You Don't Know, But I have a CCW

Uncle Buck

New member
It is beyond me as to why people want to announce they have a concealed weapon on them. At a farm supply store two days ago, a guy was talking loudly about the concealed handgun he carries.

At Walmart, a guy announced at the gun counter "I have a concealed pistol on me right now, I bet you can not even notice it." I asked him if it was concealed, why would we notice it and why in the hell would he tell everyone about it? What is the purpose of carrying concealed?

The whole purpose of "concealed" is to hide; withdraw or remove from observation; cover or keep from sight.

If I wanted everyone to know I was carrying, I would open carry. (I do sometimes open carry.)

What in the heck are people thinking?


New member
I don't get it either. I was at a local pizza place and saw a guy wearing a skin tight t-shirt pulled over the snubbie that was on his belt. It didn't even cover the whole thing and there is no open carry in NY. They should give a test for carry permits that includes the definition of "concealed".


Active member
I wish I had something else to add to this, but I happen to agree 100% with Uncle Buck on this.


New member
I don't run around announcing it, but I don't try to keep it some deep dark secret, either. If someone asks, or it comes up in conversation, I don't try to hide it either. I also carry a wallet, a pocket knife and a cell phone. Most of the time they're all concealed too.
come on BUCK... newbies are always proud / bragging of their acomplishments... just like that "being paranoid" that everyone can see your gun, when you 1st start... I bet both go away with time... as we mature, either emotionally, or as a gun owner...


Guns attract retards like lights attract moths. Spend some time on if you have any doubt that this it the TRUTH.

You could have a 500 page thread if everyone contributed their stupid people with guns stories.


New member
I can guarantee that there are people.... criminals who would shoot first if they knew a potential victim was carrying. I say this knowing someone who darn near died as a result. I don't want anyone to know I'm carrying until they see the muzzle flash. Hoping it will never come to that of course.


New member
Judging a large community of people by monitoring a bulletin board is a lousy method of judging. Most bulletin board activity is done by a tiny minority of people.


Active member
Why not just get a name badge that says Hello my name is________ AND I'M PACKIN!

I've seen bumper stickers that say something similar: "This Truck Protected by Smith & Wesson". Might as well say "Free Gun in the Glove Box".


I think that a lot of it is the pride that comes from knowing that you are 'clean enough' to be granted this so-called privilege. Everyone wants to be a good guy and law abiding and being granted the permission (sic) to makes one a bonafide good guy right? Or so it would seem.

I take a certain amount of pride in the fact that I never got my CCW permit. I do not need it because I have a very good understanding of what my rights are as an American. (I have been lucky so far! 20+ years!)


New member
What in the heck are people thinking?

I don't know, maybe they want every one to know how powerful they think they are?

In my opinion, concealed means concealed. No one should know that I'm carrying.
I'm not a fan of bumper stickers either... there is ALWAYS a nut case that hates whatever you may like doing... ( Oh... I hate labs... I'm a "cat guy" so I'm goin to key your car, because my poor kitty got chased by a lab last week... ) (Oh... I hate those hot air balloonists... they are screwing up the Ozone, & confusing the honey bees )... :rolleyes: you get the eye deer...

last thing I'd stick on my truck is a gun friendly bumper sticker... not even an NRA sticker... doesn't mean I'm not pro gun, or pro NRA... just have an eversion to getting "scum bag" etc. keyed into my paint


New member
I don't run around announcing it, but I don't try to keep it some deep dark secret, either. If someone asks, or it comes up in conversation, I don't try to hide it either. I also carry a wallet, a pocket knife and a cell phone. Most of the time they're all concealed too.

This is my feeling as well.
I actually want everyone that I know and care about to CC. So, my wife and I look for opportunities to share, encourage and educate people about CC.

This approach as allowed us to see many, many people we come in contact with on a regular basis, go from and uneducated, ignorant AG's to competent, educated and trained CC'ers.

One example of this is our chiropractor. We have seen his "entire" office ALL go from non-gun or anti-gun, to an office where everyone now CC's.

Imagine that, by just being willing to share, an entire office (doctor and STAFF) now all CC. This is just one example. We have seen a LOT of others over the last couple of years.

Our chiropractor has in turn converted some of his patients over to CC and has brought them to our club for training.
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New member
I just have to learn at the school of hard knocks. Nothing good can come from telling someone that you have a CWP. After having two guns stolen out of my vechicle no more NRA bumper stickers. I generally get it after a mistake or two.


New member
What in the heck are people thinking?

Obviously they aren't!:mad:

To give up whatever precious advantage you might have by carrying concealed by running off your mouth is purely stupid. But it does make one the "center of attention" when one broadcasts it and I suspect that is the goal - to momentarily be the center of attention.
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New member
It is a bit odd. I had a guy show me his S&W MP40c and a little 25ACP at my gun store. I checked them out but it was a quick on so he put them away. I dont want someone to know I have a firearm, thats why its concealed. If this guy tells people in a crowded area he could get jumped and robbed. Some of you have already pointed it out.