You Don't Know, But I have a CCW


New member
I've been carrying since the mid 80's, and many people I've known from that time have yet to pick up on the fact that I do carry.

The entire point to CCW is to conceal it for when needed. If other's know you carry, then you sort of defeat the point of having an ace in the hole should you need it.


New member
I'm "Pro Life," mine! The only business you have if I'm toting my roscoe is if you're a BG and your on the receiving end.


New member
I don't Open Carry much but anybody who has the right to OC in their state should OC if that is what they want to do. I don't think OCing is showing off. But CCing and constantly announcing it, is showing off. He's saying "Look at me". Open carrying isn't showing off unless someone acts much in the same way. If they keep talking about their gun to anyone & everyone, they are saying "look at me".


What I don't agree with are the general statements that everyone who open carries are "tools"
Not only are such sweeping statements inevitably false, they are also insulting.

Insults qualify as flaming/personal attacks whether they are directed at an entire subset of the TFL membership or just one member and as such are against the TFL rules.

So let's have no more of it.

There are reasons for and against OC and for and against CC. Both have advantages and disadvantages. It's not too much to ask that the discussion focus on that aspect of the matter at hand instead of speculating about or making sweeping assertions about what kind of people choose one or the other.