Your favorite book


New member
All time best: The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever- Stephen R Donaldson

and everything Clancy wrote....



New member
I read Hemingway for his irony, his ethic, his search for true adventure, and his clean prose. I read Tolkien for his vast imaginative structure of settings and characters, and for his command of the English language. I can spend hours with one of R. L. Wilson's books on Colts, Winchesters, Rugers, or Berettas. The Bible (New International Version) is a limitless source of comfort and inspiration.

But the book I've read more often than any other is Conrad's Heart of Darkness. I've never figured out exactly what I find so compelling about this horrific journey into the heart of a continent and the heart of a man. The solution to its mystery is always just beyond my grasp--and maybe that's part of its appeal to me.


New member
There are too many to have a favorite.

However, there are books which have had a noticable impact. The book which first made an impact was a short story titled: Revolt on Alpha C. It made clear to me that you should do the right thing no matter what may come and even if it means going against your own blood. That was in fifth grade.

The bible for the truth it holds. Both religious and secular.

And lastly, while not being a life changing experience, a recent book which was very entertaining and disturbing at the same time. One of those books that takes a while to get over, and that doesn't hardly ever happen to me. That one is titled: The Descent, by Jeff Long. Powerful stuff.


New member
Atlas Shrugged is the best book I've ever read. I lingered over every sentence, but was careful to only read 2 hrs a night so as to not get burned out.

I really liked Unintended Consequences and read it straight through! The sex pages were some of the worst I've ever read... Maybe #8 on my list

*I enjoy reading TRUE history in the words of the people who were there:

The Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson,....... 1930. Reprinted from 1682 version. Mary was the wife of the
Minister of Lancaster, Mass. On Feb 10, 1675, most in her community were killed by the Indians in a raid and she, along with 23 other women
and children were then kidnapped and held hostage for 15 horrible months. The book is her diary.

The Defiant; A true story . I really liked this book. About 5 times in the book I was enlightened about something I had never thought of. I
also really like history books that don't have a strong bias or are re-written to make you think history was different. The author is the
main character, it is based on his diary written as a 14 year old Jewish boy in Poland from 1939 to 1946. Far different from the books that just
try to enlighten you to the horrors.
Enlightenments to watch for and ponder: 1) It wasn't just Hitler who hated Jews. There were Germans, Russians, Polish in the city, Polish in
the farmland. 2) Poland was split in half with Russia taking half. The people were suddenly under socialism. The penalty for practicing
capitalism was up to life in a work camp. Despite that, EVERYONE practiced capitalism. Kids, Grandmas, everyone. Quite the indictment
against socialism.
3) You really can live out a winter up to 30 below zero without food or supplies. 4) The family ALWAYS failed to grasp the situation &
ALWAYS reacted at the last possible hour. BE AWARE! ACT!

Armed & Female was very good.

Timeline was one of the best novels I read last year.


New member
What a great thread!

As a managing librarian in a large public library system, one of my areas of responsibility is collection development. Thanks for taking the time to list your favorites. You can bet I'll keep a copy of these postings in my file & where there are gaps in the collection, I'll do my best to see they get filled. Especially grateful for the gun-related titles.