WWII- what weapon would you choose?


New member
WWII and don't know what theater or battle conditions I might be facing - and I may (or may not) be tromping around a lot?....I'll bet on a lot of tromping and potentially a lot of shooting = M1 carbine. Also, If I'm "lost and alone" (you don't say, but could be part of the possible scenario) I'm not likely going to be trying to pop off longer range rounds (Garand) looking for attention and trouble but dealing with close in "survival" situations, where rapid controlled fire with lots of capacity may be more important. I'm aware of the downsides of the cartridge and format, but with "unknown conditions" ahead, the ability toalso carry much more roundage on you might factor in.


New member
M1 as my battle rifle and grease gun as my side arm. Wonderful combo. I used the m16-greasegun combo in the gulf-round 1. To be honest, I weilded the greasegun more-esp at night......wonder if that says something????:rolleyes:


New member
I always thought would be Kick ass to be back in the revolutionary war with like a Ar-15 are even a M16. One guy with a 5 gallon ammo can could take out a whole army. Specially if they where in those pretty neat little lines. One mag, one row. If they had that back then I bet we wouldnt be speakin English now, wed be speaking American.

If you were to time travel why would you take a marginal rifle with you? Better off with an FN-FAL


New member
The ppsh 43 I had in SE Asia was 9MM....

It was either modified or scratch built by the VC (which they did not too infrequently).

The PPS43 I am looking at right now is in 7.62x25. Just an FYI, there is no such thing as 'PPSH 43'. The 'Sh' signifies the designer - Shpagin. The 'S' in PPS is for Sudeyev.

Here is a neat little cahrt showing differences between the Russian SMG's.



New member
The 1903A4 Springfield is more my style. Plenty of ammo, in a kick butt caliber.

I'd leave the room clearing to my buddies with the proper arms. War is a team sport, after all.

And if it was human wave attacks, my weapon of choice would be a radio.


New member
I would definetly go with the M1 Garand with the 1911 as a back up. I could use the Garand for all of the stuff out in the open, and use the 1911 for close in work such as house clearing. I think a 1903A4 would be a good option as well though.
I would go with the Carbine, several full 15 rd mags, 4-5 boxes of ammo and 4 grenades. And hope I was in a squad with fellers toting Garands and many grenades, rifle and hand.


New member
WEll heck if weight is not an issue, then a bazooka for hardened targets, a BAR for fire supression and LMG purposes, a Garand for personal rifle, a carbine and a Thompson to back it up, and a 45 as a backup backup. Then a wheelbarrow to haul it all around in. Man I suppose that some folks will tell you what it is like to hump around a heavy pack and a rifle all day and day in and week out and never fire a shot. Not like you would be fighting every day for years or something. But the gear gets heavy. Would like a survey of how many rounds an actual infantryman fired in combat over the period. Like, some fired a few hundred, possibly, and there are some that might have never fired at the enemy, but they all had to drag around all that gear. Still think the BIG G is the best answer. If you could scrounge a sidearm, fine, as insurance, but you might not ever fire that too. Not many folks got in pistol fights I don't think. Thats why they are so notable.