Search results

  1. H

    Dats My Boy!!! Hog Doggin'

    Junior has been gettin' out with a few of his buds to do some hog doggin' lately... The things we do for our dogs 'cuz we owe them... Last hunt found them on a private land huntin' lease that adjoins a MAJOR military installation (not Eglin and not even Fla...). Dogs got on a Nike wearin'...
  2. H

    Henry .22 Carbine Rear Sight ???

    My dad just bought a new Henry .22 Carbine. Upon my first look at it I noted that the rear sight looks to be barely in the dove tail groove. As if the male on the sight is undersize to the groove... Is this normal? Improper install or defective? Heard of? Brent
  3. H

    HEY MODERATORS!!! Y'all up on this? I am not sure if this is help or hindrance for us and the site and copyright laws but figger I owe ya'll the link... Brent
  4. H

    Is this a good training vid?

    We have muzzle sweeps all over... Orange tape indicator on magazines but some sort of live ammo "dinging" the down range metal plates... I also note that while showing the throat impacts, the bg never fights back... I am highly suspect that this ain't the best training in the nation...
  5. H

    Double Step Down neck LC headstamp...

    So lets just say a "buddy" showed me a brass rifle cartridge he found that is 100% inert with punched primer and full of sand. It was found on a military owned big piece o' land. Head stamp is an LC and is followed by what I think is 8 and "l" or "I" or "1"... It is a double neck or 2 step...
  6. H

    Huntin' Shootin' one-liners sought...

    Things you would like to see on a mug or clothing, bumper stickers or hats etc... Things like... My Freezer Is A Game Preserve Vegans taste like chicken Salad is what my food eats Molon Labe So as not to fill up my PM box as I know ya'll have thought of or seen plenty, here is my email...
  7. H

    Square Bore Gun...

    I am engaged in a discussion and I mentioned the square bore gun thought to be too immoral and unethical to use on christians... Any links to the threads is all I need... Brent
  8. H

    Dog/'Yote Hybrids... How?

    Here is how I feel about the whole thing... First off, there will be more yote sires to dog gyps. Especially an alpha male... He will just slip over a fence and visit the heating gyp while out huntin' etc. These can be of any look and may not be recognized as coy dogs if they look more like...
  9. H

    'Yotes... Only seek out the weak? Rather than move the pics... Here is the link to a thread in a local huntin' fishin forum... RIGHT FINE 10 POINT IN VELVET. The yotes work him down right on a game cam. Why is there not massive consumption evident? Thrill...
  10. H

    Operation "Anything for a buck" NW Fla... Well see what the ATF can accomplish right after they get caught with their hands in the cookie jar? 8 months ago this operation began... Since they weren't brought on board to make for increased gun laws and restrictions...
  11. H

    Game Changer! Crew served no more! In the above little ditty you will find the excellent application of Unauthorized use of the noodle bowl to solve a problem... Took what was a weapon requiring an "ammo toter" (military calls him a bearer) and solved the...
  12. H

    Would you take this shot...???

    It is barely daylight but legal hours... Opening day morn... So you look out of the window of your blind and see a legal buck... little spike but legal... He is exactly at 100 feet known distance... He is eatin' corn from the feeder you have had out over a year... (legal in Fla.) All you have...
  13. H

    SBR Air Rifle? NOT A JOKE!

    First I will qualify my question... I am not a kid wanting a tacticool toy... I am a 43 year old guy with a true niche to fill. I need this to dispatch trapped animals. My Gamo 1,000 fps air rifle is plenty powerful for this. I don't like the idea of buying a pistol when I already have this...
  14. H

    Florida Law. Toy Gun NOT A Weapon WOW... So does this mean individuals who fire a real gun at the person with the toy gun are still able to feel "fear for life or of GBH" even though he is holding a non-weapon? Or is your fear now not warranted because it...
  15. H

    SUB 6 pound gun!!! They do RECOIL!!!

    This 5100 with plastic stocks and 20 inch 20 gauge barrels tips the scales at a svelte 5.85 pounds!!!:eek: No wonder my shoulder don't like the second shot so much!:D And missing the round screw hole cover ain't helpin' none I am sure!!! I will be getting real wood and a nice recoil pad for it...
  16. H

    SXS Straight Grip Or Pistol Grip Wood Stock???

    Well I been perusin' (window shoppin') the site okie posted... I have my choice of a straight grip or pistol grip configuration... I really love the look of a straight grip stock but I have only shot one gun with it in my life and that was grampa's mdl. 94 winchester rifle. Since I am vastly...
  17. H

    My '53 Stevens 5100 20 Gauge...

    Well it turns out the 20 gauge 20" barrels are lightly troubled with some light rust patches in the bores... The outer finish looks pretty dern good in the ol' patina aspect. Frame seems to be the colorful process. Overall it looks like the last shooting owner didn't own a tooth brush to set...
  18. H

    Ol' Steven's 20 SXS Tacticool!

    Feller is askin' $100 obo so I think tomorrow mornin' I will be gettin' hold of it... Already fully rigged as a tactical weapon... Well... My sort of "tactical" anywho... Has that cheezy nylon woodgrain "first generation" synthetic furniture and ever-thang!:D Brent
  19. H

    More Terror Against Hunting Related Businesses! This thread is more obviously directly related to hunting... The firms being attacked at an alarming rate are fur buyers of furs from wild critters. They are also targeting game ranches releasing the rightfully...
  20. H

    Animal rights freak gets minimum sentence

    :mad: Seems this Walter Bond feller who is an admitted terrorist only got the minmum of 5 years even after theis speech to the judge... He faces more charges yet and it is expected he will get at least 5 more years if he gets the minimum...