Wild Boar: Ground Work / Tracking, what's your chice for that job?


Staff In Memoriam
pilot, I mention the torso hit as most of us are predisposed to go for the chest vitals. with that mindset most folks aim too high and/or forward of a hog's heart. I was really shocked to find how far down and back their heart is compared to deer etc... also the diaphragm is more forward but really pronounced a bit higher in the torso. Avoiding the sheild but hitting the heart leaves a small target oppurtunity.


New member
I continue to see photos of 350 pound and larger hogs on the internet. Most of those 350 pound and over hogs would not weigh 200 pounds on the hoof. For some reason most of those exaggerated hogs come from Texas.

Been hunting for 60 years. In my lifetime I have tracked and located nearly 150 wounded hogs, deer and elk at the request of other hunters. Many times the hunter claims that the bullet failed. When the animal is located it is usually found to have been gut shot.


New member
Yep, Headshot... Bang---Flop.

Ya know thall.... You're just jealous cause your from Oklahoma.

I kinda agree with hogdogs. Its a small spot that can be difficult to hit. The heart that is... Actually smaller than the head. LOL
But you can place your shot there... or high of the norm dear-heart location... If you hit high from there, you clip the spine and ... Bang---Flop.
If you hit too far back, it's Bang---Flop // and a lot of grunting, and teeth, when you walk up to it.
Good thing its a paraplegic at that point. :D