Would you give up your guns?

Blackwater OPS

New member
This is not new but it's the first time I have seen this and I don't think it can be talked about enough.


Well for me this is as bad as it gets, these are the good guys doing very bad things. Personally if I got orders to do what is being done in this video, I would refuse them as unlawful. I would much rather have dozens of (fill in the blank, criminals, terrorists, whatever) trying to burn me out of my house than a few of these guys trying to following misguided orders. At least I would not feel any remorse dispatching the BGs.

We need to face facts, this could happen anywhere in the US. LE and Military breaking into your private home to detain you and confiscate all your arms, leaving you defenseless against a lawless enviroment where only criminals have guns. People WERE killed in NO due to these gun confiscations.

So the question is, what would you do?
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I would comply with the law, after all they know what's best for us right? :barf:

Maybe a better question would be:

a: Do you keep all your guns in one place?
b: Would you let them take what they can see?

Having seen / read all the stories about New Orleans in the wake of Katerina, the answer would be "over my dead body!"

Then again, I am not sure that for the safety of my family I would have elected to stayed.

Blackwater OPS

New member
Keep in mind at least some of these folks were trained LEOs with time to search the house while you are cuffed and sitting outside. The way I see it, if you even let them get inside and cuff you, you have to assume your guns are GONE.:eek:


New member
"I never liked the nasty things anyways, so I sold them all at a gun show.

I think one of the guy's names was Bill, if it helps at all, officer."

Evil Monkey

New member
I don't know what to say really.

I mean if your entire neighborhood is armed and organized, then I'd say go ahead and take out "unconstitutional" forces.

If you're by yourself then it would be wise to hide them and bring them out later.

It's situations like this that REALLY test one's patriotism, on both sides.

BTW, this is ANOTHER reason why you should stick to NATO caliber weapons.;)


New member
Their safety! The troops will take the guns away from everyone, including the criminals. Big Brother knows what's best for you!


New member
Cold, dead hands... Nuff said.

Unfortantly you wouldn't be the first who said that. Lots of people ended up floating down the river full of bullet holes. Of course theres not much anyone can do about it. They arrest you and take your guns, and if you resist they shoot you and possibly your family dead too. One man is no match for a large group of trained/semi trained soldiers who can call in grenades, helecopters, tanks, etc unless of course its Chuck Norris.

Evil Monkey

New member
One man is no match for a large group of trained/semi trained soldiers who can call in grenades, helecopters, tanks, etc

That's why it's a good thing to join a militia. I'm not in a militia so I don't know what it's like but a 1,000 heads are better than 1!

Lawyer Daggit

New member
This is a tough question to answer, and the answer given now is not necessarily reflective of what would occur when soldiers appear at your door.

I think if you see a situation arise where confiscation is likely, if you have a number of guns, having a few 'disappear' is probably the way to go- or better still, keep a couple of 'sacrificial lambs' to hand the military when they arrive- thereby avoiding conflict with the military.

It is after all rather difficult to argue your 'rights' when you have an M16 in your face.


Then again, I have a friend who is in the Marines. He was involved in the aftermath.

He told me many stories. One it particular would apply to the, 'yes, take all their guns away from them'. They were helping a family off a roof top, when they suddenly started to take incoming fire. Luckily, the shooters were really bad shots. His crew did not return fire, but according to the rules of engagement, they could have.

He's now 'over there' and has seen less 'action' then he did when he was in New Orleans. Now that's messed up.


New member
The courts have already answered the question. Lousiana has passed a law. So I would say that an LEO who tries to confiscate a weapon there during an emergency would be breaking the law. The only thing that would help would be to put some criminal penalties for law enforcement officers doing such.

If I was a National Guard peson I would have to refuse such an order because it violates the law as established by the court system and passed by the legislature.