Will ammo prices EVER go down again??

I have it on VERY good authority (a drunk who spends most of his time soused on ripple, but behind the local gunshop, so he KNOWS) that prices are going up 817% on Tuesday...


New member
Thanks for the tip Mike. I am in the middle of my 12 hour drive around the state buying up everything I can:p


P.S. Do I have enough? So far I have 10,000 9mm, 2,500 357mag, 7,500 .45acp, 13,000 22lr, and 53,500 rounds of .223:D For a little background, I make $12,000 a year and shoot once every six months.


New member
For a little background, I make $12,000 a year and shoot once every six months.

That's six figures if you count the $ :D

At least you can seem to find ammo these days...it might take a phone call or a bit of leg work, but if you really have to have it, it can be found. At least around here..East TN.


New member
The ammoman, reasonable prices free shipping. Wolf at your door, 28.9 cents a round, three little piggies are extra, but very tasty!