Would you mind if I invite some MM's to discuss?


New member
Euro-trolls, Million Moms, Mental Midgets, and Michael Moore's!

Fellow TFLers, prepare to defend yourselves!


New member
That's the problem - using past examples, there is little reasonable debate. It's just blanket statements followed by fingers in ears while make 'nyah nyah nyah' sounds.

I like visiting here. I like conversing with basically like-minded people while still being able to debate our differences in a reasonable manner. Bringing more 'true believers' over here won't enhance the site, the experience, and it won't change anybody's mind about anything.

The mods do a pretty good job of stomping on 'pure' trolls, but I don't see the benefit of inviting over more people who won't be reasonable, refuse to listen to logic, and say the grass is blue and the sky is green. We'll just end up with a bunch of regular TFL'ers sighing that the board they enjoy has become populated with the very people they came here to get away from.


New member
Well, I already invited Arleth over, and he's been well-recieved.

I just sent a pm to a miss "unamused" so if she shows up, play nice.

You are judged by the company you keep. I keep my reputation spotless, thank you. :cool:


New member
I'm always in favor of reasoned debate. I'm in favor of the free exchange of ideas. As long as they aren't just a bunch of flaming trolls (and, in return, we don't just start flaming them), I say welcome.


PS of course, I'm the guy who just engaged in an nice little rhetorical dogfight with Pre-B 75 in a very public dust-up, but it ended well. ;)

PPS What was the reason for most of the Euros being banned/locked? Were they not abiding by posting rules, or what?


New member
Oh, and just wanted to add that I did decide against posting a new thread there inviting everyone and anyone to come over here.

I'm only going to invite those I consider worthy over, one at a time...

Mike Weber

New member
I was just over to their site, I found a link over on the SASS wire. Over on their Bowling for Columbine Board if we get many more shooting threads going we might just hijack their own board. I was glad to see so many familiar names over there. On some of the threads I was reading if it weren't for the occaisional antigun troll rearing their ugly head, I would have sworn that I was on a regular shooting board.

Armando B

New member
That was me who posted it on the SASS wire! :)

Apparently, Michael Moore himself will be piping in soon to "counter all the misinformation". Whether it is really him or not, I can't wait to see the fireworks!


Mike Weber

New member
:D Gottcha Knuckles:
This is Fightin Creek Slim from the wire. I've been so busy reading threads over there that I haven't posted anything yet. I've also been going around spreading links to that site around to the other shooting forums. I think that it would be a real hoot to hijack an antigun forum and take it away from the anti's From the looks of things we've just about done this over there.:rolleyes: I'm sure that the bunch of antigunners and Euro Communists over there never expected to be invaded by gunowners and Second Amendment Activists.:D


New member
Where is this forum? The only one I can find restricts comments to actual dues-paying members of MMM (isn't that mind-broadening?).

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Fine with me, but I predict trouble. There's no moderation over there and the kind of personal attacks we don't allow here are the norm. I see much wailing and beating of breasts about the First Amendment and how the Gun Nuts only care about the 2nd Amendment.


New member
OK, I deleted it. Will try not to let the basic realities of life with the mentally unstable interfere with our sensibilities. :rolleyes:


New member
If they are coming with an open mind, I don't see a problem. If they are not coming with an open mind I see a lot of flame wars coming.

Joey G

New member
Hi Guys!

I came over here from michaelmoore.com, after seeing quite a few posts from people saying they were from another board called TFL. After a little Googling (had no idea what TFL stood for), I was led here to thefiringline.com.

I am sure this had the opposite effect Mr. Moore intended, as I'm an avid shooter and had no idea this place existed until I started sifting through all that crap on the Bowling For Columbine forum.

Anyways, I just wanted to say hello. Now if you will excuse me, It looks like I have about three years worth of old posts to catch up on. I'm looking for info on a 10mm to carry (just took the TN CCW class last week) and it looks like there is lots of info to go through.

Thanks Mike! ;)


New member
Welcome, Joey! And thanks, too, for doing some reading prior to posting the "what gun should I carry" question again. The search function here can be great, though sometimes it is hard to find the right search terms to turn up the info you need.

Hmm, Unintended Consequences for Mr. Moore, indeed.


New member
Welcome Joey!

You'll like it here. Great bunch of people, and more firearm knowledge and expertise crammed into one place than you'll find anywhere else in the world.