Your favorite movie weapon?


New member
I'm dating myself with my nomination:
Day of the Jackal
The custom made sniper rifle that fit into a cane.
Looking fwd to hearing about your favorite "movie weapon".

50 shooter

New member
Has to be the backpack mini gun that Jesse Ventura had in the first Predator movie. Just think how badass it would ne to have that on your back!


New member
SciFi: Pulse rifles in Aliens, in reality built on Thompson frames, with 12ga pump shotgun action under the "pulse gun" main barrel.

Non SciFi: Indiana Jones' 1917 S&W from Raiders of the Lost Ark, since I just loved that scene.


New member
My favorite not so realistic gun is the double Desert Eagle from The Green Hornet.

For more normal guns it has to be the Beretta 92 that is in many movies but it really caught my eye in The Boondock Saints. When I saw it in that movie I had to have one. I love it....

Funny thing is that I was just reading on IMFDB that in some scenes the double Desert Eagle is just a Beretta 92 with a slide on each side of the 92's slide.


New member
Jack Bauer's HK USP9! It has capacity measured in crap tons. Magazines are obviously light enough to carry 30 or more. It becomes accurate as a death ray if you close one eye. And, when empty, it's polymer frame will knock someone out faster than slamming them over the head with a fire extinguisher!