WWII- what weapon would you choose?


New member
Great topic!
Europe=Bar or M-1
Pacific=Thompson or M-2

PS. The PPSH on Call of Duty rocks! I love tearing up my brothers on multiplayer.

Blue Duck

New member
In Europe, I would probably choose the M1 Grand, but in the Pacific I think I would rather have a Winchester Model 12 trenchgun, and of course a 1911 for backup, espacally in the Pacific theater.

However if I thought I was strong enough to pack it, I would give the BAR serious consideration over the M1 Grand.


New member
I always thought would be Kick ass to be back in the revolutionary war with like a Ar-15 are even a M16. One guy with a 5 gallon ammo can could take out a whole army. Specially if they where in those pretty neat little lines. One mag, one row. If they had that back then I bet we wouldnt be speakin English now, wed be speaking American.


New member
Garand and 1911. I do like the Tommy-gun and the M-1 Carbine but consider weight and range to be potential issues with the Thompson and I only like the Carbine if I can have modern soft point or hollow point ammo.


New member
If they had the M2 Carbine in WWII thats what I would choose. Or the BAR. Both ends of the spectrum, but I love both. And I've heard smaller guys could hump it with the BAR better than the bigger guys. So I guess I could handle the BAR just fine. The Garand is great but I prefer detachable mag.


Now I seem to recall that the M2 wasn't available until Korea; only the M1 in WWII; anyone know?

I must say, if the M2 wasn't available, I change my vote to the MP44/StG44 for the Pacific/Phillipines, if I don't have to use American weapons.

44 AMP

Decisions, decisions....

USS Washington? Iowa? Missouri? etc.

OK, uh...Republic P-47 (less range than the P-51 but tougher, and more heavily armed)

M26 Pershing .....ok, ok

Personal weapons, the 1911A1, of course, but for a long gun, hmmm...

The old guy I am today would want a lighter weapon, but I am reminded of a story told to me as a youngster by a man who was there.

He was a SeeBee (CB) he was part of a crew building an airstrip on some "green hell in the South Pacific", and he and a few others had been pinned down for about an hour by a sniper in a palm tree. They had M1 carbines, and shot at the sniper, who hid behind the tree. He hadn't hit anybody yet, but it was a matter of time, and they couldn't get him with the light carbines. After what he said was a looong time, a Marine BAR gunner came by and asked if they had a problem. A Japanese bullet ricochets off the bulldozer. "He's in that ******* tree!" The BAR man leaned into it, and fired off about half a "clip". Jap rifle falls to the ground. No problem!

So, if I were a young man, I would choose the BAR. And I would leave the house clearing to somebody else. Or, use the 1911A1 for that.


New member
As a regular grunt I would take a M1 carbine for it's ease of carry / handeling and good comprimise for situations where I wish I had a pistol. Keep in mind while this is all hypothetical 1911's were not given out quite like candy and it took minor to moderate working over of the system to get one unless you had a few stripes or were an officer.

For a desginated marksman role I'd take the M1 but again only for this use. Honestly for avarage use I'd accept the carbines advantages despite it's limitations

Urban or close quarters ... Tompson or treanch gun....

sneaky pete

New member
? PPsh 41 or 43 ?

Sneaky here: Wern"t those '41s and'43s Russian Sub-Guns using the 7.62x25 bullet ?? I guess about as good as the Schmeiser,Sten or Grease-gun --Oh I forgot A Chi-Com "Human Wave" attack circa-Korea.


New member
Make mine a Bren. Extremely reliable, accurate for a spray gun, few moving parts including the clips which have no spring to break. The weight of the ammo is the only drawback.

Whoop! I like the BREN, but I wouldnt want to carry it around. You think the ammo is heavy? Try the gun itself! Not something you want to be carrying for any length of time (not me at least). I'll take it to the range but I'm amazed at how the guys carried this thing around all day.

I would go for Suomi M31. Give me lots of Drums and a few back up mags and I'm good to go. To keep commonality of ammunition, I'd go for Browning P35.

I like the idea of a 9mm platform since I will be able to find ammo from enemy in Europe. If I'm in Pacific theater I am stuck anyway, but this way I can bring lots of ammo. Although if it were pacific I would be tempted by M3A1 Grease Gun since they are so rugged and less succeptible to the elements.

PPS43 1100 RPM? Closer to 650-750. Still very nice, but no ability to use drum. And its not 'airborne', it just has a folding stock - like M3 Grease Gun or MP38/MP40.


New member

Something accurate, that ammunition is always available for, that I can maintain myself, that's ergonomic, that's no heavier than necessary, that has utter reliability, that's adaptable to a bayonet if I need one, hmmmmmm......

OHHH, I know!!:p :rolleyes: :p

An M-1 Garand!:D