You Don't Know, But I have a CCW

C Philip

New member
I agree, announcing it just makes you sound like an immature braggart. If you want people to notice your gun just open carry (where legal) and be a polite representative of the gun community when/if someone asks you about it. Pointing out that you have something of value is a bad practice all around.


New member
Magnum Wheel Man,
(Oh... I hate those hot air balloonists... they are screwing up the Ozone, & confusing the honey bees )...
Us Hot Air Balloonist mess with cattle and horses, not the little honey bees -lol.

Seriously when I'm carrying the last thing I ever want to advertise it that I'm walking around with a gun on my side. YOu think the ladies that wear fur coats get hatrassed, try telling somebody in a Target or Macy's, or Costco store that you're carrying and see what happens. Cop's are way too trigger happy lately.


New member
Beats me too. I keep my pie hole shut when I carry, it's really none of their business anyway.


New member
Why they do it is a ridiculous desire for attention. Wanting to be seen as important and/or tough. I want to be the one that is not seen and ignored. Attention means you are a target. It is sad, but you can't fix stupid without experience with some. I have no desire to have people know that I am carrying no matter where I am at the moment.


New member
I guess I don't much care what other people do in the way of carry.

Carry open, carry concealed, keep quiet, or announce it to the world.

I do what i want within the law, and will allow them the same. When I open carry, I don't care if people notice or not; if I don't want them to notice, then I conceal it. Seems pretty plain to me.

Pardon me if I'm not impressed when they announce it. They're probably a new CCW'er, and are proud of their newfound abilities..



New member
Restaurant manager asked me once if I was carrying,,,

I think maybe someone got a peek and said something.

I thought about being a smart-ass but changed my tactic,,,
I asked him why he would ask me that question,,,
He said he just wanted to know if I was,,,
I asked him why he wanted to know.

He eventually gave up and let me eat my meal in peace.

There were no signs at the door,,,
I was very polite when I answered with questions,,,
The only person I will ever admit the deed to is a policeman.

That's only because it's the law.



New member
I take a certain amount of pride in the fact that I never got my CCW permit. I do not need it because I have a very good understanding of what my rights are as an American. (I have been lucky so far! 20+ years!)

It's great to live somewhere safe enough to not feel the need to carry. I have had the true privilege of living in Fort Collins and Denver and have spent much time in the lovely city of CO Springs, and I can honestly say I never once feared for my safety.

Unfortunately, Dallas is not so kind a place as the aforementioned cities in Colorado.


New member
"I've seen bumper stickers that say something similar: "This Truck Protected by Smith & Wesson". Might as well say "Free Gun in the Glove Box"."


Generally, we try to refrain from admitting to willfully breaking laws here at TFL, especially those that could turn out to be a felony. -- Staff.

So am I to assume that the board is not pro Constitution, but rather PC?
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New member
It is beyond me as to why people want to announce they have a concealed weapon on them. At a farm supply store two days ago, a guy was talking loudly about the concealed handgun he carries.

Can't really answer the question WHY. However, we're around people all the time who can't wait to share personal information with others. Without doubt, much of what people share amounts to bragging.

Many a criminal has "confessed" crimes to their cell mates. Many have gone to jail after bragging to friends about what they did.

Most of us have felt the burning desire to share things of a personal nature with others, and may have regretted it if we did.

Maybe there's a psychologist on the board who can answer the question. Hey, I mean a REAL one.:D


New member
I hear it all the time in the gun store I work in, I don't care nor do I let it ruin my day where I would go home and make a thread about it. Maybe I am just around it too much and carry concealed myself, but its pretty easy to pick out most carries, if not the slight bulge than the way they act or habits they have, not to mention clothing or accessories they might have (fanny pack is dead give away.)

It's actually a game I play with myself when I am bored at work or anywhere and public, trying to figure out who has a gun.:rolleyes: I think sheeple would be shocked if they knew how many concealed firearms they come in contact with on a daily basis.


New member
My tuckable holsters conceal very well. Everything but the belt clip. When I carry in that manor, should someone ask what the clip is for, I tell them "What I have in my pants is none of your business". That usually shuts them up, especially the ladies!

Uncle Buck

New member
...nor do I let it ruin my day where I would go home and make a thread about it.

Believe me, it did not ruin my day. I posted about it because I do not understand the thinking behind it.

Maybe some of the guys are correct, it is a macho thing. Somehow they believe they are showing off and impressing others. I guess I could understand if they were all young people, but I have seen people my age and older do the same thing.


New member
It's great to live somewhere safe enough to not feel the need to carry. I have had the true privilege of living in Fort Collins and Denver and have spent much time in the lovely city of CO Springs, and I can honestly say I never once feared for my safety.

Don't kid yourself. On the one hand, there's no doubt that some places are "safer" than others; lots of places much safer. On the other hand, many of the horror stories concerning mutiple murders have occured in the very "safest" of environs, including schools, churches, workplaces, national parks, military bases, restaurants, the home office of the Discovery t.v. network, to name a few. We can't pick and choose a place or setting where some madman, hell-bent on killing innocent people, will strike next. The time and place are of his choosing, not ours. One has to decide whether to carry or not accordingly. I happen to be fortunate enough to live in one of the "safest" communities in the world. I opt to carry.

Regarding the question of who should know I'm carrying, I'm of the strong opinion that if I should ever have to draw a pistol in self-defense, there are two people who should be the most surprised persons on earth to see my gun: the assailant and the guy who's with me.

One possible liability of letting my companion(s) know that I'm toting is that a potential confrontation might be escalated that could otherwise have been avoided, simply because said companion(s) felt "braver" owing to the fact they knew their friend was armed. There's no downside to keeping them ignorant.


New member
Its macho stupidity. They are irresponsible people who think firearms as people have stated, make them tough. They want to let people know because they think they are a bad dude and not to be trifled with. Really all it says is "Im stupid and I don't need to read the laws, people will think Im so cool." Thats what I believe,IMO. When really the person is an idiot who other CCW permit holders laugh at as they stay incognito listening to him ;). Laughing as we think about the prospect of advertising our firearm. Thats true about safer areas, I would still be concerned, there are BG's everywhere. There is no such thing as saftey, only the illusion of it. So my 45 stays with me :).


New member
I find myself discussing CCW a lot... but I am a gun shop employee and with new comers to the CCW world they generally have a lot of questions. I don't mind discussing what I carry or how I carry, to me it is customer service.

I can see your point in folks just standing around BSing about how they are toting guns.

When I talk about it its strictly to help the customer understand options, or finding the right firearm to fit them.


New member
Thats perfectly understandable. You are in a gun shop and giving people advice. I had someone show me his Sig 232 after he started discussing firearms with me in line at Dunkins'. I was carrying my 1911 but didnt say a word and no one knew. I talked to him a bit more and got my coffee and left. I wanted to get away from him, what he did could have been considered brandishing, I think. He lifted his shirt to expose the full 380, other people defintley saw it but no words.


New member
Telling people you know under controlled circumstances is one thing.
Public announcements to strangers is not wise.

As for thinking you can pick out people carrying, maybe in some areas where it is common, accepted and no big deal. Where I live, I guarantee you will not pick out people carrying concealed because it is EXTREMELY uncommon and citizens and cops alike will not know how to handle the situation if it is called to their attention. Folks carrying are DAMN SURE certain to keep it way under wraps. The potential downside and inconvenience of being spotted are too great to be careless.

It really is not difficult to hide well.

Discussing CCW in a gunshop is one thing. Telling peple in a gunshop that you personally ccw is foolish. Many unsavory types come into gunshops. I know the owner of one of the top gunshops in my state and the number of felons who get busted for trying to buy ammo and guns in his shop totals in the hundreds each year. No doubt, there are others who come in as shills to buy for the smarter felons. Telling strangers in a gun shop anything about your personal gun a habits is not wise. You are taking customer service too far.