Would you mind if I invite some MM's to discuss?


New member
Hey all. I've got a dirty secret to confess: I've been spending 'most all my time the last few days at that michael moore forum. :eek:

Trying desperately to educate people and combat the stupidity, but it is too tough.

Would anyone mind if I invited them to check us out?

I will make sure to post our rules there too....



New member
Why not, there aren't nearly enought troll feeding frenzies going on around here right now.... [/sarcasm]


New member
Do we have a handle on our eurotrolls yet?

Imagine having a mouse problem and then discovering a horde of roaches in the basement! :eek:

Scott Conklin

New member
You bring the Michael Moore sheep and I'll bring the mental trancendants from Phlog. After a few days the Mods can dispose of the lot and things'll be back to normal...or whatever passes for that with this crew. :D


New member
In all seriousness, Drjones, I respect the good fight that you and others are undertaking over on their forum, but I get tired of seeing the troll fights floating around here.

Ultimately it is your decision to make, but I think you will have more impact changing their minds by doing it on their turf than you will by inviting them here. If they come here they will likely feel overwhelmed and outnumbered.


New member
Joneys, ya gotta do what ya gotta do. ;)

As for me, I'd make a distinction between the educable ones, the teachable ones and the ones who just sit in the corner drooling and masturbating. Maybe only invite the educable ones? :rolleyes:

Armando B

New member
I just went and joined and dropped my "Racist Roots of Gun Control".

I don't know if I'll get back there again (I"m working on my dissertation), so someone else take the ball and run with it.



New member
I think its best to bring the 'fight' to their turf rather than inviting them here.

You don't see President George W Bush keeping the borders unguarded so that illegal aliens can just waltz on in, now do you?


New member
i think that enough of them arent even willing to abide by the posting rules of MM's boards that they would just cause havoc here.

i keep reporting the abusers to their mods, hee hee! i'm so evil.

i'd invite a few by pm, but not a wide open invitation to all of them. besides, i havent found a fence sitter among them yet. they are all convinced they are in the right.


New member
I don't see a lot of point in inviting them here. Several of us have gone over there to preach the gospel. The infidel simply will not listen to the truth. And we have enough trolls already.


New member
Perhaps going over there is a better idea. Lets keep our thing, our thing.

I'm going to check out the MM site.


New member
1) You don't have to attend every arugment you're inivted to.
2) Never engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed person.


New member

Again, do what you gotta do, so long as Rich doesn't close us down. :)

That said, if I wanted to hear that kinda bitter bleating, I'd go watch Oprah or something...


Pat Bateman

New member
I thought MMs meant Million Moms, but whatever, no, leave them over there. I've visited, and been polite, which I must say several of them have been, too, but invite them here, and we'll get a troll invasion, since that's pretty much the only tactic they have, lacking in facts...