You might be a hardcore reloader if...


New member
I have 2 new guns that have not eaten any filthy factory loads.

a Colt 1991 with almost a case through it. and the same for an Anaconda.


New member
When you store different varieties of tea in brightly-colored, used-up IMR powder cans;

When you set up your portable reloading bench on the dining-room table;

When you measure your fiancee-to-be's ring finger with a Lyman caliper;

When you lose more than 1 girlfriend over your preference for Cartridges of the World above her feminine charms before bedtime;

When you look down at people "buying factory" as if they were chubby The-Far-Side-like kids eating pre-made jelly-rolls;

When you use a string of WWII-vintage cordite as a bookmark;

When you look at your Rock Chucker press, then look at yourself and, patting yourself on the back, utter proudly: "there's one who don't cut corners!"

....Need to say more?


New member
I haven't actually bought storebought ammo(not counting 22 lr) in about 15 years. Anyone know how to reload 22LR? I can't get the damn primers to come out.


New member
Hey fellas, Looks like we have enough people to start a "Reloaders Anonymous"! LOL.

Best of luck....Cag


New member
I believe this qualifies

I sat down and figured out a way to reload 7.62 Nagant using the berdan primed russian brass, reaming it to accept standard large pistol primers and using 3 different sets of dies that I already had on hand.


New member
That reminds me:

Tolltime's post got me to thinking of when I had about a 100 pieces of 9 mm brass (S&B I think) with the flash holes too small to let the decapping pin pass through. So I punched the primers out with a thined down nail and drilled the flash holes to a normal diameter. Then I thought about how cheap 9 mm brass was and how long it took to do 100 cases. Reflexive frugality is a strange thing.


New member
You know you're hardcore when the tech support guys at Hodgdon, Alliant, and Accurate know you by first name!

Or you dream about loads.


New member
Until my son was old enough to go to deer camp and actually see everyone else's gear, he did not know that ammo came in anything other than the plastic boxes with the peel and stick decals containing hand written load data.


New member
I got some brass from a guy at the range. I didn't know federal had switched to those nice boxes with deer on the front. What happened to the old red and white boxes? When did they do that?

Joe Portale

New member
You might be a hardcore reloader if....

Every room in the house has a reloading book, a new container of powder (that you may or may not use), or little piles of brass.

And my all time new record that made me question my sanity,

Sit in the rloading room, tumbling, decapping and sizing, triming and sorting 4,000 pieces of .223 brass for reloading in three days. Because you just picked up a case of 55g SPBT and are getting the shakes seeing the case sitting in the reloading room.

If you know what 55g SPBT means.

And this one is actually true, your wife goes to a gunshow and buys you a case of loaded .223, 45ACP and 9mm hoping she can get you out of the reloading room to see what you look like.

Then when you get the cases of ammo the first thing you do is check to see if it boxer or berdan.

If you ever figured out a way to reload a berdan case using a boxer primer.