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  1. H

    Guided rifle shooting scope? Now this will make a shooter out of anyone it appears... well... anyone who has the bucks for one... Brent
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    RIP Bob Munden

    I didn't see anything posted about this yet so here goes... Seems the shooting world has lost another of the great and colorful personalities... Brent
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    Bright Bullet Hole Targets???

    Slipped my mind... What is the more generic term for the targets that have a bright color that appears around the bullet hole? What are some of the brands... I cannot believe I couldn't tell my dad either when he mentioned seeing them in use...:o Brent
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    Florida AG Bondi Fights Against Gun Rights...

    What does she think she is going to accomplish if she wins this? With nearly or just over ONE MILLION current active concealed weapons permits, I think she is just looking to isolate herself from those who 2A embracing voters... Florida AG Bondi fights against gun rights...
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    AR "Build" Sheet Accurate, Serviceable, Affordable parts...

    Not the farkles and skittles add on items... Just the required items to build the actual rifle... In .223 i would like to help some buddies realize we can put together an equal or better AR than the ones on the shelf at walmart... Upper, Lower, action, trigger group, barrel, and stocks... That...
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    Florida has no caliber minimum for deer???

    Seems I remember that the reg used to state "Centerfire cartridge must be .240 or larger" making the .243 the smallest readily available common cartridge for florida big game... Now I can only find that the cartridge for deer must be "centerfire" so it would seem the AR platform in basic .223...
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    A couple pretty guns gonna see some daylight...

    A fella I know of from a semi-local fishin' community forum (but he lives in Oh. and vacations here) cracked open the gun safe to free a couple queens... A Bennelli "Competition" and a Browning Gold Hunter, both gorgeous in the pics, are hitting the market... Thought of you folks as neither of...
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    Black Hog Down... $$$ gone too...

    Junior loaded a young curr and my ol' bulldog gyp, Deadly and went hoggin' with a buddy... Juniors little 7-8 month old curr pup bayed up... Found out what a warrior pig can do as this was only his second pig and the first was no mean joker... He ended up gettin' gut hooked... Told the EVD...
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    RIA Officer's VS. XD .40-45

    Out of the box running condition? Weight? I get 26 ounces for the XD but is this an empty gun? Mag or no Mag? From searches, I find 2+ pounds for the RIA... is their weight with or without ammo? With or without mag? Could be the deal maker/breaker for me right there... Brent
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    Unorthodox Carry Idea???

    For many reasons I have professed to not be real able to come up with a method to carry concealed... One thing is I just refuse to wear untucked shirts... Another is IWB is just not a comfortable option with a tight belt and no natural cushion... Another is I prefer a meaty pistol in a larger...
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    Domestic Violence Adjudication Witheld???

    Seems in Fl. a person who was sentenced as "Adjudication Withheld" for Misdemeanor DV can apply for CCW after 3 years has passed since end of all obligations such as probation. So is there such a stipulation for purchasing from an FFL dealer using the 4473 form? If not, than is it just a ban...
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    "Stolen Valor" Struck Down...

    Deemed unconstitutional due to 1st amendment civil right... While I am venomously against those who claim "service" they did not contribute... I guess that pesky, broad, 1A...
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    Real world predator defense...

    So we always have a run of bear or other predator attack threads and it is always the same ol' song and dance... Handgun or long gun... Rifle or Shotgun... Shot or Slug... Chest or Head shot... Lemme ask you this and this alone... Can you use any of these proficiently under the most heated...
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    32 Ideal

    Anyone know history of this round? Or is "Ideal" the brand... Head stamp calls it a 32 Ideal... Brent
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    Friday Feral Field Lion DOWN!!! Called in... NO PICS...

    *DISCLAIMER... I NO LONGER POST PICS OF MY "CAT KILLS" SINCE SOME THINK IT IS CRUEL TO PROTECT MY STATE'S NATURAL RESOURCES!!! Well Friday I had been out to the farm my dad is on and had struck out bassin'... We shot a few tubes of .22lr thru my Winchester 190 (round-a-bout acquired from a...
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    Winchester 190 Unique Action?

    I had noted and was fond of the larger gap 'tween barrel and mag tube. I have cleaned it fully and it wasn't until reassembly the second time that I realized why the tube was lower... This thing is built like a "tube loaded box mag" semi-auto .22... The top of the trigger group contains the...
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    Did The Trade... Win. 190 .22

    Well I decided to trade my ol' cheap Savage MKII for this old 190... It was grungy as all get out as expected and did a quickie clean... Need to re-up on chemicals. So far 5 mags full and nary a failure to feed... My ol' Savage was the $99 one sold at walmart 10+/- years ago... Had a crack in...
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    Ye' Ol' hogdogs Turkey-Shoot Folly....

    Not turkey huntin'... A couple years ago during "fall turkey shoot season" I was at one put on weekly by a local hunt club... I use my cyl. bore 18 inch 20g m-500 so I ain't there to bring home a bunch of hams... But this one night I had shot one round and bought into round 2... In the mean...
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    Win 190 .22 trade option...

    Well an ol' viet nam era buddy of mine got a winchester 190 and I think it is a neat enuff little joker... I own a 10 year old or so Savage Mark II .22 bolt action. Mine has a $40 air rifle scope which I will be leaving on as buddy needs a scope and mine is on and zeroed. I rarely use my...
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    Foam for gun case... Where to find...

    Dad wants to build a custom box for his Henry .22 Carbine he just got... Asked me where to find the black egg crate foam found in hard cases... Brent