Your GUN RELATED forums user name!


New member
"Pax" is the Latin word for peace. It's my username because it fit several purposes.

1) It helps me remember to be more of a peacemaker online than I really am by nature. No reason to go around offending and annoying people unnecessarily!

2) It reminds me that without armed citizens fully prepared to use force in defense of themselves and their communities, no nation experiences peace for very long. The purpose of personal weapons isn't to make war. It's to ensure peace.

3) It reminds me of my roots, and sometimes sends my thoughts toward one of my favorite Bible verses: "And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." A big part of why I carry a gun is a very personal and very positive statement about the value of positive emotions including peace, love, and joy in my life. If possible, as long as it depends on me, I will live at peace with everyone around me -- loving life, loving my neighbors, joyfully embracing every new experience, loving where I am and what I'm doing. And if peace isn't possible? I will do whatever it takes to get back to that place, because a peace-filled, joy-filled, love-filled life is valuable and worth defending.


44 AMP

I suppose I'm a bore, but at least I'm a big bore!

Hint, its got nothing to do with electricity!:D
Although I do get a "charge" out of shooting them!

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
I used my real name or initials on gun forums as I have a professional identity used in research and I wanted to refer to that.

On hobby stuff - I can use a silly name.


New member
Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time.
If I'd have thought it through (too many letters to type) and could change?

Something like yours, sevens.

Mine would be 'nine'.
My favorite point and what I always set the dice for.


8MM Mauser

New member
At the time I signed up I was obsessed with old Mausers. Now-a-days I shoot more of the 8MM little brother: the 9MM Luger.


New member
I like a lot of these. I really like the deep explanation Pax offered. I can only imagine the face of some rabid anti-gunner attempting to counter that... and failing.

I will laugh at Moderator Glenn, who did precisely what will exactly get this thread locked, but then... he's a moderator. So... I guess we can do all kinds of bad stuff as long as he's doing it also! :p My name is also not at all related to guns. I wasn't going to post that, it's not on-topic afterall... :D It's a carryover name from another version of me elsewhere.

SauerGrapes is a fantastic one. It's names exactly like that which brought the idea for this thread. There's a guy posting here named Colt.46 and that one makes me chuckle also. Maybe he'll pop in to this thread.

But there's a zillion more, we'll just have to see who shows up.


New member
My first gun was a locked-breech semiauto, but honestly I just chose it because I wanted a generic username to use across a few gun forums.


New member
Hmmm, let's see if this works.

globemaster3.... Because she was my baby, and the only aircraft I concealed and open carried on for quite a few years, before Big Blue took away my awesome office with a view for a desk on the AMC staff... Despite my sincerest protestations.... I just wanted to go to Elmendorf, continue flying, shoot a caribou, bear, and moose.... Oh well!

Flew C-141s prior to that, but it was pre 9-11, so we never carried.

Now I'm flying armed reconnaissance..... Go figure....


New member
Because I am ... lefteye dominant and shoot long guns and bows lefthanded. With the exception of opening the driver side door from the driver's seat, I can't do much else with my left hand.


New member
The short answer is I'm an erstwhile auto mechanic turned shop owner going on a total of 21 years. My love of guns goes along with my love of mechanical things. I love the history and development of firearms, ammunition and the things they are strapped, screwed or glued to(I.e. WWII planes) and can't get enough. Revolvers? SURE! Semi-auto? WHY NOT? Vintage anything? CAN I TOUCH IT? :)

Tucker 1371

New member
Tucker is the name my friends call me and 1371 is my MOS in the Corps, Combat Engineer. We're not grunts but we do plenty of gunning right alongside them.


New member
On other boards I have gone as Henry Bowman, lead character in the book Unintended Consequences by John Ross. Here and several other boards I go by my trademark Armorer-at-Law to indicate my association of the firearms industry and (intellectual property) law.