Would you mind if I invite some MM's to discuss?

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus

OK, get this. I can hardly believe it myself.

Unamused broke New York's gun laws yesterday. She and a friend of hers are now felons because they broke a gun law they didn't know existed. Now, the day before we found out for sure that she had broken the law, she stated that she was sure everything was "legit" and that if it were not, she would want her friend to "get in trouble." (She put that in quotes, too.) I asked her if she really wanted her friend to go to prison for a few years for breaking a nonsensical law that neither of them knew existed (and they still don't know if he's going to break that law or not, though I now doubt it.)

She said I was "taking an extreme example" of something that would never happen. Well, now it's tomorrow, and it happened. And she still says it's no big deal. She even says she still doesn't want or need to know anything about gun safety because "guns will never be part of my life." She was so scared she thought she wouldn't be able to write her paper or sleep, and neither of them had any idea even how to check whether the gun was loaded (which didn't stop them from taking it out of the case and handling it.) Well, that's what she thought the day before yesterday, too, and then guns became part of her life. Now that the gun has moved on in her friend's trunk, she's back to denial.

I don't know what could ever change a mind like that.


New member

for some reason i imagine when 'unamused' discovered her friend had a gun her first response was 'REally??! let me see it! is it loaded? here let me look down the barrel and into the chambers. point that thing in my face so i can get a good look."

this is the same person who said that rapists, murderers, thieves, or anyone who threatens you shouldnt deserve to die for putting someone elses life in danger. the same one who said she would rather have her future kids be exposed to pornography than firearms.
she also said that "i dont think anything bad will happen to me or any crime so i dont need anything to protect me." and if she were attacked she'd never want an armed citizen to stop it since she would 'rather be raped than be shot by accident."


New member
Found it. Been there.
I, too, could not believe that story about the gun in unamused's apartment in New York City, of all places!! Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.... And they were sure that everything was done right. Yes, maybe, right up to the point when the gun hit the city limits.

Mike Weber

New member
Now there is a thread over there brought up by one of the Germans involving a game where the players dress up as vampires sometimes carrying swords and daggers. The game is played late at night and in the wee hours of the morning. The object of the game is for the player Vampire, to stalk a total stranger on the steet for five minutes. They complain that this game would be far too dangerous to play here in the states with all those evil guns in circulation. What would you do if you found yourself being stalked on the street by a vampire clad weirdo at 3:00 am who was armed with a sword?:rolleyes: Don, Cosmoline,Spacemanspiff,DrJones, you guys are doing great over there. I've been posting the link to the MM site around the different shooting boards.:D
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New member
Well, I was going to create a new topic on this but I guess the points I was going to raise are all covered here so I can happily post my thoughts here without creating needless duplication.

Yes, I was asked to come here by Drjones to gain a new perspective on gun laws and crime. Yes, I am European but no matter what the previous posters may have done or given the impression of I am not another troll. I just wish to gain knowledge. I trust I have not given the impression that I am here just to cause trouble.

Now, to my points and my requests.

First. I see a lot of posts here about European trolls, we are not ALL like that. Drjones has every right to ask people over and I respect his request to invite me. I also feel that a few more 'antis' as you refer to us, would help the debabte. I think the idea of individual invites is a good one, and for the most part I don't doubt that anyone invited, if they show, will respect both your rules and opinions.

Second, a request. I see you don't like the way the board is moderated. Also fine, you have the right to your opinion. But remember Mike Moore's ideals are free speech. It can lead to problems and those problems are being addressed. So that you know I am a member of the moderating team over at MMBB under another name of course. And we do take such matters seriously.

We have received complaints about some of the trolls and abuse that is going on there. However I would like to ask that any of you who are posting over there respect the freedom of expression and try to restrict your posts to opinions and the subject in hand.

By all means report such attacks on yourself to us and we will be happy to deal with the matter, we understand that this is by no means one way traffic, I only ask that you restrict your own words. Referring to people who don't agree with you as sheeple and the like isn't my idea of a resonable debate either.

I am not pointing fingers here, just a general request and I also understand that some of the more 'colourful' attacks on the anti-gun posters are not from any member here.

And BTW, this message is a personal one. Not prompted by anyone from the MMBB site. This is my personal opinion.

Lastly, thank you for the respect you have shown to my own opinions without resorting to personal attack.



Mike Weber

New member
I've read your posts here and on the MM board and I'm quite sure that no one here considers you a Troll. BTW although I am a member here I didn't link to the MM forum from here I found the link on another forum. In regard to the name calling and personal attacks over there several of us have discussed this issue on a thread over there. Most have decided not to lower ourselves to that level. In the past 24 hours I have seen two death threats on that forum, I might add that they weren't posted by anyone on the progun side of the issue. I am myself a forum moderater and admin on a couple of other forums and I will say that on the forums that I moderate this type of abusive language and personel attacks would not be tolerated.
Welcome Joey & Arleth. Intelligent and polite discourse is always welcomed here at TFL.

BTW Joey, I've been to Murfeesborough on a chance visit and saw the battlefield and Fort Rosenkrans. Since it was a chance visit, I didn't stop into the PD to see a buddy of mine. Had I done planning, I would have realized that Barrett Firearms (makers of the 50 cal rifle) is there and he could have walked me into the plant.


New member
Mike Webber,

My thanks and can you point me to the threads on death threats. Unfortuantely we are understaffed at MMBB on the mod front(something that is being adressed I hasten to add) and miss some of the more hateful posts. Death threats are DEFINITELY something we do not allow.

Which is why I ask for you all to let me know if you spot something so we can take action. After all, if we accept your input into the debate, we also accept that you also get your fair share of abuse from less reasoned posters unfortunately. :rolleyes:

I apologise for them, it seems they are endemic to the internet environment.



Mike Weber

New member
I left a PM for you over on the MM forum with the details of the two postings and the threads involved with them.
Thanks Mike


New member
Well, I read all the stuff posted in this thread so far, and I have to admit I know about as much as I did before. Frankly I have never heard of this michael moore. The gist as I see it is that there are a lot of nut cases there, posting inflamatory remarks about subjects they are ill equipped to discuss.

This assessment might be wrong, but I don't find the subject interesting enough to go to the site and look.
I think it would be best to just leave well enough alone, and let them go at it in their house, and NOT invite any of them here.

Joey G

New member
BTW Joey, I've been to Murfeesborough on a chance visit and saw the battlefield and Fort Rosenkrans. Since it was a chance visit, I didn't stop into the PD to see a buddy of mine. Had I done planning, I would have realized that Barrett Firearms (makers of the 50 cal rifle) is there and he could have walked me into the plant.
Yeah, the Barrett is made right here in my town. There is a local indoor gun range here that has one on display. Very impressive firearm. Wish I had one, along with the budget to feed it. :)