Would you give up your guns?


New member
i remember when i was in the fifth grade our teacher explained all of the constitution to us even the second ammendment in detail and what it
realy ment but when i was a sophmore in high school the only thing they didnt go into detail was the second ammendment all my teacher said was "then their's the second ammendment,you know my right to keep and bear arms" and he was the only teacher that ever said anything about the second ammendment when i was in high school to think about it none of my teachers said anything about the second ammendmant exept those two teachers.:eek: man thats realy depresing:(


New member
I may be late to the thread, but here is my view

I may be late to posting on this thread, but here is my view. There is morality and then there is legality. Just because something is legal doesn't mean it is moral. Just because something is moral, doesn't mean it is legal. If one limits their mind to just what our elected officials legally allow us, we are no better than weak-minded subjects with no spirit or will.

I have learned more about what is in the hearts and minds of all of you thread posters on this one topic than I have while lurking on so many others. I can say I am both impressed and disgusted by the viewpoints of various board members. I won't say who has done which, but those who believe in liberty and freedom know whom is whom.

I have no moral obligation to conform to something that I feel to be in opposition to my natural rights. I may feign compliance, but I will never submit. Just as one doesn't go for the toughest part of a game animal to penetrate to bring it down during a hunt, one who wishes to resist should also not necessarily attack on equal terms one's enemy. Asymetrical and atypical, contrary action to the soft underbelly is more effective. One should learn what freedom fighters and resistance group members did in history to fight against an enemy with superior firepower and numbers. In the battle there are no honorable rules of engagement. You go for the jugular and the weak point and exploit it.


New member
but what other choice do we have

Someone far more eloquent than I could ever wish to be put it like this:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security


New member
The silence from the member officers is deafening, although I don't fault them for trying to avoid this.

Just found the thread and read this, so I'll bite

I like the idea posted by one of the other LEOs here. I'll hear the order and go "confiscate" anything that people will turn in.

If that's not good enough for the superiors, oh well, I can always find another job. And I'll be sure to give them back my service weapon(s) before I leave, assuming they were issued to me and not personally purchased.


I would turn in dud-ified ammo identical to local issue along with whatever junk guns were going out to the cops.


New member
Thanks Blackwater OPS

I've been chasing a bunch of conspiracy theories around for a while now and I must say this thread and the video have finally congealed my thinking. The root of the situation is money (surprise). Since no government can do anything without money the banks rule the world. The banks are doing nothing more than providing themselves with the appropriate environment in which to prosper. So, there is no conspiracy! it's right out in the open for all to see. Governments are just a sideshow. Notice how in the video it was stated that both the Democrat and Republican gov'ts had illegally wiretapped? Yep, forget red, blue, right, left, republican, democrat they're all just the tools of the worlds most powerful banks to set in place conditions that allow the banks to prosper. They're an organic bureaucracy, nothing evil about them, they don't do it to spite you it's just business.:) My theory is that if the Democrats had been in power for the last two terms, nothing would be very different. The masters have their plan and that's what is being executed now. we are merely chaff to feed the machine either by paying taxes or fighting a war for them. How simple the world has just become. Really.


New member
And now some input from me...

+100 jcoiii Every time I hear or read those words I get chills just thinking about it, I hear their words echoing through my head. I agree very much that if this situation were to happen to me, I'd comply and join a resistance group later. I'd gather a group together and fight back politically, and if all else fails by force. My family fought a war almost 35 years ago against Pakistan, and if things here got that bad I'd follow in their footsteps for my new home. To those who said they'd fight and die on the spot, though I understand your feelings as to why, it's foolish to fight and stand alone. Don't forget you will have less effect in causing change if you die alone, the media may depict you as a mere criminal and you will have done nothing. Not only that, but I'd rather get my loved ones to safety first and then go about fighting back if it came right down to it. Bigger stones create bigger ripples, it's always best to gather together, organize and then move. I just hope that when the time comes (or has it come already) that everyone will be able to do their part in order to defend liberty against tyranny BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC!!


P.S: ebd10 said
4. Gun owners have been successfully marginalized in society. It is now more acceptable to be an adulterer than it is to own a gun.
That just makes my blood boil!!:mad: Are we such a society of selfish bigots that we no longer know how to love and care for someone, and that even most minute problem is grounds for divorce? What a shame, I for one intend to marry the person I'm in love with, and the feeling is mutual, till death do us part!!


New member
People should establish a cache of arms and ammo within the home, hidden well (within walls or between floors etc…). When the cops come in you have a display of kitchen knives and ball bats to show them as your defense tools of choice. Unless these guys are using chainsaws, metal detectors and x-ray as part of the search strategy, it is possible to protect your arms. Also, why let the cops in your house? Do they have a warrant? Don’t consent to search.

Ever hear of doctrine of competing harms / doctrine of necessity? The doctrine suggests that it is legal to break the law in cases where following the law may cause more human harm or injury. As far as I am concerned, this doctrine can be applied here. Especially considering the 2nd amendment and the fact you are in your home. A reasonable person could conclude that being unarmed in a city without law and order and where it is known that criminals are taking advantage of the situation at hand, the lawful homeowner has reason to fear for their life, even more so if unarmed.

I find this situation disturbing, appalling and disgraceful. But you know what, the citizens re-elected that F****** P.O.S. Nagin. So as far as I am concerned, regarding New Orleans, they can reap what they sew! :mad:


New member
I suppose I'm just continuing to learn that there are many in our society (not referring to this board or any posters, just in general) who will not fight for ideas.

The idea of liberty and freedom is great, but it's certainly not worth starting a war over (right Israel?). I mean after all, it's just a couple of soldiers who were kidnapped. And our forefathers.... was it really that bad? Weren't they just being asked to pay for the services they were receiving? I mean, sure you had to put up soldiers at your own cost, but isn't that reasonable? As a principle, no, but practically, was it really that bad?

Fighting for ideas just doesn't seem that important anymore, it seems to me:(


New member
Ask someone who lives in New York if they would give up their guns because it does happen! Husband has a registered pistol collection and dies, wife doesn't have a permit. Cops show up and ask for the guns. They think they have the right to show up and confiscate your personal property up there and they do it.

Whatcha gonna do when they come for you!


New member
If the government started going door to door confiscating guns, and I had enough warning, I'd probably try to hide mine. But aside from all that, I just don't think a full blown gun ban would ever be possible in this country. To put it as simply as possible, the only way to enforce a gun ban is at gun point. There are always going to be gun and ammo manufacturers, which means there will always be a market, even if it is a black market - and a black market can be extremely hard to stomp out. Look at the war on drugs as an example. Illicit substances are as illegal as illegal can be, and have been for 40 years or more (depending on the substance). Yet the drug market is still strong today and there are no signs that it is going away anytime soon.


New member
Don't forget the reloaders...

I know a few, if there was an ammo ban would I really panic? Somewhat, but I'd definately go to my friend who's dad reloads all the time.
