of wasting meat. That's illegal, anyway. Or, as in Africa, meat's not wasted. Got an extra four tons of elephant meat? You'll find plenty of help, almost immediately. So, first off, let's sorta work at a general consensus of what the very term means. To me, it's...
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    Proposed OSHA Regs on Powder/Primers

    This thread showed up in L&P over at The High Road: I suggest following the link and then offering a polite, negative comment. Art
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    The Spelling Nazi Speaks

    :) Hey, look: It's a muzzle BRAKE, out there on the end of a rifle barrel. It ain't a muzzle BREAK. No. Wrong. Boo! Hiss! BRAKE, just like on your car. Got it? I knew you would. :D, Art
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    Useful Info. Bookmark It.

    Some facts for discussions with antis: There are fourteen tables, 01.html through 14.html. Courtesy the Texas State Rifle Association. Art
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    Fair Chase Law

    From a thread in the Hunt forum: It's worth a listen. It is stated that Jimmy Houston of the Outdoor Channel was a willing participant in one of these canned hunts. This sort of unethical hunt has been made illegal in many states, even prior to 2004. We...