Would you give up your guns?


New member
I hope you are right cause I DO like my guns. I'm just not so sure I want to get that comfortable with your opinion. I ride a motorcycle as much as I can, they tell me when your not scared of it anymore that's when you get your A$$ killed. That's the way I look at the "gun grabbers" when the pro-gun people let their guard down with an attitude like yours that's when the bastartds will hit us hard!

Mad Martigan

New member
12-34 said:
What happened to all those guns that were confiscated?
Some of them were returned. Some were not.

12-34 said:
Have any of your guns ever been taken by law enforcement or any other government agency for any legitimate reason?
Do you mean any reason as legitimate as....what was the reason for confiscating guns in NO again?


New member
Scare tactics is all it amounts to. As far as Hillary or Kerry taking anyones guns away - never will happen.

Tell that to the good people of NYC, Chicago, MA, CA, NJ, etc. I'm sure 40 years ago someone sitting in a barber shop said the same thing about two different political hacks.


New member
Not Voluntarily

I will not voluntarily surrender my firearms. I am however a firm believer in the principle that says a live dog is more powerful than a dead lion. Keep track of the ones that may be successfully hidden and those likely to be asked for specifically. Remember that concealment can be your friend. I was once burglarized and the thief took a $350 pistol that was inches away from a $3000 rifle. The rifle was well concealed, the pistol unfortunately was not. If you are a law abiding citizen and offer at least token compliance, concealment is more likely to be effective.
At dawn we slept

Scare tactics is all it amounts to. As far as Hillary or Kerry taking anyones guns away - never will happen.
"It can't happen here" thinking is nothing more than denial, and it is dead wrong. It is precisely the kind of thinking that will let it happen.

Let's remember some prime examples of denial -

1: "Japan wouldn't dare to attack on U.S. soil."

2: "The Germans would never hurt the Jews."

3: "Iraq wouldn't dare invade Kuwait."

4: "Middle eastern terrorists will never attack the U.S. mainland."

What do all four have in common? They did in fact happen.

"It can never happen here" is today's equivalent of "At dawn we slept" (referencing the Japanese attack on Hawaii).

Wake up, America!

tony pasley

New member
this was ask several years back in a couple of towns in mass. thier kindly gov't was looking out for thier best interest and coming to pick-up thier stores of weapons. today in schools no longer teach the consistution or the federalist papers that explain so many ideals. now were the founding fathers citizens or criminals? give-up my GOD given rights to man never


The silence from the member officers is deafening, although I don't fault them for trying to avoid this.


New member
Now your willing to give up your arms, regroup, then use force?

Well, I didn't say give up all of them.

Committing suicide is taking your own life, the goal here is to take as many of them with you as possible. Thats less my fellow country men and children have to worry about.

Attacking a group of LEO's/Military by yourself is pretty darn close to suicide. If your lucky you'll take one with you. And then they'll take one.

History has proven your way and thinking is flawed, actually it's that thinking that brought us to this point in the first place.

So guerilla resistance fighting has been proven inefective?


New member
meek we get back to the old debate...who makes the laws under our system of government...the People as a whole within the framework of the USC or the individual?
Yes, Wild who does make the laws? Who made the law that it is a Federal crime to enter a swimming pool which contains more than 3 parts per million of free chlorine? Who exactly made it a Federal crime to fill in a pothole in your back yard without a US Army Corps of Engineering permit? Who made the possession of a single raptor feather a Federal crime? Who made it illegal to rebuild your cattle fence within 40 feet of the centerline of a road you allowed to be cut through your property? Who decided that the use of the (admittedly both impolite and distastful) "Beverly Hills Howdy" gesture was legally equal to assault. Who determined that surgery on your minor child requires your express consent except for one particular procedure we are not allowed to discuss here?

More pertinently, who developed the doctrine of 'duty to retreat' and decided that it applied to free citizens?

Are we going to move into the mainstream or always be looked upon as wild eyed fruitcakes.
Actually I am in the mainstream. What really scared me was the first time I went to the metal detector at the door of a courtroom, handed my pistol to the deputy for safekeeping as usual and had him tell me "Never mind. Thats just for regular folks. Just ignore the alarm and come on in." So what the hell are regular folks? Chopped liver? Or are we assuming that armed common citizens are fruitcakes? Maybe we should only arm the insiders?

What part of "not be infringed" is hard for you to understand?
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New member
by WildAlaska:
I dont know what scares me more, the idea that the government would do such a thing or the fact that there are those out there who beleive they are above the law.
I guess you would have been mighty uncomfortable had you lived in 1776. :rolleyes:


handy ya got a problem with those "laws" you cite, get involved, get elected etc....but it yours and mine that make them.....laws are made, laws can be changed thats what politics is about

I guess you would have been mighty uncomfortable had you lived in 1776

Using that slogan in conjunction with my post is so silly as to not even merit comment.


hot sauce

New member
I think they would ban ammo first ,wait 10 years, and then come for your guns! This is likely how it will go down, if it even does. The government knows how much of a suicide mission this would be for them. If they tried to ban all guns at one time there will be civillian and government blood running down the street! This would mean career suicide for the politician that started it. The government is "smarter" than that. They know what they are up against. Also, where do you start confinscating at city or country? I really do not think it will happen in my lifetime but if it does I would hate to be the one going door to door asking people for their firearms.


New member
I know what guns they know i have, those ones might be given to them, still would have a nice .3006, .270, couple shotys, or maybe if it realy got that bad id just go live in the woods, "alone in the wilderness" is a great movie about a man who moves to alaska tundra and lives alone in the remotest area you can find, sounds like a dream to me :)


New member
Here's the situation as i SEE IT:
1. The government schools have replaced "Civics" with Diversity Training. This means that children get only a cursory lesson in how our government works and what their rights mean.
2. The popular culture has put forth the propaganda that the only people "Professional enough to handle" a firearm is police and military. What was the last movie you saw where someone who was not a SEAL, SF, Ranger, Marine Recon, cop, etc, knew how to handle a firearm?
3. The courts and the alphabet agenciues have been on a long campiagn to eliminate private property rights in this country, with Kelo being only the latest. The video that Blackwater posted shows how far down the road we've been taken; people's private property wasforcibly confiscateer without any due process, and the majority of this country yawned and changed the channel.
4. Gun owners have been successfully marginalized in society. It is now more acceptable to be an adulterer than it is to own a gun.
5. Elected officials have overtly stated that they believe gun owners are a threat to them, thus they work to regulate and control us. Combine this with the fact that the Washington DC/Hollywood elites think that only THEY should have guns while the unwashed masses should be restricted to pointy sticks, and youbegin to see the problem; A huge section of our government believes that they are above the law, so they have no problem seizing our property, guns, children, and oversize toilet tanks because none of it will effect them.

Bottom line: we either start looking for alternatives to the present crop of politicians, or we get ready to fight. Personally, I am too old and out of shape to go hand-to-hand with some armored crewcut that's possibly operating under the effects of fear, stress, adrenaline, caffeine, steroids, or whatever. That's why I write letters, testify before the state legislature, teach others to shoot, and scrutinize my children's education.