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  1. A

    The Other Side of Home Invasion

    Been so much gloom and doom, I thought I'd give some good news. 1. A sneak-burglar had a pattern of going into little old ladies' (LOLs) houses and taking cash and jewelry. He would then stand by the bed, "hovering", until the LOL woke up. When she screamed, he would run. One night, he went...
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    Metallic Silhouette Pistol Match

    The International Handgun metallic Silhouette Association will hold its world championship in Fort Stockton, Texas, July 25-August 1. If your year, so far, has been entirely too chilly and damp, Fort Stockton can cure that. Fort Stockton is on I-10, 230 miles east of El Paso; or 500 miles west...
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    Loads for 10mm

    I'm going to load some 150-grain Nosler HP for my Delta Elite. New Starline brass. Haven't loaded jacketed bullets in the 10, before; just lead "plinkers". Browsing the Accurate book, they recommend their #7. They say this powder is similar to HS-7, Blue Dot and 630. Has anybody loaded with...
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    Omigod, an anti-gun-control letter!

    I was browsing the Net, and ran across this news item (hope the link works): Gee. Why hasn't this been published in US newspapers? Regards, Art
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    Your Idea for Gun Control

    Does anybody have an idea on how to control acquisition of firearms by "Bad Guys" IN ADVANCE of a sale? Sure, we have all manner of "janitorial law", to punish illegal acts. To give the pro-gun-control people a smidgin of credit, they want to find a way to prevent a problem. (I'm not talking...
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    Pro-gun Message To Congress (and others)

    Woke up, made coffee, staggered over to the computer to go to World Net Daily for my morning shot of cynicism. Logged on, clicked on Bookmarks. And what to my bloodshot eyes did appear, from nowhere as it were: "POOF" So, dear friends, if you wander off to
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    Senate Vote on Gunshow Sales

    First, I agree with the opinions of almost all of those posting in the "Legal and Political" Forum, okay? NOW: Remember that a lot of the Republican "Yes" votes, as reported in the Washington Post, are posturing for the public emotions of the moment, looking toward the next election. The real...
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    World Net Daily, May 4

    Bresnahan's columns have always struck me as excellent investigative reporting. His allegations have always been verifiable. In today's edition, his summary of Clinton's style of power-grab is truly scary. Chink: I commend to you the column, "NATO--The Mad Bomber", as regards your stance on...
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    Long Distance Shooting Session

    A buddy of mine showed up with a new pet--a Model 700 with a heavy, fluted, 20" barrel in .308. Leupold 3.5X10 scope. It drives tacks from his benchrest, but he's limited to 100 yards. So, I took a couple of lids from 55-gallon drums, painted them white and put 3" aiming dots in the centers...
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    Under Attack!

    He'p me, he'p me! What do I do about all these quail running across my front porch? It ain't quail season, and I don' wanna be a poacher--can't shoot'em in the head, I guess. Is quail poop on the deck anywhere the real of justification of crop damage by deer? Hellllppp!
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    Barrel Repair

    I picked up an old Krag-Jorgensen pretty cheap. It has a nice Redfield peep sight mounted at the read of the action. There are two holes drilled and tapped into the barrel, located four inches and almost six inches forward of the bolt face. Question: Are these attachment holes for the...
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    Get politically active!

    In the March issue of Guns & Ammo, Tom Gresham commented, "You either get involved or start selling off your guns." I agree 100%. How many of us/you ever write your Congresssman or Senator? At either the State of Federal level? Do you merely fire off a hot FAX or EMail, or do you use snail...
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    Heston speech

    Worth the read: http//
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    Y2K: For Some, It's Here Now!

    Browsed on over to "", which has links to everywhere, including Gary North's site. Try "" for an interesting article. This is one I'd hope is in error--a hoax, even. Briefly, the US Senate put in new software in order to have no...
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    Higher Costs of Talking About Guns

    An incoming Email reminded me that in two weeks, Congress is taking up the issue of a per-call tax: Each time you log on to go to The Firing Line and talk about guns, there would be an extra fee or tax... Not just 'cause you're going to TFL--I wanted to tie it to this Site...(Sorry, Rich) I...
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    Y2K Food

    Sort of a segue into "General" from the MRE discussion in "Gear": For those who worry about shelf life or longevity of flour, rice, beans, and corn meal for accompaniment to their meals of road kill and dandelions, I am told that bay leaves in the container, and on the pantry shelves, keep...
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    Concealed Carry - Reciprocity

    Don't know if this has been posted before, but it's very useful information about which states recognize others' carry-licenses:
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    Mountain Lion Hunt

    My remarriage 9 years back put me in a two-home deal--my home in Terlingua, TX, and my wife's in S.Jawgia. I am regularly out in Terlingua "baching it" during late-March and April, and again in October-November. I can take one or two guys lion hunting during those times. No fee, no...